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Planview Customer Success Center

Time and Expense report does not show time as billable, after switching engagement from unbillable to billable

An engagement and a related project are created initially as non-billable. Actuals are entered on the project later on and the billable status on the engagement is set to "Billable".

Since the option "Allow PM to modify billable status" is not checked, the project and related tasks are automatically set as billable.

Why does the Time and Expense report still show the time and expense as non-billable?


The time entries listed in the report are from before the engagement was set to billable, therefore they show the "billable" status at the moment of the entry, not from the date where the billable status was changed. This behaviour of the report is by design.

The change of the billable status is kept in the TaskHistory table.

Additional notes
In order to see the time and expense entries as "Billable" in the report, follow the steps below:

- on the engagement, check the flag "Allow PM to modify billable status"
- on the project worksheet, set all tasks to non-billalbe and save
- on the project worksheet, set all tasks to billable and save
- run the UpdateTimerate job