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Planview Customer Success Center

Resource Group Assignment on Projects

We need to create a task and assign about 400 people to it. Instead of assigning each resource to the task, is there a way to assign a workgroup (which those 400 resources belong to) to the task?

Currently it is not possible to assign a workgroup to a task assignment.

Instead, the user can create a personal group and include these 400 resources in there. This will let the user assign tasks to all resources in that group instead of selecting one resource at a time.
Here are the steps to create a personal group:
1. Click on the Preferences tool bar icon >> Expand the preferred resources section
2. Click Manage Preferred Resources >> Click Personal Groups tab
3. Type the group name and select all resources that need to be added to the group. (Ctrl-click or Shift-click can be used to select multiple resources at the same time)