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Planview Customer Success Center

MSP integration and configurable code fields

Configurable code field label is not available in MSP therefore the code field "TaskCode 1" is displayed as "Text 6" in MSP. Also there is no drop down listing the valid code values for the field.

The configurable code field is entity based.


The label of the configurable field is displayed in parenthesis next to the MSP name of the field, i.e. next to Text 1-2-3 or Text 6-7-8, only if a supported configurable field is used.

Also, valid values for a code field are listed in a drop down only if a supported code field is used.

Only 6 configurable fields are supported by the MSP interface (Text 1-2-3 and Code 1-2-3), and on the following conditions:

- MSP interface supports text configurable fields of type Text only; Numeric or Date types are not supported.
- MSP interface supports code configurable fields with static value lists only; multi-select or entity based fields are not supported.