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Planview Customer Success Center

Report Designer report Export to Excel fails


  • "Export to Excel" function fails with the error, or
  • User is experiencing "Unable to read file" issue intermittently when trying to open exported Report, or
  • The "File Download" dialog appears but stays empty

Error/warning messages:
Export fails with the following error in UI:

404 - File or directory not found

Following line from the IIS log shows that the HTTP status code is 404 and the substatus code is 13:

POST /UserControl/CPGrid/CPGridExportToExcel.aspx …. 404 13

Problem is casued by the size of the report to be exported. Substatus code 13 indicates that the content length is too large.

Edit your web.config file under the Enterprise folder, on each IIS server, as follows:

1- Find the “httpRuntime” tag, and add insert the requestLengthDiskThreshold="40960" parameter inside, and increase maxRequestLength  E.g.

Line before the change:

<httpRuntime executionTimeout="900" maxRequestLength="40960" minFreeThreads="8" minLocalRequestFreeThreads="4" useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl="true" />

Line after the change:

<httpRuntime executionTimeout="900" maxRequestLength="409600" minFreeThreads="8" requestLengthDiskThreshold="40960" minLocalRequestFreeThreads="4" useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl="true" />

2- Find the “system.webServer” tag and insert the following tags and parameters between the lines:

Lines before the change:

<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />

Lines after the change:

<!-- maxAllowedContentLength is in Bytes not Kilobytes -->
<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="40960000" />
<validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false" />
3- Find the line containing the following command in file ...\Enterprise\UserControl\CPGrid\CPGridExportToExcel2.aspx, on each IIS server:
window.setTimeout(function () { self.close(); }, 20000)

...and increase the timeout value to a higher value, e.g.
window.setTimeout(function () { self.close(); }, 120000)