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Planview Customer Success Center

LogWriter error when Export Publisher runs

When Export Publisher runs, I get the following error. The import works but the export does not.

Error/Warning Messages
The LogWriter has not been set for the Logger static class. Set it invoking the Logger.SetLogWriter method.
at Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging.Logger.Write(LogEntry log)
at Changepoint.IntegrationServices.Shared.Utility.WriteToLog(String message, LoggingCategory category)
at Changepoint.IntegrationServices.Shared.SBMessageSender.Send(String msg, CommunicationChannel channel, Hashtable properties, String subject)
at Changepoint.IntegrationServices.Shared.SBUtility.SendFiletoServiceBus(String xmlDocAsString, String outboundQueue, String sConfigId, String sTransactionId)
at Changepoint.ExportPublishing.EPProcessor.SendCompletedExpPub(String sExpPubScheduleId, String sExpPubDetailsId, Int32 iExportNumber, String sExpPubTopicName, String sConfigId, String sTransactionId)

connection string in the web.config is incorrect.

Recreate the connection string in the web.config for the export publisher.