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Planview Customer Success Center

Error creating and saving resource profile


When creating and saving resource profile the following error appears
Error/warning messages
Time expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occured because all pooled connections where in use and max pool size was reached


ASP Timeout is set to 90 seconds



Please see steps below: 
1. In IIS. Right click on properties of the Web Site. Select the 'Home Directory' TAB. Click on the 'Configuration' button. In the 'Options' tab you can modify the parameter ASP script timeout. The default is 90 seconds. This will affect all ASPs which will be activated under this Web Site. Try changing this to 900 seconds.

2. You can set a value in the Global.asa. This is an option which you can set in the 'Connection Settings' (Utilities\Connection Settings\Login Setting.exe) of Changepoint. The value should be greater than the one defined in #1 and will override it. So you can also set a value for 'Report Designer' and “Report Designer Report Server’ connection settings

3. If needed - You can set a value for a particular ASP script by inserting the following command:
Server.ScriptTimeout = 600 (The value is in seconds). The value to be taken into account has to be greater then the ones defined in 1 and 2.

4. Also Disable the 'enhanced session management' setup in SM. - System Manager >General Setup >Session Security.