General Patch
Release date
April 8, 2020
Fixed Issues
Product Area |
Customer Tracking Number |
Changepoint Internal Tracking Number |
Fixed Issue Description |
Billing |
CPC-2020-00251 |
When split billing is 100% allocated to a customer that is not the main customer for the engagement, time entries are not available for invoicing. |
Budgeting |
CPC-2020-00326 |
Replace past amounts with actuals for budget items does not populate the actual values for the past fiscal periods which were created after the budget creation. |
General Usability |
CPC-2020-00267 |
Improved performance for selecting targets for transferring time and expense. |
General Usability |
CPC-2020-00315 |
The default password (PASSWORD) for the Login Settings utility does not work for Infiniti Scheduler. |
General Usability |
CPC-2020-00317 |
Webpage/JavaScript error when deleting a project, competitor, contact, product, customer or opportunity. |
General Usability |
CPC-2020-00342 |
PerformanceCPGrowth job failed. |
General Usability |
CPC-2020-00350 |
"Recently viewed" list in tree views displays pinned items superimposed over the viewed items. |
General Usability |
CPC-2020-00357 |
When the help is not installed, clicking "Help" or "Administration help" results in "Unable to get property 'hidNonoHelpMessag'f undefined or null reference" error. |
General Usability |
CPC-2020-00395 |
When signing out of Changepoint, the message: "Data you have entered may not be saved" appears after user clicks OK to confirm they want to sign out. |
Intelligent Forms |
CPC-2020-00274 |
Cannot create Intelligent Forms using ui=p. |
Knowledge Management |
CPC-2020-00296 |
Knowledge search issues: 1. No knowledge items are returned when a category has been selected but no text is entered in the search field. 2. Search results include all versions of knowledge items when “Include all versions” option is off. 3. Search results include team folder items when the "Include team folder items" option is turned off. |
Project Management |
CPC-2020-00289 |
Project Team demand hours are calculated incorrectly when the estimated hours are updated. |
Project Worksheet |
CPC-2020-00261 |
Cannot change planned start and planned finish dates for both task and task assignments when the planned start date causes the forecast finish date to be earlier than actual start. |
Project Worksheet |
CPC-2020-00277 |
New tasks are displayed in the wrong location after the task view is refreshed due to certain actions performed on a task assignment view, such as switching to the next x fiscal periods. |
Project Worksheet |
CPC-2020-00283 |
Project Worksheet does not open when the associated engagement has Fixed Fee with high numerical amount. |
Project Worksheet |
CPC-2020-00179 |
The effort distribution is not updated after replacing a resource and changing the planned hours for the task assignment when the effort distribution columns are missing from the current view. |
Reports |
CPC-2020-00272 |
Running a Changepoint Analytics report using ui=p does not work. |
Resource Management |
CPC-2020-00336 |
Internet Explorer and Chrome only. Actions menu does not work on the "My Tasks" view from a resource profile in User Setup (Actions > View > Workload). |
Resource Planner |
CPC-2020-00344 |
"Zoom to fit" option does not work. |
Service Scheduler |
CPC-2020-00279 |
Resource overbooking is validated based on UTC time zone instead of the resource's time zone. |
Service Scheduler |
CPC-2020-00285 |
Time zone preference is not saved after user exits Service Scheduler using the Chrome browser on a MAC. |
Support Desk / Requests |
CPC-2020-00295 |
Additional UI fields on requests are not displayed when the user does not have access to the billing office. |
Support Desk / Requests |
CPC-2020-00327 |
Last updated options in Support Search do not work. |
System Administration |
CPC-2020-00387 |
Converting from SA to PPM mode fails when executing the stored procedure "UpdateSystemDefaults" with @ITDFlag=1. |