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Planview Customer Success Center

How to hide the drop down value Reassigned, which appears in the Status field in Request Workflow Step dialog

It is possible to flag the “Reassigned” status in “WorkflowProcessStepState” table as “Deleted” (i.e. set Deleted field value to 1), for removing this status from the workflow step dialog.

Customers who already use this method did not report any problems. However, this modification is not certified or supported. Should you choose to apply this method, please make sure that this change is tested in your test or development environments before making any modification in the production database.

There are a few rows in the WorkflowProcessStepState table which corresponds to the Reassigned status. Each of them is used for a specific step type. In order to remove the “Reassigned” status option from a Tri-State Approval step, for example, the row with the ShapeCode value “RT” needs to be edited.

Below is a list of other shape codes and their descriptions, in case the Reassigned status need to be removed from another workflow step type, (e.g. Upload step , etc.):

Code Name
------ -------------
APP Action Step
COM Status Step
PRJ Copy Project Step
RT Tri-State Approval Step
UAS User-Driven Survey Step
UPL Upload Step