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Planview Customer Success Center

Project data is not rolled up


A project is not being rolled up. Some tasks have planned finish dates after the project planned finish but the project planned finish is not being updated.

A manual rollup has been initiated from the actions menu, but still the data is not being rolled up.


  • This is not an open task (planned data is not rolled up for open tasks)
  • The project does not have a fiscal period
  • The project is not included in a portfolio

How can the project planned finish forced to be in sync with the tasks?



Technically speaking, in the database no tasks or assignments were marked as updated since the last project rollup. So even when executing further manual rollups, nothing would change.

As the project is not included in a portfolio and has no fiscal periods, the nightly batch jobs also wouldn't force a rollup.


In such a case it is enough to just update the task or assignment so the system sees there has been a change. Then, the next rollup will update the data correctly.