Intelligent Forms - Known Issues
Invalid formula errors in forms
Invalid formula errors can occur in forms when the browser language is different from the locale set on the server on which Intelligent Forms is installed.
To prevent these errors, you must ensure that DateAdd and Number functions in the form are converted to the server format because the functions are locale aware and use the server locale settings.
For example, the server locale is English - US, and the date format is MM/dd/YYYY (e.g. 09/24/2020). The client browser language is French (France) and the date format is dd/MM/YYYY (e.g. 24/09/2020).
You must convert the incoming date to the US English format before saving the form. You can use the following format function to format the date to English - US:
Format([q1.MyDate], "MM/dd/yyyy")
Important: This format is case-sensitive. For example, if you use "mm" instead of "MM", 0 will be displayed because "mm" is for minutes.
Data in some columns is not exported to Excel
If you are exporting to Excel and the form includes repeating sections, data from the columns that include variables is not exported. To ensure data is exported for those columns, you must ensure that they do not contain variables.
After changing the name for an action, other actions do not work
If you change the name of one of the actions in the Finish, it is important to update the other actions that reference the old name otherwise they will not work.
"Cannot convert NVARCHAR to DECIMAL" error
First, try referencing the question (which stores the non-formatted value), instead of the answer.
If that does not work, use a variable FORMAT([q1],”General Number” to format the Currency field. Otherwise the currency field is saved a NVARCHAR when the value is passed to a stored procedure.
"Cannot convert NVARCHAR to UNIQUEIDENTIFIER" error
If you are using a drop-down and the value is a GUID (configurable field, for example) and the user does not select a value, then NVARCHAR is passed to the stored procedure.
To prevent this error:
- Use a variable and pass-in “00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000”.
- Modify the stored procedure accordingly.
When using Infiniti Manage to define a stored procedure that returns data, there are no display fields to select from.
To define a stored procedure that returns data, you must specify the display field and unique field. However, If the stored procedure has parameters, the display fields are not listed.
To make the display fields appear, you must pass values for the parameters even when the values will not return any records. For example:
CP2009UDF_SearchUdfCodes ('B4059754-D32C-11D2-9AE7-006008A4D883', 'ProjectCode18', 'PROJECT', '48B047E0-517C-4E2B-BB7A-0000915E3E8A')
Error message about invalid parameters when calling a stored procedure that returns data, for example “nvarchar cannot be converted to a uniqueidentifier.”
These errors occur when the stored procedure does not have names for the parameters defined in Infiniti Manage. When you select the filter fields in the Design application, they are sorted by name.
If you know the correct order for the parameters, you simply need to pass them in the correct order in your Data Filter tab.
If you do not know the correct order for the parameters, add a name for them as follows when defining the stored procedure in Infiniti Manage:
CP2009UDF_SearchUdfCodes (@ResourceId = 'B4059754-D32C-11D2-9AE7-006008A4D883', @CodeTypes = 'ProjectCode18', @Entity = 'PROJECT', @EntityId = '48B047E0-517C-4E2B-BB7A-0000915E3E8A')
Intelledox does not support passing a NULL to a stored procedure parameter. Cannot pass a NULL to a stored procedure in the Finish page.
- Create a custom copy of the stored procedure.
- Add default values for the parameters that can be NULL.
- In the Finish, omit passing the parameters. Since they now have a default of NULL they will automatically be defaulted to NULL.
Note: If one or more parameters can be NULL or not null based on logic in your form, then you will have to add conditions to deal with each of the permutations.
Cannot reference a question that is above the current item in Design.
Fixed in Intelledox version 11.1.13
This appears to be an issue only with Design.
You can try to move the sections or pages so that the question is below, and then move them back after you reference the question. If this does not work, try accessing the project using Design App. If using Design App does not work, then you will have to delete and recreate the affected page or section.
When selecting a comparison, such as in Data Filters, the only available choice is Equals.
Fixed in Intelledox version 11.1.13
- In Infiniti Manage, locate the data source and data object that are used by your data source.
- Make sure all the fields listed for filtering are available by moving them to the right using ">>".
A validation error appears when there are default values for the mandatory data.
This issue occurs when there is a tab group that has more than one tab, and one of the tabs has mandatory data with a default value (for example, data from a data source) but the user does not click the tab to display it before going to the next page.
The issue is that Intelledox requires the tab to be loaded to pass the validation.
You could do either of the following:
- Use JavaScript code to simulate the user clicking on each tab individually before going to the next page.
- Add a dummy mandatory field that is blank to the tab to force the user to click the tab.
There are multiple data records with the same display value and the data that corresponds to only one of the data records is displayed regardless of which one is selected.
If a data source returns data in a drop-down that contains the same display value (for example, three customers with name = ACME Solutions) and there is code to display data based on the selected customer, the same data will always be displayed regardless of which of the three customer names is selected.
This is a known issue. Intelledox should be using the Unique field not the Display name to get the associated data.
Make the record unique. For example, you could add a configurable field after the customer name, or you could update those records in Changepoint to make them unique.
You change a label or question in a project, but the previous label or question are displayed.
If this happens, you must delete and recreate the label or question. This issue occurs when the Intelligent Forms form was copied from another form. When a form is copied, the links to the source form remain in the target form, even if you modify the labels.
An Intelligent Form suddenly stops working for no apparent reason.
When you import a project that uses a data source that already exists on the target environment but has a different connection type, the connection type is changed on the target data source and the connection string and passwords are erased.
For example:
- You have a project that uses a Tables data source that has an OLEDB connection type.
- You import the project into another environment that has a Tables data source, but it has an SQLServer connection type.
- During the import, the connection string on the target data source is changed to OLEDB, and the connection string is erased, which prevents the project form from working.
Re-enter and save the passwords for the target data source.
You can prevent this issue from occurring by making sure that all data sources use the same connection type.
You are not able to use a data filter to return data for an empty string.
For example, you want to return records for which the Description is blank.
Create a SQL view and add the condition on the Description field directly to the view. You can add the rest of the conditions either as data filters or hard code them in the view. Note that if you hard code the conditions, they cannot be based on questions from the form.
Default values from a data source that contain line breaks do not display properly in a multiple line text box.
You must use the following formula for the default value:
Resources that are not engagement managers are specified as the engagement manager when they use the “Create Engagement” standard form.
The “Create Engagement” standard form uses the rid for the engagement manager. Since the form is accessed from a section item, the user accessing the form does not need to be an engagement manager but is specified as the engagement manager on the resulting engagement.
- Edit the standard form and add a question where the user can select an engagement manager. For the SQL code, see the attached “GetEngagementManager.sql” file.
- Edit the Finish page to use the engagement manager instead of rid.
You cannot set a default value for a question that is based on the value that is selected for another question.
Fixed in Intelledox version 11.1.13
For example, you have a Yes/No question for which you want the value to be based on the value selected by the user for a different Yes/No question.
This is a known issue for radio button and calendar question types on the current supported version of Intelledox.