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Planview Customer Success Center

Entity based configurable field value is not populated in edit page

A request UDF that is based on the product entity is visible in request profile page, however the value is not populated in the field when the request is edited?

The user needs to set the value of the UDF again and save the request in order to correct this issue.
This issue is observed only on requests that are created via a custom request interface, impacting only a small number of such request.


The UDF code value (which is a Product) is deleted therefore not available in the request edit window.

Click on the link in the request profile page. If “The application has been deleted” message appears that means the request was created (by the custom request interface) with a reference to an already deleted product, or the product was deleted after the creation of the request.


Edit the impacted requests, select a product and save the request to correct the problem.

Make sure that the custom request interface is not creating requests with references to deleted records.