API logs are not created
Give Full control / Full access permission to "Everyone" over the APILogs folder. Possible paths are:
- C:\Program Files\Compuware\APILogs\
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Compuware\Changepoint\API\APILogs
- C:\Program Files\Compuware\Changepoint\API\APILogs
1- Open web.config file of your CPWebService website, and find the complete path to the log folder:
2- Copy and paste the path into address bar of your Windows Explorer
3- Browse to the parent folder (C:\Program Files\Compuware\Changepoint\API\)
4- Right-click on APILogs folder and go to Properties
5- Go to Security tab, click on Edit
6- Add “Everyone” if it is not in the list already
7- Select “Everyone”, and tick “Allow” for the “Full control” permission