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Planview Customer Success Center

Issue with a UDF Conditional Property (e.g.: Operator)

On Project entity, we have some UDF fields that have a conditional formula that is used to determine whether a field should appear on the screen.

This special formula is built over the "ProposedPhase" Project's attribute. There's a bunch of UDFs that should be visible to the user only when the Project is in some specific Phase.
The problem we had using the straight "equals" operator is that we can determine the exact value of this field in the screen, as it changes depending on the Project having or not a workflow step assigned to someone. If the Project's ProposedPhase is "04. Planning", and the Project doesn't have any workflow step assigned to anyone, the screen reads "04. Planning", but if the Project contains a workflow step assigned to any user it reads "Planning" (without the number).

Due to this behavior, instead of creating a formula to check straight against "04. Planning" value for the ProposedPhase field, we need to check if it contains the word "Planning".

The problem is that we are not managing to get it to work this way. We tried several different formulas, but none of them are producing the expected result.

We've tried:
[Proposed phase Like %Planning%]
[Proposed phase Like ‘%Planning%’]
[Proposed phase Like *Planning*]

We need to know how this can be achieved. 



Customer based the formula at the beginning state one. If workflow is running, basing a formula on the beginning state will not work.
What users see in the UI would not be what is checked by the UDFs. Conditional formulas check the target workflow state, not the state the workflow is currently in.
It would validate against whatever state the workflow would end up at, if a workflow is in process.

If the project is at “04. Planning” and there is no workflow in process, Conditional formulas would check against “04. Planning”.
If the project is at “04. Planning” and there is a workflow in process, the end state of that workflow is “05. Delivery”. Conditional formulas would check against “05. Delivery”.
If 05 is going to another state (e.g. 06), you could set up the conditionals that hide the field when the state is at 05, and show when the state is at 06. That assumes that 05 transitions to 06.
If workflow would sit at 05, that wouldn’t work.