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Planview Customer Success Center

Loading Method Changes in RMW (2012 SP2)

Project Worksheet (PW) and Resource Management Worksheet (RMW) referenced in this article are based on Silverlight technology and are no longer available as of Changepoint 2020

When in the RMW if the loading method is 1 or 2, and any hours are changed for any resources the loading method changes to 0.

If the loading method is automatic and there is a manual entry the loading method will change to reflect that you want manual. If this is not done then the effort entered will be distributed.

There are 5 loading methods on tasks assignments supporting by Changepoint
1. Manual, update planned hours in the past
fiscal period with actual hours
2.  Auto, update
planned hours in the past fiscal period with actual hours, total planned hours updated
3. Auto, update
planned hours in the past fiscal period with actual hours, total planned hours not updated
4. Manual , not update planned hours in the past
fiscal period
5. Auto , not update planned hours in the past
fiscal period

In the RMV when user changes effort in the cell, in order to preserve this effort in Daily buckets auto loading changes to manual
1, 2 - changes to 0 loading method

4 - changes to 3 loading method