Need Dutch browser to use English language
We need to disable a language in CP, like e.g. Dutch. Dutch users should see the English user interface. However, we cannot enforce the unilingual setting to English in System Manager, since other languages remain allowed. Can we configure this somehow?
You can achieve this by modifying the setting "UILanguages" in global.asa and web.config. Search for the language to be changed, e.g. nl-BE and you find:
Change it to: nl-be!1033!E!USA
to have your user interface and date/number formatting in English/US.
Or change it to: nl-be!2067!E!USA
to switch only the language to English but to keep the date/number formatting in Dutch.
Note 1: In the above, the ! character represents the pipe character (vertical bar) which cannot be put into a knowledge item.
Note 2: You might need to open the page flushcache.aspx and clear all caches if the change does not become effective immediately.
Note 3: Depending on your users settings, you might need to reconfigure other settings, like NL or nl-NL.