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Planview Customer Success Center

E-mail notification from escalation not displaying parameters correctly

I created an e-mail template based on the “Project Team” entity in order to be able to insert some values of the Project Team/Resource Request into the e-mail notification. In the workflow state definition, I created a step with assignment e-mail and selected an E-mail Template. After executing the workflow management job, we receive an E-mail notification from escalation but the values/parameters are not set correctly


Entity based email notifications are part of Email Notification wizard and not meant to be used with in the workflow. Workflow email notifications can typically pass only these parameters: Name, Description and ID

All email templates defined in Changepoint appear in the list up to version 2014 when they were removed to avoid confusion. One default workflow notification template is shipped with Changepoint, but others may be configured using the parameters Name (project name, opportunity name or request number) and Description (project description, opportunity description or request short description) and the entity ID.