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Daptiv and Barometer (SPM) Product Roadmap Webinar
September 29th, 2021 - New Customer Success Center
Agile Portfolio Status Dashboard (D)
Agile Project Status Dashboard (R)
Financial Dashboard (D)
Multi-Currency Accelerator (R)
NPD Accelerator Dashboard (D)
NPD Project Status Dashboard (R)
Power BI Portfolio Status Report (R)
Program Workspace Dashboard (R)
Project Workspace Dashboard (R)
Resource Management Dashboard (D)
Best practices
Improve Report Performance
Process and guidelines for image files format, size, pixels for usage in reports and dashboards
Data Modules
Design and queries
"The queries for the set operation are incompatible" report error
Can I report against Non-Project Work?
Cap Auth ID not in reporting data model
How can I order field differently than the default sort order, to match the PPM UI?
In reports, there is no data past three years ago or after three years in the future
PDF report output is breaking across horizontal pages
Running Report in PDF duplicates data across multiple pages
Status field in report shows as Open when monthly requirement for a Resource Type has been fulfilled
Task Gantt Chart standard report only returns one month per page when run in pdf format
Using relative time functionality with Data Modules
Why do my reports not return values for user with a different language?
Running and scheduling reports
'HTML report output not well formed' error when running a report
'sqlOpenResult' status='-28' Cognos report error
Are burst reports possible?
Can I save report prompt values in a Home view report viewer tile or a PPM dashboard ?
Can you have multiple schedules on a report?
Clicking on a report Gantt Chart causes the Gantt Chart to vanish
Empty report output sent when report is delivered via email
Not Found error when trying to access a drill-through report
Orientation and paper size options ignored when running a report in PDF format, using Run Report With Options / Now
PDF / Excel / CSV / XHTML reports cannot run embedded in a Home view report viewer tile
RSV-CM-0004 error when clicking on a drill-through report link
User credentials are asked for when running a report in Sandbox
Why are commas missing in CSV formatted reports?
Why are my scheduled reports are failing to send, even though the schedule is configured correctly?
Why can't a user without the "Run Reports On All Workspaces" Enterprise permission view their own non-working time in a report?
Why can I not run a report in all output formats?
Why did the schedule creator not receive a failed report notification?
Why does a report view still runs when its owner is an inactive user?
Why I am unable to schedule reports?
Changing Cognos Encoding Method: UTF-16LE to UTF-8
Connecting to the Daptiv Reporting Data Model with OData
Direction and justification are not displayed correctly in PDF
Hiding the Daptiv Standard and Solution Reports folder
How does renaming or deleting a custom field affect reports?
Is it possible to audit report usage?
Is it possible to create a folder which is hidden to all except report authors?
Is there a way to change a report owner?
Error 404 and 500 while Creating the OData Connection to PowerBI
Projects do not appear in reports with Project Start / End date group fields
Project name change and project status history
Project Status Updated By Full Name field in reports blank for some rows
Running and scheduling reports_1
Saving report deletes associated report views
Where does the data item 'Work Entry Comments' pull data from?
Why do I get an error when changing or editing report permissions?
Why do I get a Firewall Security Rejection error when opening Analytics?
Dynamic Applications
DA Templates
Importing/Exporting Data
Cannot upload .url files as documents
Unable to upload password protected office document in docx, xlsx, pptx, etc. formats even when whitelisted
Inline edit view functionality availability for standard applications (Issues, News, Discussions, Polls)
Can't change document owner
Does Daptiv allow for routing of document approvals?
Restrict access to a dynamic application to given users
Template Topic
Why Do I get Must be between Error "-999999999999.9999 and 999999999999.9999" when saving my DA Item?
Enterprise Administration
Customer Views Administration
Gateway timeout error on Global Tab Views
Multi-select custom field filters
How can I go directly to Daptiv via SSO instead of going through my companies SSO portal?
SSO Setup and Configuration
User Administration
Assigned Resources error when removing user from Enterprise
Cannot locate users in Enterprise
Constraint Conflict error when removing user from enterprise
How to remove Workspace 'Edit Profile' functionality for users
How to transfer a Report Author license from one user to another
Impact of Deactivating a User
Insufficient Permission message when adding a user to the Resource Plan
Insufficient permission message when clicking on Project link in Team Manager
Logging Changes to User Accounts
Password Policy updates and changes
Users belonging to multiple enterprise
User is missing from Enterprise Directory
User Report Permissions
Workspace Administration
Can I make edits to a project Template?
Maximum number of custom fields
Native app and workspace field configuration
Workspace Data Recovery Options
Workspace edits not retaining when setting Status to Archived in Admin zone
Access Denied Error When logging in
Locked Account Error Message
Login Credentials Do Not Work even after password reset
Sandbox Password Resets Not Working
Unable to create a new password error message
User has to reset password every time they log in
What time are Timesheet Notifications sent out and can it be changed?
Project Setup and Management
Can I Move Documents between Workspaces?
Creation / Removal
Can I add users to already archived projects?
What happens to allocations once projects are archived?
Why aren't changes to custom fields reflected in archived workspaces?
Can't change the field text option from standard text to long text
Can duplicate names of fields be restricted?
Can I reset the next item number?
Changing Workspace Type
How can I create folders in workspaces?
How do I change a regular workspace that has already been created into a child workspace?
Is it possible to create a mandatory field of Assignee type in a Dynamic Application?
Length of the Project Name field
Modifying phases for a project type
No workspace invitation notifications sent to members when workspace is imported
Projects can only have one top-level or parent project
Project managers with appropriate permission can't restore archived workspaces
Recovering Deleted Tasks or Projects
What are the expected behaviors for existing items if you create new project or application fields?
What are the limitations for multi-select pick lists?
What happens to existing entries for a project when I add, or remove a phase for a project type?
What information is displayed in the Unread Items application and Dashboard pane?
What is the character limit of the hyperlink field?
Why am I not able to import a workspace with a country pre-defined pick list?
Why am I Unable to edit, update, archive, or restore projects?
Why are the default roles for a project creator not updating when changing the name of the project type?
Why cannot I delete a project type?
Why workspace creator and their members don't have the same notification at workspace creation time ?
Import & Export
Can I export Issues to PDF from within a project?
Why am I getting Error when uploading .xlms, xlsm, .docm or .msg files types to Documents?
Why cannot I view the documents that I am uploading to project workspaces?
Why did I get an error when Mapping Yes/No picklist fields when importing tasks list file into Daptiv
Why Updates Notes field is not exporting properly to Excel
Project Management
Can you associate projects to the strategy of the organization?
Does Daptiv include baselines when projects are being imported?
Does the system report actual figures for hours and cost, encumbered and invoiced?
Do you provide milestone summaries?
Do you provide work breakdown structure and definitions?
Do you support execution-level and managerial decision-making?
Do you support intake for proposed projects?
ETC isn't calculating according to the formula provided in help link
How do you track and manage performance of projects?
Is it possible to set a date constrainst at the project level?
Is your system adaptable to handle non-traditional project management methodologies?
Project-level work
Resource being assigned to projects with no project role
Setting date constraints at the project level
Why do I not have the ability to customize roles & additional permissions settings when adding an Enterprise Workgroup in a project?
Why do Total Actual Work Hours on the project Profile Page not match what I see in a report that includes Total Actual Work Hours?
Project Views
Can I print the Gantt chart in color?
Daptiv Error when trying to access workspaces
How to enable users to see all projects in the enterprise
Projects Missing/Not Showing Up in Projects Tab
Viewing all projects on one Gantt Chart
Why Archived workspaces are not displayed in Portfolio?
Why cannot I see my projects in the project pane?
Why do I not have the add task (+) button in the Task Board?
Why do I see duplicate project numbers?
Can I preselect a Project Manager in a Project Request?
Can you configure fields to project request forms?
Custom workspace fields in workspace requests
Difference between reviewer and approver
Do project requests support customized forms?
Do you support a project review and approval process?
How Do I Change the Position of Custom Fields in a Project Request?
Hyperlink text is not a hyperlink in requests
Is it possible to define Planned Start and Finish default values in Project Requests ?
Is there an option to reassign pending project request approvals when an approver is not able to approve?
Request Submitted With Invalid Document Type
Retroactively approving old resource requests
Reverting workspaces back to requests
Users are unable to approve existing Project Requests
What happens in Request tab when a project is created from Project tab?
What is the impact of Adding/Removing Approvers from Project Request Types?
Why am I getting an error when creating a Project Request?
Why am I not able to see project requests in the admin area project list?
Why am I receiving two approval notifications when my project request is approved?
Why am I unable to generate projects from a request?
Why cannot I see all of my project requests in the projects requests tab?
Why do I get a "Page not found" error when submitting a web form?
Why do workspaces I have generated without a request appear in the Requests tab with approval status "Not Required"?
Can I make edits to a Workspace Template?
Can you create folders within the Templates tab?
Do you provide a library for project, program, and portfolio level templates?
Exporting a Daptiv template into MS Project
Type of information used when generating projects from a request and template
Why tasks are not copied in the new workspace when user creates a workspace from a template?
Will deleting an old template effect current projects?
Workgroups aren't showing up in the workspace after being created from a Template
Can I host a web form on SharePoint?
How can I configure attachments to webforms?
Why Pound character is not correctly encoded on Webforms results ?
Workspace Menu
Workspace Status/Health
Are archived and completed projects calculated in Net Capacity?
Auto Health vs manual modification of workspace status
Can project phase be auto updated?
Clicking on the Update Status button leads me to an error message
How can a user edit/delete Project Status Update History entries?
How do I prevent the Auto Health Settings from updating a completed workspace?
If I change tha name of a project, why do I see both names when I use project status history in a report?
Is it possible to edit Project Status Update History Entries?
Parent Workspace Health
Planned Finish vs. Scheduled Finish
Why Disabling phases for a workspace type does not reset the phase values of projects from this workspace type?
Why My project status fields are incorrect ?
Why Schedule Percent Complete in Project Status Doesn't Reflect Accurately?
Resource Management
Does Daptiv calculate resource utilization for individuals and teams?
What happens when you assign a Resource Type to a task?
Timesheets and Time Tracking
Can I add an archived project to my timesheet?
Can I have custom views on Timesheets?
Can I prevent users from entering time against projects they are assigned when tracking time at the project level?
Can I see pending approvers for timesheets that I have already approved?
Can timesheet entries automatically update tasks on project schedule?
How are displayed Timesheets when Timesheet Period Settings 'Time Period' is set to monthly?
How are timesheets created?
How can an Inactive Users' Timesheets be viewed?
How can I have projects be displayed in a user's timesheet when tracking time at the project level?
Pending Approval By for timesheet blank after approval policy changed
What are the URLs to access TTM directly?
What are the different types of comments available in Timesheets?
Why are my scheduled hours different on the Resource Utilization window when I access it from my Timesheet compared to the Team Manager?
Why did Timesheet owner receive two notifications when timesheet is approved?
Why do I get Error "object reference not set to an instance of an object." at submission time?
Why do some decimal values change when entered in the timesheet?
Why is the Timesheets by Worskpace view not including total hours?
Why is the timesheet status closed when approval status is pending?
Why the workspace name column is fixed and no longer wraps in Timesheet?
Outlook Integration
ProjectTransit hanging at login due to a proxy setting
Why am I getting an error when trying to install ProjectTransit?
Why do I get error "The given path's format is not supported"?
Why do I get Error when syncing Project with Project Transit?
Product News
PPM Release Notes
2023 Archive
Daptiv Enhancements for April 2023
Daptiv Enhancements for August 2023
Daptiv Enhancements for July 2023
Daptiv Enhancements for June 2023
Daptiv Enhancements for May 2023
Daptiv Enhancements for February 2024
Daptiv Enhancement for March 2025
2022 Archive
Daptiv Enhancements for April 22
Daptiv Enhancements for April 8
Daptiv Enhancements for August 12
Daptiv Enhancements for February 11
Daptiv Enhancements for February 25
Daptiv Enhancements for January 13
Daptiv Enhancements for January 14
Daptiv Enhancements for January 28
Daptiv Enhancements for July 8
Daptiv Enhancements for June 10
Daptiv Enhancements for March 11
Daptiv Enhancements for March 25
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Daptiv Enhancements for May 6
Daptiv Enhancements for October 14
Daptiv Enhancements for September 9
2021 Archive
Daptiv Enhancements for December 3
Daptiv Enhancements for November 19
Daptiv Enhancements for November 5
Daptiv Enhancements for October 22
Daptiv Enhancements for October 8
Daptiv Enhancements for September 24, 2021
PPM Enhancements for April 23, 2021
PPM Enhancements for April 9, 2021
PPM Enhancements for August 13, 2021
PPM Enhancements for August 27, 2021
PPM Enhancements for February 12, 2021
PPM Enhancements for February 26, 2021
PPM Enhancements for January 29, 2021
PPM Enhancements for January 8, 2021
PPM Enhancements for July 16, 2021
PPM Enhancements for July 2, 2021
PPM Enhancements for July 30, 2021
PPM Enhancements for June 21, 2021
PPM Enhancements for June 4, 2021
PPM Enhancements for March 12, 2021
PPM Enhancements for March 26, 2021
PPM Enhancements for May 21, 2021
PPM Enhancements for May 7, 2021
PPM Enhancements for September 10, 2021
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PPM Enhancements for April 10, 2020
PPM Enhancements for April 24, 2020
PPM Enhancements for August 14, 2020
PPM Enhancements for August 28, 2020
PPM Enhancements for December 18, 2020
PPM Enhancements for December 4, 2020
PPM Enhancements for February 14, 2020
PPM Enhancements for February 28, 2020
PPM Enhancements for January 17, 2020
PPM Enhancements for January 3, 2020
PPM Enhancements for January 31, 2020
PPM Enhancements for July 17, 2020
PPM Enhancements for July 31, 2020
PPM Enhancements for July 6, 2020
PPM Enhancements for June 19, 2020
PPM Enhancements for June 5, 2020
PPM Enhancements for March 13, 2020
PPM Enhancements for March 27, 2020
PPM Enhancements for May 22, 2020
PPM Enhancements for May 8, 2020
PPM Enhancements for November 20, 2020
PPM Enhancements for November 6, 2020
PPM Enhancements for October 23, 2020
PPM Enhancements for October 9, 2020
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PPM Enhancements for September 25, 2020
2019 Archive
PPM Enhancements for August 16, 2019
PPM Enhancements for August 2, 2019
PPM Enhancements for August 30, 2019
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PPM Enhancements for December 6, 2019
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PPM Enhancements for November 8, 2019
PPM Enhancements for October 11, 2019
PPM Enhancements for October 25, 2019
PPM Enhancements for September 13, 2019
PPM Enhancements for September 27, 2019
Changepoint Analytics Release Notes
Accelerators for Agile Projects and New Product Development
Augmented Intelligence for Changepoint Analytics
Changepoint Analytics: What-if Analysis Extension
Changepoint Analytics 11.1.7 Release Notes
Changepoint Analytics Data Platform
Changepoint Analytics Enhancements for March 12
Changepoint Analytics Update for Sandbox Enterprises
Changepoint PPM Analytics Connect
Introducing Changepoint Analytics Accelerators
Relative Time in Data Modules
Product News Blog
OData Connector replacing the Snowflake Data Warehouse
Removing DeskDocs and Outlook Integration
Accelerate 2021 Conference Recordings
Bulk Editing Workspaces
Changepoint Analytics Data Platform FAQs
Changepoint PPM Dark Mode
Change to User Role field may impact existing Cognos reports
Cleaning up Capacity Planner's Net Availability
Coming Soon: New Analytics Dashboard
Daptiv Product Roadmap Webinar - August 2019 (Recording Available)
Daptiv Product Roadmap Webinar - December 2019 (recording available)
Daptiv Task Boards Activated for all Workspaces
Dropping Support for DeskDocs Utility
FAQs for report consumers
Fixing the DA Item Count Field in Cognos Report Studio
From the Idea Greeenhouse: Nonworking Time Visibility
From the Idea Greenhouse: Drag and Drop Workspace Documents
From the Idea Greenhouse: Project Dashboard Report Viewer
From the Idea Greenhouse: Toggling Pick List Option Visibility
Microsoft Edge Chromium Officially Supported
New Analytics Dashboard Available on December 18
New Workspace Field Type: Count Fields
PPM Browser Compatibility Update
Product Roadmap Webinar - June 2020 - Recording Available!
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