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Planview Customer Success Center

Batch time and expense approval

When running the Batch time and expense approval report filtering for several departments, the reports says "no records found" but if requested for one department at the time, there are some records populated for most of the departments. How can I have data populate for all departments in one shot?



When the web server sees 500000 bytes of data exceeded, no records will display. Changing this number will increase that threshold and return all the values needed.


  1. On the IIS Server, there is a report you need to edit in the following location: Core/Report/rpBatchTimeAndExpenseAppView.asp
  2. Please search for the following line of code: {var sParam = "ExpenseReportsForCentralApproval<%=mcExRptXSLFile%>XML_ExpRptForCentralApproval500000";xmlExpenses = XMLDOM(sParam, false);xmlAddNodes(xmlExpenses,xmlFilter,"/param");var iRet = cpSPXML("<%=msRid%>",xmlExpenses, myDebug);xmlExpenses = XMLDOM(myDebug.returnText, false);if(iRet == 10)
  3. Please change this line of code: Change 500000 To 800000
  4. Re-run the report