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Planview Customer Success Center

Error -13 when creating project time using the API


Error in API log:

14:24:46 Level2: Error: Number= -13 Message= Invalid Id: [BillingOfficeId], please check task.
14:24:46 Level2: StackTrace: at Changepoint.ChangepointAPI2.ApiException.SetError(Int32 errNum, String details, Boolean throwException, String sField)
at Changepoint.ChangepointAPI2.ApiTime.ValidateMe(ApiTime objOriginal)


Same GUID, which is originally a project ID, was used in all of the following parameters:

  • BookedByResourceId
  • ProjectId
  • ResourceId
  • TaskId
  • WorkCodeId
  • WorkCodeCategoryId
  • WorkLocationId
  • WorkLocationGroupId


Use correct ID values for each of the parameters