Resource Request cancel is failing
The resource request workflow is calling the WFCALC_Cancel stored procedure, for a resource in the project team (who is also assigned to a task).
There are no dependencies to or from the task assignment and no time has been entered for the resource. Cancellation fails with the following message:
Error/warning messages:
"The resource request cannot be cancelled due to one of the following reasons: 1. Actuals exist for the task assignment and the resource request cannot be removed. 2. The change will cause task assignment dates to be outside the range of approved resource requests at the project team-level."
The message in workflow log indicates that there are no other resource requests covering the existing assignment (reason #2) therefore the resource request cannot be cancelled.
If the resource request is initiated at project level, the assignment is not removed by WFCALC_Cancel. Only the project team entry is cancelled in such cases, and only if there is another project team entry which covers the existing task assignment. This behaviour is by design.
Additional notes:
The assignment is “cancelled” (i.e. ResourceId is set to 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000) only if the resource request is initiated at task level.