Changepoint API
- "General Validation error. The Dependency/Leveling validation failed" when creating a task assignment using the API
- AdditionalID is not modified when using SaveUDF() method in API
- An application using COM API fails with "provider cannot be found" error
- API: issue with date format on update for some fields (2012)
- API: The type 'Changepoint.CPWebService.WCF.WSLogin' could not be found (2012)
- APIEngagement.Update() method fails with error when clearing contract limits
- APIEngagement.Update() method fails with error when saving contract limits
- APIs: TestConnection failed when testing API (2012)
- API - Not able to log in using SOAP
- API and booking time on open tasks
- API cannot update hidden custom field (UDF) (2014)
- API does not write log files (2014)
- API error on unlock (2014)
- API Error resource-entity validatewebPasswordRequiredRule (2012)
- API Error saving engagement for the field 'UseBODailyConversion' (2014)
- API error when using ApiOpportunity.Add()
- API how to configure bypass meta data check
- API login request fails after installing API patch
- API logs are not created
- API method resource.getByID fails with Error -1, System error
- API UpdateRolesAndFeatures method does not add/remove features (2012)
- Cannot add exchange rates using the API - Error -709
- Cannot call a web service method - Connect to Web Service failed, please login again (2012)
- Can values for configurable fields be created using the Changepoint Web Services APIs?
- Changepoint Web Services API calls fail with errors in the WSException log file
- COM class factory error when using API
- Configurable field date passed to the web service is saved as incorrect date by web service API
- Decimal and/or datetime conversion errors in API
- Does the API database csp script have to be run if we already have the latest GP installed?
- Do password complexity rules and expiry date for passwords still apply when logging in using the API?
- Error "maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded" when using the API
- Error -1237 when unassigning a resource using the COM API
- Error -13 when creating project time using the API
- Error -1 when creating objects via API (2012)
- Error Number -7 when adding a task using COM API
- Error when trying to add a resource rate via web services API
- Error when trying to update a project via API
- Error When Using COM APIs - connection not possible (2010)
- Expense cannot be invoiced due to missing exchange rate (2014)
- GETByXML error (2017)
- How can we retrieve the parent task information via the API? (2010)
- How to set CreatedBy in API
- How to set non-working days for a resource through the API?
- How to set project fiscal period via API (2012 SP2)
- How to use Windows authentication with web services (2010 SP2)
- HTTP Error 401.2 error when accessing web services API
- Installation of API and integration framework patches (2014)
- Intermittent: cannot connect to Web API / no more connections in pool (2012)
- Intermittent integration framework file drop issues (2014)
- Is it possible to add standard task/non project time via the API?
- Is it possible to authenticate to the Web API using a valid SNO (session id) of a logged in user?
- Is it possible to configure Changepoint API Logs to be saved on a different location than 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Compuware\Changepoint\API\APILogs? (2010)
- Is it possible to create standard time using API? (2014 SP2)
- Is it possible to enable task level resource requests on an engagement via the API?
- Is it possible to use the API to run ad hoc SQL queries on the Changepoint database?
- Is it possible to use Visual Studio 2012 instead of Visual Studio 2010 with Changepoint API? (2012)
- Opportunity outcome cannot be set via API (2012 SP1)
- Resource update through API error: Cannot un-assign resource as they have other resources reporting to them (2012)
- Roles are cleared out when a resource is updated via API
- SOAP header security error in API (2014 SP2)
- SOAP receiver error when using API over HTTPS
- Supporting "Resource Request" UDFs through API (2010)
- System error when using the API to update an entity
- UDF are not populated when updated via API
- UDF created via API not visible in engagement (2014)
- Unable to update resource workgroup through API (2012)
- Updating a single configurable field via API
- Using the API to un-assign users. We have noticed that after the un-assignment the resource type remains 'Enterprise'. It does not change to 'Undefined', is this normal? (2012)
- Validation error when updating a task using the API fails when the ignorewarning flag is set
- Web Services API cannot be used after upgrade to CP 2010 SP2
- Web Services API does not work in a WCF environment without installing WSE on Win2008 R2 server (2012)
- What is the WebApiSecret key for, and can it be automatically generated?
- Where are fixed fee schedule items stored in the database?
- Where is the effective date of a workgroup transfer stored in the database?
- WSAPI: wslogin.asmx fails with "Could not load type..." error under SSO with ISAPI
- WSE call fails with error