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Planview Customer Success Center

Upload Expense Receipts using mobile CP (CP 2012 SP1)

If I am using CP on mobile device. How do upload receipts for each expense line and share that with expense approver?

Here are the instructions on how to attach receipts to your expenses.

1) Once logged into Changepoint on your mobile, click on Actions > Create Expense
2) Fill in all the required fields and hit Save
3) At this point you have created your Expense and now have the option of taking a picture of your receipt by minimizing Changepoint and opening up your camera APP. Once your picture has been captured and saved onto the phone you can proceed to the next step.
4) On the home page of Changepoint, click on My expenses
5) Click on the new expense you have created
6) On the expense page, click on Actions > Attach file
7) Click Browse and select the image file of your receipt
8) Hit Upload

To view your attachments click on Actions > View Attachment from the expense page.