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Planview Customer Success Center

Duplicate Task Assignment records exist in the database.

Problem Statement:

Error: Duplicate Task Assignment records exist in the database' appears while trying to upgrade ChangePoint v2012 to v2022.

Solution Proposed:

Run following script against the original db (pre upgrade database) and we should get records.

Select R.ResourceId,R.Name as ResName,P.Name as ProjectName,P.ProjectId,T.TaskID,T.Name as TaskName,Count(1) as Num 
From Resources R, Tasks T, TaskAssignment TA, Project P 
Where R.ResourceID=TA.ResourceId 
AND TA.TaskId=T.TaskId 
AND T.ProjectId=P.ProjectID 
AND T.Deleted=0 
AND P.Deleted=0 
AND TA.Deleted=0 
AND R.Deleted =0 
Group By R.ResourceId,R.Name,P.Name,P.ProjectId, T.TaskID,T.Name 
Having Count(1)>1 
Order By taskname

In order to get rid of those duplicates records, Customer first need to transfer the time from the duplicate records. Here are the steps:

1. Create a new task.
2. Assign it to the same resource.
3. Transfer all the time for the resource from the task in question to the new task.
4. Delete one of the duplicate task assignments. 
5. Transfer the time from the new task back to the original task.
6. Delete the new task.

Note: Always ensure that pre-upgrade patches must be applied before any version upgrade, otherwise upgrade will not be successful.