Customer Relationship Management
- "Billing Office currency" blank in Opportunity Services
- Alternate Name field for contacts (2010)
- Article 1
- Article 2
- Article 3
- Article 4
- Budgeted total for candidates (2010 SP2)
- Candidate/Opportunity Screen: Services tab Not Displaying (2012 SP1)
- Cannot add a new row on the opportunity services (2017)
- Cannot view/access opportunity (2014)
- Can more items from the opportunity entity be added to the Services - Opportunity Analysis view?
- Can one create a contact record to be linked to more than one company record?
- Create Opportunity - "Type" Field empty (2012 SP1)
- Default billing office when creating an opportunity from a customer (2014)
- Different users see same customer category with a different name
- Drop-down arrow missing from "Non-labor item" field in Edit Candidate dialog (2014, 2017)
- Error under Program Management - Candidate Screening
- Fiscal period doesn't show in Opportunity
- Fiscal Year Breakdown section of opportunity profile displays totals only but no fiscal year data for certain opportunities
- How can we deactivate a contact? (2014)
- How does one deactivate an Opportunity Source code field?
- How is Sales Representative drop down list on an Opportunity populated?
- How is the access check on Candidates/Opportunities done?
- How is the FTE calculation done when copying forecast opportunity to the new fiscal period(s)?
- How to add an item to the Opportunity type list?
- How to create a new "Account Type" in the customer treeview? (2014)
- How to edit the field 'Total Cost' in an opportunity service? (2014)
- How to to prevent opportunities from being created for a customer?
- Import Customers (2017)
- Including Opportunity ID in URL querystring (2012 SP2)
- Invalid column error 'History' and 'ClientHistory' when importing Contact and Customer Data
- In Scenario Comparison why the parent request field is not editable and empty?
- Is it possible to hide columns by default in Product Opportunity for all users?
- Is it possible to make the field Opportunity - Winning competitor optional? (2014)
- Is it possible to provide a hyperlink in an email, that when clicked takes the user directly into Changepoint and opens a specific opportunity?
- Is it possible to use 'Prospect' status for the customer and avoid entering a telemarketer?
- Is there a sorting method used in the opportunity allocation worksheet? (2010)
- New opportunity services have 0 as billing rate (2014)
- Not able to edit Candidate Future Periods, over a year
- Opportunity dates are not moved based on revised closed date (2014)
- Opportunity default currency
- Opportunity revenue forecast field is disabled (2012)
- Opportunity Search issues
- Opportunity search result (2012 SP2)
- Opportunity Treeview empty although the resource has "View Opportunities" feature
- Resource Drop-Down Listing Filter on Product Entity
- Save the Candidate Services/Budget (2012 SP2)
- The negotiated rates do not change when the billing role is changed for an opportunity service
- The Opportunity services billing role rate is not updated after creating a new billing office rate and selecting the option "Update unlocked opportunities, for which no outcome has been selected
- The Total Billing Amount (Negotiated Billing Rate x Total Hours) on the Opportunity - Services/Forecast tab is out by .01 cents
- Update values for "Type of Contact" (2010 SP1)
- What are the consequences of archiving customer and then deleting it from Changepoint?
- What conditions prevent the opportunity item dates from being changed based on the close date?
- What is the criteria to determine similar customer names? (2012)
- What is the criteria used by "Open Candidates Only" / "Open Opportunities Only" filter in treeview?
- What is tracked when "Company History" functionality is enabled?
- What value is required for "Allow Engagement" to allow (2012 SP2)
- When creating an opportunity, the user does not see all Billing Offices in the drop down
- When using the Scenario Comparison, the effort and cost are not displaying for candidates (2010 SP2)
- Where to find Client Portal user data in the database?
- Which contacts does the Export Contact functionality export?
- Which table contains the "Outcome Date" field from the Opportunity?
- Why are the opportunity records grayed out in Transfer Records, while it is possible to edit the opportunity and transfer to the same resource?
- Why is the start date of the opportunity service item later than the outcome date and the revised close date?
- Winning competitor (2012 SP2)