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Planview Customer Success Center

Progress by Project report (CP2017)


"Progress by Project" Report

What are the formulas used for:

Planned hours
Actual Hours
Remaining Hours
Total Hours


%Complete - When TaskAssignment.ActualHours is greater than zero, the calculated percentage is:
(TaskAssignment.ActualHours/(TaskAssignment.ActualHours + TaskAssignment.RemainingHours)) * 100
When TaskAssignment.ActualHours = 0, then %Completed is 0.

(%Complete) - Is pulled directly from the TaskAssignment.PercentComplete column. This is entered by the user on Task Status dialog.

Forecasted Dates - are for all tasks, and projects. Typically these dates represent the time you may have left on a project.

Remaining Hours - The remaining hours are based on the resource status updates, i.e. forecast remaining hours specified by the resource when doing a status update on the task. This value comes from TaskAssignment.RemainingHours column.

In order for the "Remaining" hours to be properly calculated on the task assignment, the task has to be statused.


Task 1 - planned hours 100, actual hours 0, remaining hours 100, submitted 40 hours.
Task 2 - planned hours 100, actual hours 0, remaining hours 100, submitted 40 hours. & task statused.

On the Report:
Task 1 - planned hours 100, actual hours 40, remaining hours 100
Task 2 - planned hours 100, actual hours 40, remaining hours 60 (as the Task Status was performed and the entered time is considered in calculating the report).

Planned Hours - This value comes from the TaskAssignment.PlannedHours column.

Actual Hours – This value comes from the TaskAssignment.ActualHours column, and is Time that’s been submitted for approval.

Total Hours - (Actual + Remaining)