- "...funding categories are not selected" error while saving funding source association
- Access Problem after restoring PROD environment to TEST/DEV
- Ajax Error after restarting the server
- Cannot export project worksheet or report into Excel
- Cannot get the request# and description on surveys sent through workflow
- Cannot log into Changepoint / SQL Server connection issue (v2014)
- Cannot sign into Changepoint using Internet Explorer
- Cannot upload knowledge item to an opportunity
- Cannot View Expense Reports in Archive database
- Changepoint Export to excel is producing an HTML file not compatible to Microsoft Viewer
- Clearing a field using the "x" and saving does not delete the value
- Clicking "Apply" and then "Save" does not save changes
- Custom trigger events for automated survey
- Data from the previously displayed record is displayed in the user interface
- Does Changepoint comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
- Do offline expenses work with Macs and tablets or mobile devices? (2012)
- Do users have to change their passwords as soon as the password rules are changed?
- Edge/Chrome version 90: Clicking Back/Previous or Next in entity profiles ends the Changepoint session
- Edit Calendar Entry - How to restrict the list of projects to link to
- Effort doesn't apepar in funding source
- Emails sent to clients about closed requests
- Employee Issue with patched IE 11 environment (2012)
- Enable Surveys
- Error "'asp 0104: 80004005" when adding project to portfolio
- Error message encountered when logging into System Manager (2012 SP1)
- Error message when uploading an attachment within a workflow step
- Error when accessing preferred resources
- File or folder access rights error to tempImages
- Full text search does not return any results despite jobs being active (v2012)
- Full text search in PDF documents does not work (v2014 SP2)
- Having issues after an upgrade or patch instalation
- How can resources get access to the Changepoint Community?
- How is Session time out handled?
- How long is the reset password link valid for?
- How to change the column title for 'effort' in Scenario Comparison? v2014
- How to delete an entire hierarchy of product categories? (v2012)
- How to delete support items?
- How to edit assigned metrics?
- How to edit multiple description fields at the same time?
- How to track changes on fields for which there is no history tracking option
- HTTP error when opening project worksheet, resource management worksheet, scenario comparisons worksheet
- In project worksheet, Ctrl+U no longer copies values into multiple rows
- IPI Metrics are no longer being generated (v2014)
- Is it possible to add a contact in Activity created from Project?
- Is it possible to change the font in emails sent by Changepoint?
- Is it possible to search for accented characters without entering the accents?
- Is it possible to search the team folders in the client portal?
- Is there any export functionality for the Activities list?
- Is there a recommended password locker such as ‘LastPass’ add-on that is compatible with Changepoint?
- Knowledge documents are not visible and not found via search
- Knowledge search with dash does not return expected results
- Leading Zeros on a report while exporting to excel (2012)
- Not able to find newly created Knowledge Base Items
- Open tasks not visible in dropdown list in personal calendar
- Opportunity amounts are multiplied by the probability in Scenario Comparisons (v2014)
- Page cannot be displayed under Reminders
- Performance impact of sending 10000 surveys (2010, 2010 SP1,SP2,SP3)
- Pinned items and recently viewed items do not appear in the Recents list
- PPM_PerformanceMetricCalc_Ref v2014
- Problem to upload an attachment/document
- PSA_PerformanceMetricCalc_Ref v2014
- Question about temp folder for export of surveys v2017
- Receive error creating email notification
- Removing the “Knowledge Item” in the General menu
- Searching the Changepoint documentation
- Security (SSL) Certificate Error
- Some questions are missing in a survey
- Spaces are inserted into field values, for example after an angle bracket (<)
- Survey Expiration Date (2012)
- Survey responses cannot be shown only for a particular project v2014
- Team folder access configuration v2012
- Technical Alert - Chrome Users: Entities remain locked after edit window has been closed
- Temporary password for "Forgot your password?" is invalid
- The header text from a survey displays <BR> instead of a line break
- Time conformance e-mail notifications are not sent to users
- Transport Tool and Billing Office Workgroup access (2010 SP2)
- Unable to select a Category when creating Knowledge Items
- Usage tracking and assessing the performance
- User-defined IDs are not copied when copying engagements and projects
- User is prompted to install Silverlight when it is already installed
- What are the criteria for an activity to be displayed in the activities portlet?
- What are the wild card that can be used for search
- What can cause menu items disappear from an archived environment?
- What database table contains the survey theme?
- What feature gives a user access to the "What If Analysis" under portfolios?
- What is the default column width in Scenarion Comparison?
- What is the limit of the document title in the Knowledge attachment table?
- What is the list of objects that a database user for a survey website needs to access?
- When Email HTML is enable, is it possible to include HTML table(TR, TD) options to customize height, width, border?
- Where is the history for "Hours per day" and "Daily capacity" fields?
- Why is Preferences/Change password enabled when we use SSO
- You cannot navigate anywhere in Changepoint after accessing a custom section