After a reboot of our Changepoint Development servers, the IBM Cognos Service will not start


com.cognos.pogo.util.threads.SafeThread.safeRun( at Caused by: com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLException: The transaction log for database 'ContentStore' is full due to 'LOG_BACKUP'. at com.jnetdirect.jsql.JSQLException.makeFromDatabaseError(


The Transaction log for the 'content store' database is full (or cannot be extended because the SQL server's disk is full)..


Depending on the circumstances, you may have to either:

(a) Ask the I.T. department's SQL DBA to shrink the transaction log or

(b) Free up disk space on the SQL server's hard drive (which stores the transaction log).

Steps: For more details, see separate IBM Technote #1367388.

Long term fix: Ask your I.T. department's SQL administrator (DBA) to implement a scheduled SQL maintenance job, which will automatically backup and truncate the transaction log(s) - typically every night. For more details, see separate IBM Technote #1396973.

Short term workaround: Ask your I.T. department's SQL administrator (DBA) to manually shrink the transaction log(s) for your server's database(s). See below for steps.

PART ONE: Shrinking the Transaction Log (LDF):

1. Logon to the SQL server as an administrator

2. Launch ' SQL Server Management Studio' from the start menu

3. Expand the section 'databases' and locate the relevant database

4. Right-click on the database and choose ' Tasks - Shrink - Files'

5. Change the "File Type" to " Log"

6. Ensure that the option " Release unused space" is selected

7. Click "OK"

PART TWO (Optional): Shrinking the Database file (MDF): After the above process has finished, you can release more unused data by following the steps below. NOTE: Shrinking the ' data' database file ( mdf) can cause slower performance in the database afterwards. One reason for this is that it can cause fragmentation of the indexes (for more details see Microsoft TechNet article linked below). Therefore, shrinking the data should only be done if either: Your SQL server's hard drive is almost full and you desperately need to free space You have recently run a process (for example the one described in Technote #1624409) which has deleted a lot of information in the database, and you wish to reclaim this 'empty' space.

1. Right-click on the database and choose 'Tasks - Shrink - Files'

2. Ensure that the "File Type" is set to " Data"

3. Ensure that the option "Release unused space" is selected

4. Click "OK"

After this has finished (which is typically very quick) perform the following:

1. Right-click on the database and choose 'Tasks - Shrink - Database'

2. Click OK

TIP: This process can take some time.