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Planview Customer Success Center

Why Do I get Must be between Error "-999999999999.9999 and 999999999999.9999" when saving my DA Item?

The issue is related to the Currency set at Enterprise level and the Culture Settings set at profile level.

The currency field in Daptiv controls all displays of this type of fields.



The first solution is to have the culture settings similar to the language related to the Currency (user has to modify her/his profile)

The other one is to use a Currency that does interfere with mathematical delimiters used in Culture settings (thousand & decimal delimiters)


User Settings

Language English (United States)

Culture Settings English (United Kingdom) 

In Enterprise

Currency: Nederlands (België)[EUR] : € 12.345,67

>>> User has the issue, here the solution is to move the currency to Français (Eur) which has no thousand delimiter.