- ChangePoint 2024
- ChangePoint 2022
- ChangePoint 2022 Releases
- CP 2022 Releases Feature List
- ChangePoint 2022-R19 Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R18 Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R17 Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R16 Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R15 Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R14 Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R14-API Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R13 Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R13-API Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R13-ChangePoint Analytics Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R12 Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R12-API Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R12-ChangePoint Analytics Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R11 Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R11-API Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R11-ChangePoint Analytics Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R11-Integration Framework Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R11-Salesforce.com Integration Toolkit Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R10 Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R9 Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R9-API Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R8 Release Notes (
- ChangePoint 2022-R8-API Release Notes (
- Changepoint 2022-R7 Release Notes (
- Changepoint 2022-R7-API Release Notes (
- Changepoint 2022-R6 Release Notes (
- Changepoint 2022-R5 Release Notes (
- Changepoint 2022-R5-API Release notes (
- Changepoint 2022-R4 Release Notes (
- Changepoint 2022-R3 Release Notes (
- Changepoint 2022-R2 Release notes (
- Changepoint 2022-R2-API Release Notes (
- Changepoint 2022-R2-Integration Framework Release Notes (
- Changepoint 2022-R1 Release notes (
- Changepoint 2022-R1-API Release Notes (
- Changepoint 2022-R1-Integration Framework Release (
- CP PLUS (Changepoint-Projectplace Connector)
- CP 2022 Release Documentation
- CP 2022 PSA English User Guides
- CP 2022 Technical Reference and Integration Guides
- CP 2022 Connected Navigation
- CP 2022 PPM English User Guides
- ChangePoint 2022 Releases
- Changepoint 2021
- Changepoint 2021 Releases
- CP 2021 Releases Feature List
- Changepoint 2021-R19 Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R19-Changepoint Analytics Release Notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R18 Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R17 Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R16 Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R16-API Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R15 Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R14 Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R13 Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R12 Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R11 Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R10 Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R9 Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R9-Analytics Release Notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R9-API Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021 Certification of IBM Cognos Analytics 11.1.7 IF8 Release Notes
- Changepoint 2021-R8 Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R8-Analytics Release Notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R7 Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R7-API Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R6 Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R5-API Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R5 Release (
- Changepoint 2021 R4 (
- Changepoint 2021-R4-API Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R4-Analytics Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021 R3 Release (
- Changepoint 2021-R3-API Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R2 Release (
- Changepoint 2021-R2-API Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R2-Analytics Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R1 Release (
- Changepoint 2021-R1-API Release notes (
- Changepoint 2021-R1-Analytics Release notes (
- CP 2021 Release Documentation
- CP 2021 PSA English User Guides
- CP 2021 Technical Reference and Integration Guides
- CP 2021 PPM English User Guides
- Changepoint 2021 Releases
- Changepoint 2020
- CP 2020 Releases and General Patches
- CP 2020 Releases and General Patches features list
- Changepoint 2020 - November 2021 Release (
- Changepoint 2020 – September 2021 Release (
- Changepoint 2020 - July 2021 release (
- Mobile App 3.00.053 Patch Release Notes
- Changepoint 2020 - Analytics July 2021 Release (
- Changepoint 2020 - May 2021 release (
- Changepoint 2020 - March 2021 Release (
- Changepoint 2020 - API February 2021 Release (
- Changepoint 2020 - February 2021 Release (
- Changepoint 2020 - Integration Framework January 2021 Release (
- Changepoint 2020 - Analytics January 2021 Release (
- Changepoint 2020 - API January 2021 Release (
- Changepoint 2020 - January 2021 Release (
- Mobile App 3.00.047 Patch Release Notes (CP 2020)
- Mobile App 3.00.042 Patch Release Notes
- Cognos Patch Release Notes
- API General Patch Release Notes
- General Patch
- Cognos Patch release notes
- Cognos Patch Release Notes
- General Patch
- API General Patch Release Notes
- General Patch
- Integration Framework Update release notes
- API General Patch release notes
- General Patch
- General Patch
- Salesforce.com Integration Toolkit Update Release Notes
- Integration Framework Update Release Notes
- API General Patch Release Notes
- General Patch
- API General Patch release notes
- General Patch
- API General Patch release notes
- General Patch
- CP 2020 Release Documentation
- CP 2020 SA English User Guides
- CP 2020 Technical Reference and Integration Guides
- CP 2020 PPM English User Guides
- CP 2020 Releases and General Patches
- Getting Started
- Changepoint Mobile App 3.01.094 Quick Start Guide
- How to access ChangePoint help
- How to access ChangePoint releases and patches
- How to update the Changepoint Community link in the user menu/help menu
- Report Repository
- Applying a dashboard template package
- Assigned Features by Resource Report
- Export Publishing Audit and Errors Reports
- Features Assigned Directly to Resources report
- Features by Role Report
- Feature Licensing Report
- Importing an XML report file to Changepoint SA 2020
- Login History Report
- Project Management dashboard template
- Resources by Assigned Feature Report
- Roles by Resource Report
- Time Management dashboard template package
- Visual guidelines for Changepoint SA dashboards
- Technology Policies
- Changepoint 2017
- Changepoint 2017 Service Pack 2
- Changepoint 2017 SP2 Patches
- Changepoint 2017 SP2 General Patches – features list
- General Patch
- General Patch
- General Patch
- Cognos Patch Release Notes
- General Patch
- Cognos Patch Release Notes
- General Patch
- General Patch
- Mobile App 3.00.053 Patch Release Notes (CP 2017 SP2)
- General Patch
- API General Patch release notes
- General Patch
- Changepoint 2017 SP2 Release Documentation
- Changepoint 2017 SP2 PSA English User Guides
- Changepoint 2017 SP2 PPM English User Guides
- Changepoint 2017 SP2 Patches
- Changepoint 2017 Service Pack 1
- Changepoint 2017 SP1 Patches
- Changepoint 2017 SP1 Release Documentation
- Changepoint 2017 SP1 PSA English User Guides
- Changepoint 2017 SP1 PSA French User Guides
- Changepoint 2017 SP1 PSA German User Guides
- Changepoint 2017 SP1 PPM English User Guides
- Changepoint 2017 SP1 PPM French User Guides
- Changepoint 2017 SP1 PPM German User Guides
- Changepoint 2017 GA
- Changepoint 2017 Service Pack 2
- Events
- Support
- Knowledge Base
- Archiving
- Budgeting
- After copying a budget, for some resources the budgeted hours are 0 in the target budget
- Arithmetic overflow error when accessing budget for editing
- Backend changes for Budget UDFs in version 2014 (2014 SP2)
- BAW - Services, why hourly rate are displayed although my time configuration is all in days (2012 SP1)
- BAW unit cost and quantity are not updated correctly when modifying extended cost (2010 SP3)
- Billing Office not saved when editing a Service Budget Item (2012)
- Budget: Billing Role Cost Rate is not exact (2014)
- Budget - CopyTo (2010 SP2)
- Budget - CopyTo field
- Budget Billing type (2014 SP2)
- Budget feature to track non-billable resource hours (10.04 and 12.00)
- Budget Fixed Fee schedule items are not in the correct order
- Budget Page is missing section (2014 SP2)
- Budget service billing amount not added to total billing amount (2014)
- Budget service lines showing cost when the resources are removed from task assignment (CP 2010)
- Budget summary starts with Q1 2015 although we're at the end of 2016 now (2014 SP2 )
- Calculated Cost for Product in Project Budget remains at 0 although Quantity/Unit Cost filled
- Cannot add "Total" section into a budget view (2017)
- Cannot change product unit price for a budget product (2014)
- Cannot create/save engagement budgets (2014)
- Cannot edit budget items (2014)
- Changes of the fixed fee amount in the budget worksheet are not being saved (2014 SP2)
- Choosing a budget fixed fee in a budget service does not populate the fixed fee column (2014)
- Columns in budget window are not aligned after resizing (2017 SP1)
- Copy from engagement does not remove fixed fees from the budget
- Daily vs Hourly rates when copying opportunity to project budget (2012)
- Differences in project actuals and budget actuals despite both using replace past with actuals (2014)
- Empty custom fields / mandatory fields tab in budgets (2014)
- Engagement with PPC revenue doesn't show on Revenue Recognition Pre-Run report
- Error 'ASP 0104 : 80004005' when loading budget services (2012 SP1)
- How does "replace past with actuals" in budgets affect materials for the budget?
- How do loading methods affect the "Replace past with actuals" action on the budget?
- How is the resource cost rate determined when copying task assignments into a budget? (2014 SP2)
- How is the revenue forecast calculated in Opportunity entity? (2012 SP1)
- How to filter service items for fixed fees in a budget view?
- How to hide configurable fields of the budget? (2010 SP1)
- How to hide sections (fixed fee, expenses, ...) in the budget window? (2014 SP2)
- How to link requests to a budget item? (2017)
- How to manage currency exchanges in budget? (2012 SP2)
- How to populate the resource cost rate in the project budget (2012)
- How to switch between resource cost rates and billing role cost rates in the budget?
- Invalid object name error when editing a budget
- In budgets, is it possible to have a common/shared view for all items (service, fixed fee, expense, product)? (2014 SP2)
- Is it possible to delete a task or task assignment from a project after it has been populated into the project's budget? (2010)
- Is it possible to delete two fiscal periods that have one project budget assigned to? (2012 SP2)
- Is it possible to unfreeze a revision in a budget? (2014)
- Not able to delete a service item from a budget
- Not able to select a product in project/service budget while it is available at engagement level
- Pop-up menus not available in budget dialog, e.g. it does not allow copy tasks from project (CP 2012)
- Populate budget fixed fees to engagement does not work
- Populating fixed fee from budget to engagement doesn't work (CP 2010)
- Project Budget Services line is showing rate=0 and 100 percent discount
- Project Summary and Remaining columns (2010)
- Replace past with actuals for budget expense does not seem to work
- Reporting on Budget Revision types in Cognos (2014 SP1)
- Server Error in Project Budget : httpAcceptLanguage or applicationUI is not set
- Services in the budgetservices table don't have the latest revisionnumber (2014)
- The setting for the "Use Rates from the engagement or billing office" check box is not saved in budget Services tab
- The UpdatedOn field in the DS_BudgetDetail view is not reflecting the update date of the budget
- Transfer project budgets, to work around the budget access restrictions (2012)
- Trying to hide fields on the budgeting screen, but they can't be found in metadata
- Unable to add a service item in the Project Budget without using "copy from project" (2012 SP1)
- Unable to delete fixed fee assignment on project budgets (2010)
- Values for expenses are not retained in Edit Budget dialog
- When adding a product in the Budget Allocation Worksheet (BAW), cost of the product in the worksheet is always set to 0 (2012)
- When creating an Expense in a Budget and clicking on the "Calendar icon" to select a date, the calendar does not display or pop up
- When editing a project budget, the following error is generated: The name of the database should be ChangepointT_CPTempDB and not Changepoint_CPTempDB (CP 2014)
- Where does the hourly cost rate in budget service section come from?
- Why are the copy buttons in the budget disabled? (2012)
- Why does the deliverable amount in budget fixed fee tab change after running the replace past with actuals from the budget dialog?
- Why is engagement product mandatory when creating materials?
- Why is the cost rate 0 or incorrect for service items populated into the budget from task assignments?
- Why is the product total in the Product tab of the budget dialog less than the product total in the Summary tab?
- Why is the rate 0 or incorrect for items that were copied into the budget?
- Why is the resource cost rate not updated automatically in the budget?
- Changepoint Administration
- "Select a cost center" error when editing billing roles under a billing office
- "The virtual path'/MasterPages/Inline.Master' maps to another application" error when creating and editing projects
- "Too many records" error when selecting a billing office
- 2017 - Custom Help
- Accessibility of custom field values in sub-workgroups
- Actions button is gone
- Adding Engagement-level configurable fields
- After changing a notification definition, email notifications are not working
- Alternate Name is not showing on Opportunity Record
- Archiving job error on Changepoint and Archive databases that have mirroring setup
- A time out message appears when selecting a new fiscal year under weekly fiscal periods v2010
- A UDF with a conditional property using a condition based on user editor role, i.e "Editor Role not equal to "This specific Role" does not work v2012
- Billable Expenses are linked to unbillable GL Codes v2012
- BillingOffice and Global Workgroup association
- Billing Office visibility depends on the "Available for selection when creating/editing..." checkbox v2012
- Cannot add new rate from the user setup for a resource v2010
- Cannot add parameters to email template
- Cannot add resource as a project plan editor to billing office (CP2014)
- Cannot edit the System Maximum field
- Cannot find the name (resource, project, customer, etc.) in an entity-based configurable field
- Cannot launch user administration from system manager v2012
- Cannot remove "Approve Invoices" feature from a resource
- Cannot Save on the Server Integration page
- Cannot send workflow email notifications to contacts belonging to other customer than customer's request
- Cannot set credit note fields as Required
- Cannot transfer records from a terminated user
- Cannot unassign a security features or a role from a resource
- Cannot use Cognos after backup/restore of Changepoint and ContentStore database
- Can additional information be displayed when a specific value is selected in a configurable field?
- Can an administrator control a user's preferences?
- Can an ASP report be integrated into an entity profile page?
- Can an entity-based UDF field be updated by adding filter to search for active resources only when creating new projects?
- Can a user impersonate another user and use Changepoint on their behalf?
- Can emails be sent from a test environment that is hosted by Changepoint?
- Can invoices be sent using an email template in different languages?
- Can passwords be automatically generated, based on a set of rules?
- Can the "rid=" and "sid=" parameters be supressed in a custom section that points to a URL?
- Can the schedule for the Populate Demand and Capacity scheduled job be changed?
- Can we set history tracking on configurable fields on portfolios?
- Planview ChangePoint Capabilities and User Roles Matrix
- Changepoint IE title bar
- Changepoint Mail Service fails with incorrect configuration error
- Changepoint trial license has expired. Please contact Changepoint to obtain permanent license
- Changes to Enhanced Session Management option are not effective before the next day
- Change configurable field setting v2010
- Change field name on Request Priority
- Check box for an option is selected but behaves like it is not selected
- Closing a period before the cut-off date
- Cognos service does not start after changing Changepoint database password
- Conditional formula for a configurable field based on request status is not working v2012
- Configurable Fields are not displayed for unassigned users
- Configurable field default values are not used when editing or copying an entity
- Configurable field layout v2012
- Configurable Field Settings page fails with error when selecting an entity based code field
- Configurable field values in project profiles are different from the values in portfolios?
- Customer or contact import fails with "page could not be refreshed" error v2012
- Custom Name Formatting v2014
- Disable email notification "Warning: the resource is underutilized"
- Discard pending changes from resource profile v2009
- Does Changepoint allow two resources with the same name?
- Does dbo.fix_TaskWBSsp delete tasks?
- Drop-down values missing for entity-based configurable field
- E-mail notification Quicklink parameter v2010
- Email notifications are not being sent due to error in event logs
- Email notification defined with a condition formula based on an assignment to a queue, i.e. assignee change to 'QueueName' is never sent v2010
- Email notification is being sent when not expected to be sent
- Email Template issue
- Email Template issue after upgrading v2012
- Email Template parameter values not getting generated correctly v2010
- Entity profile page displays a configurable code field value that is not defined in Changepoint Administration.
- Error "Cannot connect to the notification server" in Changepoint
- Error accessing a data provider after importing an updated version of it
- Error in portlet: This content cannot be displayed in a frame
- Error message when filling in a configurable code field
- Error message when saving calculated custom field definition
- Error saving configurable field on a project/request
- Error Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_CPMetadata' when adding configurable lookup fields v2012
- Error when activating "duplicate checking" on Resource.SSO Credential
- Error when creating workgroup: Enter threshold amount
- Error when logging onto System Manager v2012
- Error when running reports from Resource Profile Actions menu v2012
- Error when saving an entity that contains calculated configurable fields v2017
- Error when trying to display the configurable field properties in System Manager
- Error when trying to transfer a user:"An inactive or deleted resource cannot be transferred"
- Error when trying to view User Setup treeview in System Manager or in Enterprise v2012
- Error while importing using the Transport Tool v2010
- Execution timeout error in resource management worksheet (RSW)
- Expense code detail does not match documentation after upgrade
- Export publishing is publishing files but Export Publishing Resend from System Manager is not resending files
- Fiscal years are not listed in Manage Views dialog for scenario comparisons worksheet (SCW)
- GDPR requirements and Survey
- Group header for custom field groups
- How are passwords stored?
- How can we free up licenses?
- How does the Nonworking Day Change for Project email notification get generated? v2012
- How many text/code fields are available on portfolios?
- How to add a workgroup type or workgroup level?
- How to add new Project Types to the Project Classification drop-down?
- How to associate a survey with an entity?
- How to autofill fields related to payroll in the Resource Profile?
- How to change a standard lookup (drop-down) field to a text field?
- How to change browser title bar to make distinction between Test and Production environment?
- How to change the "required" status of a standard field based on conditions?
- How to change the names of sales statuses?
- How to change the request template for sending emails from the request profile?
- How to change the title that appears in the Web Browser? v2012
- How to check the number of Changepoint licenses in the database?
- How to check the type/number of licenses?
- How to configure email notifications on tasks
- How to convert all labels displayed in ChangePoint to PCID?
- How to create a non-project task?
- How to disable a loading method?
- How to disable the "Nonworking day change for project" notification for all users?
- How to enable capturing start time on the Timesheet?
- How to enable the option 'Allow override of invoice number' along with the option 'Reset numbering on rollover of previous part'?
- How to find the password for a Client Portal user?
- How to hide "Client Portal" tab in Contact entities?
- How to hide fields that exists in a Changepoint screen?
- How to make the field Project Classification (CPProjectType) mandatory?
- How to modify the label for the Contact type field for contacts (clients)?
- How to prevent detailed server errors from being displayed to users?
- How to reactivate a terminated resource?
- How to regenerate the internal Workgroup OBS after a data migration / cleanup? v2014
- How to roll over case number?
- How to send the weekly "Time submission conformance" email notification to a subset of users?
- How to set Status Field values in Opportunities/Candidates?
- How to set the value of a configurable field based on the value of another configurable field?
- How to set up fiscal years?
- How to Unassign a Non-ProjectTask from All Users? v2014
- How to unlock the Changepoint admin user account?
- Inactive user will not show in the resource view. The user is entered into the system 3 times and only the active user will show up v2012
- In the Custom Sections area of System Manager most of the sections have the Save button disabled
- Issue to create a new entity based Code field related to request v2012
- Issue with login to the System Manager v2012
- Is it possible to change project plan editors using API before unassigning a resource?
- Is it possible to change the size of a textbox displaying a configurable text field?
- Is it possible to color code the elements in the user interface?
- Is it possible to control creation or editing of fixed fees via features?
- Is it possible to create a resource for a future date?
- Is it possible to delete fiscal periods or change fiscal period start and end dates?
- Is it possible to export a workflow in a readable format?
- Is it possible to have an alert based on specific user actions?
- Is it possible to hide a configurable field code value for new entities, but display the value in pre-existing entities?
- Is it possible to include a resource request initiator in an e-mail template?
- Is it possible to lock users that can modify their email in Resource Information section (user setup page)?
- Is it possible to make a configurable field mandatory based on a different field for Knowledge Item entities?
- Is it possible to prevent the use of clientaccesspolicy.xml?
- Is it possible to prevent time entry the request profile and allow time entry in the time sheet?
- Is it possible to restore a deleted entity?
- Is it possible to use number/text/date fields in expressions for formula for conditional UDF properties? v2014
- Is there any way to import surveys into Changepoint from a different system?
- Is there a list of email parameters that can included?
- Is there a script for adding a new security role to multiple workgroups?
- Metadata defined mandatory fields for Resource Request do not apply in Project Team section.
- Minimum Time Increments v2014
- Modify an existing Changepoint field
- Network names in Invoice Batch Printing settings not accepted in Workgroup profile
- Not able to modify configurable field (UDF) settings
- Not able to release lock after the "Release Held Locks" job is run
- Not able to terminate resources with back date
- On the User Setup page the Unlock Logon is missing
- Option to set a default Home portal v2014
- PerformanceCPGrowth SQL job is failing
- Planning unit setup is disabled in User Preferences
- Portals tab section not visible in Preferences for a user
- Re-adding feature to a role
- Resource details (skill level details) update by immediate supervisor
- Resource Qualification Updated Email sent to wrong resources. v2012
- Resource request configurable field default values are not used when creating a resource request
- Resource Request Workflow Notification Parameters
- Resource Web Password decryption Error v2012
- Resource workgroup changes are not processed by the CPEffectiveDates job
- Script for finding configurable fields that are set to hidden or unused and are in PPW views
- Server error when signing into Changepoint
- Set maximum number of hours and days for time entry per day
- Some project tasks are missing in some views
- Some top level domains such as ".tech" are not valid when creating a contact
- Survey emails are sent with an incorrect hyperlink to the survey
- Survey reference is empty v2010
- Survey report missing data
- Task Create Email Notification Failed
- Task slippage email notification includes open tasks
- This page can't be displayed in System Manager v2012
- Timeout error when saving a billing office after adding or updating a shared UDF v2010
- Time conformance email notification and Non Working days at User Setup level
- To whom is the "Qualification Updated" email notification sent?
- Transferring Access/Features but Running into License Issue
- Transport tool doesn't show the categories of data to transport
- UDF Calculated Field - Difference Between On Save and On Entity Change
- Unable to assign the "Terminate resources" security feature to any resources
- Unable to change Engagement status
- Unable to open Fiscal Periods v2010
- Unable to Unassign Resources
- Unlock a budget, request, project, etc.
- Updated language string/label does not display in the user interface
- User cannot change password after it has been reset by an administrator
- User without the "Record Locking" feature are able to unlock records in Changepoint
- What are the differences between the two e-mail templates "project schedule change" and "Task dependency affected by project rollup"?
- What are the formats for defining export data types?
- What are the required features to access 'Transfer Records' functionality ?
- What does "You have requested resource changes that failed" mean in My Reminders?
- What fields are tracked in "Resource history" and how do we access that information?
- What gives someone "administrator access" to Changepoint when it is locked?
- What is the Client Portal User License (GUL) feature used for?
- What is the impact of renaming a workgroup?
- When a license type is changed to "Undefined," what happens to records to be approved by the user?
- When a workflow step is assigned to a role, must all resources in the role approve the step or just one of them?
- When the project is updated to completed how can you un-assign the resource without having to remove the resource as the Time/Expense approver on the project ?
- When un-assigning a resource what feature is required by the user to be able to populate the 'Report to' list to choose another resource?
- Where are the values defined for the customer Sales Office Drop down list?
- Why didn't I receive certain email notifications
- Why is Contact Email being checked for duplicates when the metadata setting is "Do not check for duplicates"?
- Why is quick link not available for the "Send only one email to each recipient " option on email templates?
- Why is Supplier or Business partner not an entity for an entity-based configurable field?
- Why is the email address removed when unassigning the resource?
- Why someone cannot see or do something in Changepoint?
- Changepoint API
- "General Validation error. The Dependency/Leveling validation failed" when creating a task assignment using the API
- AdditionalID is not modified when using SaveUDF() method in API
- An application using COM API fails with "provider cannot be found" error
- API: issue with date format on update for some fields (2012)
- API: The type 'Changepoint.CPWebService.WCF.WSLogin' could not be found (2012)
- APIEngagement.Update() method fails with error when clearing contract limits
- APIEngagement.Update() method fails with error when saving contract limits
- APIs: TestConnection failed when testing API (2012)
- API - Not able to log in using SOAP
- API and booking time on open tasks
- API cannot update hidden custom field (UDF) (2014)
- API does not write log files (2014)
- API error on unlock (2014)
- API Error resource-entity validatewebPasswordRequiredRule (2012)
- API Error saving engagement for the field 'UseBODailyConversion' (2014)
- API error when using ApiOpportunity.Add()
- API how to configure bypass meta data check
- API login request fails after installing API patch
- API logs are not created
- API method resource.getByID fails with Error -1, System error
- API UpdateRolesAndFeatures method does not add/remove features (2012)
- Cannot add exchange rates using the API - Error -709
- Cannot call a web service method - Connect to Web Service failed, please login again (2012)
- Can values for configurable fields be created using the Changepoint Web Services APIs?
- Changepoint Web Services API calls fail with errors in the WSException log file
- COM class factory error when using API
- Configurable field date passed to the web service is saved as incorrect date by web service API
- Decimal and/or datetime conversion errors in API
- Does the API database csp script have to be run if we already have the latest GP installed?
- Do password complexity rules and expiry date for passwords still apply when logging in using the API?
- Error "maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded" when using the API
- Error -1237 when unassigning a resource using the COM API
- Error -13 when creating project time using the API
- Error -1 when creating objects via API (2012)
- Error Number -7 when adding a task using COM API
- Error when trying to add a resource rate via web services API
- Error when trying to update a project via API
- Error When Using COM APIs - connection not possible (2010)
- Expense cannot be invoiced due to missing exchange rate (2014)
- GETByXML error (2017)
- How can we retrieve the parent task information via the API? (2010)
- How to set CreatedBy in API
- How to set non-working days for a resource through the API?
- How to set project fiscal period via API (2012 SP2)
- How to use Windows authentication with web services (2010 SP2)
- HTTP Error 401.2 error when accessing web services API
- Installation of API and integration framework patches (2014)
- Intermittent: cannot connect to Web API / no more connections in pool (2012)
- Intermittent integration framework file drop issues (2014)
- Is it possible to add standard task/non project time via the API?
- Is it possible to authenticate to the Web API using a valid SNO (session id) of a logged in user?
- Is it possible to configure Changepoint API Logs to be saved on a different location than 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Compuware\Changepoint\API\APILogs? (2010)
- Is it possible to create standard time using API? (2014 SP2)
- Is it possible to enable task level resource requests on an engagement via the API?
- Is it possible to use the API to run ad hoc SQL queries on the Changepoint database?
- Is it possible to use Visual Studio 2012 instead of Visual Studio 2010 with Changepoint API? (2012)
- Opportunity outcome cannot be set via API (2012 SP1)
- Resource update through API error: Cannot un-assign resource as they have other resources reporting to them (2012)
- Roles are cleared out when a resource is updated via API
- SOAP header security error in API (2014 SP2)
- SOAP receiver error when using API over HTTPS
- Supporting "Resource Request" UDFs through API (2010)
- System error when using the API to update an entity
- UDF are not populated when updated via API
- UDF created via API not visible in engagement (2014)
- Unable to update resource workgroup through API (2012)
- Updating a single configurable field via API
- Using the API to un-assign users. We have noticed that after the un-assignment the resource type remains 'Enterprise'. It does not change to 'Undefined', is this normal? (2012)
- Validation error when updating a task using the API fails when the ignorewarning flag is set
- Web Services API cannot be used after upgrade to CP 2010 SP2
- Web Services API does not work in a WCF environment without installing WSE on Win2008 R2 server (2012)
- What is the WebApiSecret key for, and can it be automatically generated?
- Where are fixed fee schedule items stored in the database?
- Where is the effective date of a workgroup transfer stored in the database?
- WSAPI: wslogin.asmx fails with "Could not load type..." error under SSO with ISAPI
- WSE call fails with error
- Contract/Engagement Management
- "Show split billing" check box setting is not saved when engagement is saved
- "The address selected has not been entered" message appears when saving an engagement/contract
- 'Duplicate request type' error when saving an engagement
- Active projects do not appear in Engagements treeview
- Billing rates removed after being added to an engagement
- Cannot change Billable check box for the project
- Cannot change engagement billing office
- Cannot change engagement billing type to fixed fee
- Cannot cross charge/invoice time when cross charge/billing rate is 0
- Cannot delete billing rates in an engagement
- Can auditing be disabled once it has been enabled on engagements?
- Can reports be displayed on engagement profiles based on the engagement type?
- Can the project manager be made the invoice approver?
- Can you track changes to an engagement?
- Copy Engagement function does not always copy the options in Projected Resources tab
- Cost rate updates are not propogated to engagements (CP2017)
- How to add or change payment terms to be available on engagements/contracts?
- How to change a Contract 'Revenue Recognition Option' from Expense-based only to Time and expense-based?
- How to change billing roles within an engagement already invoiced?
- How to decide if billable time is available for invoicing or not?
- How to hide the Engagement Tab called "Access"
- How to use different billing rates for the same resource on different projects?
- Incorrect Cost Rates being applied
- In Edit Project, 'Override Billable Status on Expenses' check box is greyed out
- Is it possible to programmatically enter data in the engagement history field and how?
- Is it possible to set up a custom engagement workflow?
- Is it possible to specify an effective date that is in the past for a billing rate or cost rate?
- Is it possible to undelete an engagement ?
- Is there any script to determine if any special character is used on engagement or project name?
- Notifications when a contract is closing on renewal is sent when a new contract is created
- Option 'Force Fixed Fee selection' not checked by default on Task
- Products drop down not displaying when creating/editing an opportunity
- Server error "hexadecimal value ... is an invalid character" when opening opportunity
- The "Create request" option is missing from the Actions menu on engagements
- User action menu shows 'edit engagement' when the user doesn't have the required feature
- What do the different states of the "Billed" and "Do not invoice" check boxes mean in the Fixed Fee tab of the engagement?
- What features are required to be able to edit engagement?
- What table contains the billing office setting "Available for selection when creating/editing an Engagement or an opportunity"?
- Where can we add engagement category values?
- Where is the "Bill-to location" data for engagements stored in the database?
- Why are time cost rates for a resource 0 in one engagement but greater than 0 in other engagements?
- Why does Opportunity Services tab show hourly rate when the UI setting in Preferences is in days?(CP 2012 SP2)
- Why is billing rate of the billing role not applied to time records?
- Why is there an "Original primary time approver" field in the engagement dialog?
- Why is the soft-booked checkbox disabled in engagements/contracts?
- Customer Relationship Management
- "Billing Office currency" blank in Opportunity Services
- Alternate Name field for contacts (2010)
- Article 1
- Article 2
- Article 3
- Article 4
- Budgeted total for candidates (2010 SP2)
- Candidate/Opportunity Screen: Services tab Not Displaying (2012 SP1)
- Cannot add a new row on the opportunity services (2017)
- Cannot view/access opportunity (2014)
- Can more items from the opportunity entity be added to the Services - Opportunity Analysis view?
- Can one create a contact record to be linked to more than one company record?
- Create Opportunity - "Type" Field empty (2012 SP1)
- Default billing office when creating an opportunity from a customer (2014)
- Different users see same customer category with a different name
- Drop-down arrow missing from "Non-labor item" field in Edit Candidate dialog (2014, 2017)
- Error under Program Management - Candidate Screening
- Fiscal period doesn't show in Opportunity
- Fiscal Year Breakdown section of opportunity profile displays totals only but no fiscal year data for certain opportunities
- How can we deactivate a contact? (2014)
- How does one deactivate an Opportunity Source code field?
- How is Sales Representative drop down list on an Opportunity populated?
- How is the access check on Candidates/Opportunities done?
- How is the FTE calculation done when copying forecast opportunity to the new fiscal period(s)?
- How to add an item to the Opportunity type list?
- How to create a new "Account Type" in the customer treeview? (2014)
- How to edit the field 'Total Cost' in an opportunity service? (2014)
- How to to prevent opportunities from being created for a customer?
- Import Customers (2017)
- Including Opportunity ID in URL querystring (2012 SP2)
- Invalid column error 'History' and 'ClientHistory' when importing Contact and Customer Data
- In Scenario Comparison why the parent request field is not editable and empty?
- Is it possible to hide columns by default in Product Opportunity for all users?
- Is it possible to make the field Opportunity - Winning competitor optional? (2014)
- Is it possible to provide a hyperlink in an email, that when clicked takes the user directly into Changepoint and opens a specific opportunity?
- Is it possible to use 'Prospect' status for the customer and avoid entering a telemarketer?
- Is there a sorting method used in the opportunity allocation worksheet? (2010)
- New opportunity services have 0 as billing rate (2014)
- Not able to edit Candidate Future Periods, over a year
- Opportunity dates are not moved based on revised closed date (2014)
- Opportunity default currency
- Opportunity revenue forecast field is disabled (2012)
- Opportunity Search issues
- Opportunity search result (2012 SP2)
- Opportunity Treeview empty although the resource has "View Opportunities" feature
- Resource Drop-Down Listing Filter on Product Entity
- Save the Candidate Services/Budget (2012 SP2)
- The negotiated rates do not change when the billing role is changed for an opportunity service
- The Opportunity services billing role rate is not updated after creating a new billing office rate and selecting the option "Update unlocked opportunities, for which no outcome has been selected
- The Total Billing Amount (Negotiated Billing Rate x Total Hours) on the Opportunity - Services/Forecast tab is out by .01 cents
- Update values for "Type of Contact" (2010 SP1)
- What are the consequences of archiving customer and then deleting it from Changepoint?
- What conditions prevent the opportunity item dates from being changed based on the close date?
- What is the criteria to determine similar customer names? (2012)
- What is the criteria used by "Open Candidates Only" / "Open Opportunities Only" filter in treeview?
- What is tracked when "Company History" functionality is enabled?
- What value is required for "Allow Engagement" to allow (2012 SP2)
- When creating an opportunity, the user does not see all Billing Offices in the drop down
- When using the Scenario Comparison, the effort and cost are not displaying for candidates (2010 SP2)
- Where to find Client Portal user data in the database?
- Which contacts does the Export Contact functionality export?
- Which table contains the "Outcome Date" field from the Opportunity?
- Why are the opportunity records grayed out in Transfer Records, while it is possible to edit the opportunity and transfer to the same resource?
- Why is the start date of the opportunity service item later than the outcome date and the revised close date?
- Winning competitor (2012 SP2)
- Finance
- Funding Sources
- Revenue Recognition
- Billable time on a Fixed Fee engagement not showing in RevRec
- Cannot add revenue adjustment
- Cannot adjust revenue recognition in Revenue Recognition report
- Cannot modify revenue percentage for a fixed fee
- Can the Tentative Revenue Recognition report be prevented from being run in the past during closed periods?
- Can we recognize the rest of a partially revenue recognized time record?
- Deleting from the tentative report
- How does one check in the database that revenue has been recognized for a fixed fee milestone?
- How does RevRec handle reduced percentages in FF?
- How is revenue recognized when more hours are booked than can be recognized?
- How is the PPC calculated for open tasks linked to a FF ?
- How is the PPC calculation done during the pre-run process in Revenue recognition ?
- How many contracts can be processed in the revenue recognition 02 - Tentative Process?
- How to change revenue that has been recognized with a wrong rate?
- How to manually edit the physical percent complete (PPC) for fixed fees and products
- How to remove a revenue recognition method populated in error
- How to remove old contracts in Tentative Report(02)?
- How to speed up the revenue recognition tentative job
- Ho to correct time entries that have been created by mistake and their revenue has been recognized?
- In Revenue recognition, in the prerun report, how to include overtime in the calculated PPC?
- Is it possible to change the posting date after committing revenue?
- Is it possible to get a report to see which user and when has launched the revenue recognition tentative process report?
- Is it possible to recognize the full fixed fee amount using the Effort Expended method?
- Is pre-run cut-off date stored in Changepoint?
- Is there any way to back out or undo a revenue recognition batch process?
- Is there a maximum number of engagements that can be processed when running Revenue Recognition Tentative Report ?
- Maximum Recognizable Revenue
- Negative Transfers not occurring
- No detailed Time in Revenue Recognition Tentative report is displayed
- Revenue amount is not the expected value for certain engagements
- Revenue Recognition adjustement on fixed fee with PPC is lost
- Revenue Recognition reports not available in Edge/Chrome/FireFox
- Revenue Recogniton - error in "02 - Process Tentative" report
- Revenue Transfer Initial Report gives an error 500.
- The 02-Revenue tentative process report has some billing offices selected when opening
- Unable to uncheck revenue tentative data
- Warning message in PreRun Revenue Recognition report keeps displaying
- What are the conditions to have Fixed Fees eligible for PreRun Revenue Recognition?
- What happens to fixed fee time for a task when the fixed fee is removed?
- What happens when a maximum revenue amount is set or reduced?
- What happens when physical percent complete (PPC) for a fixed fee is reduced after revenue has been recognized?
- What is the best practice is for recognizing the remaining revenue for the fixed fee projects that have been completed?
- When does the Revenue Recognition recognize the time ?
- Which date is taken into account when calculating fixed fee percentage in PPC cost?
- Which Invoice status is required for additional items to be added in Rev Rec Pre-Run?
- Why does the "Tentative Revenue Recognition Date" on the engagement shows "not Available" when the revenue has been committed?
- Why would there be unposted entries (PostedFlag = 0) in the RevenueDetail table?
- Write off and write up on invoices are not taken into account in the Revenue Recognition
- Taxation
- Closed period data not saving
- Configuring and applying burden rates
- Cost rate for resources not showing on report
- Currency conversion and triangulation
- Determining billing rates and cost rates
- How to charge the customer for the purchase made on behalf of them?
- Is it possible to change the start date of a newly created fiscal period?
- What are the considerations when changing the cost rate from billing role to resource?
- What determines a fiscal period as past?
- When deleting a billing office, are the billing roles automatically deleted as well?
- Installation and Upgrade
- Archive DB
- "Could not drop constraint" error when applying a patch on an archive database
- 2014 SP2:Archive database upgrade fails with error
- Archive database creation fails with error
- Archive database location
- Changepoint_Archive Aged Entities fails when creating ArcDistribution database
- Do patches need to be applied to the archive database?
- Error when applying patches on an Archive database (V2012)
- Cache Server (Redis/AppFabric)
- 2014 SP2 - AppFab Install error
- Error when attempting to execute the AppFabric scripts
- Error when installing AppFabric on a French server
- How to determine if the AppFabric and Caching are working on Changepoint?
- Planning to install the client portal in a seperate website on a separate server. Will App Fabric/Redis be required?
- Redis multiple server configuration questions
- Specified cast is not valid error appearing in several pages (V2012/V2014)
- The Changepoint user interface appears in the chosen language (via IE language settings) but not the items in the 'New' menu
- What default ports are used for the Changepoint application with AppFabric/Redis?
- Changepoint Analytics (Cognos)
- After restoring a Cognos contentstore DB, all data seems to have gone
- BME-SP-0032 Cognos Sync Utility is not recognizing the password / QE-DEF-0368 Password cannot be decrypted
- Can we apply all IBM Cognos patches/versions in Changepoint ?
- Cognos errors CM-REQ-4111 and CM-REQ-4163 when importing Changepoint standard package
- Cognos Error QE-DEF-0288 when editing or running a Cognos report
- Cognos is currently unavailable. Contact your system administrator for assistance (V2012)
- Connection test fails for Cognos Content Store
- Content Manager database connection errors after disabling TLS 1.0
- Duplicate sets for Cognos files where installed in both Programs Files and Program Files (x86)
- Error installing Microsoft ARR component of Cognos 11 on web server without Internet access
- How to customize the standard user interface theme for IBM Cognos Analytics
- How to restart a Cognos App Tier Installation?
- How to uninstall the Changepoint Cognos Sync Utility Prerequisites
- Server error when trying to create or configure Cognos data source connections
- SSO (Single Sign-on)
- "No certificate was found for subject" error when using a custom certificate with two Common Names (cn)
- After enabling single-sign-on (SSO), launching CP throws an error
- Azure Active Directory Single Sign-on authentication fails
- Does the Changepoint Directory Integration/SSO synchronize workgroups?
- Enterprise site not authenticating with IE (SSO ISAPI)
- Even when accessed through FQDN, the URL in the Changepoint browser window shows the IP address
- How to capture errors reported by the SSO configuration scripts?
- How to manually set up an additional non-SSO web site (CP 2017)
- How to setup Okta SSO with Changepoint?
- Installing SSO using ISAPI (HTTPS optional)
- Installing SSO using SAML for ADFS implementations (HTTPS required)
- Installing SSO using SAML for PingFederate implementations (HTTP required)
- Installing SSO using WS-Federation for ADFS implementations (HTTPS required)
- Install SSO using SAML for Azure Active Directory implementations (HTTPS required)
- Integration Framework Error
- Is it possible to implement SSO with SSL offloading ?
- Pre-installation steps for Single sign-on (SSO)
- SSO cannot sign on after certificate change
- SSO SAML: How to get a XML deployment file for the ADFS server?
- SSO using SAML not working and throwing an error message
- The 'appliesTo' address is not found in the list of valid Relying Parties
- Updating the public keys for ADFS manually
- What is an IDP Site?
- 2012 SP2 - System Manager/Report Designer cannot be launched
- Access error when trying to export or download the results of a survey
- After installing, cannot log into Changepoint
- After receiving new computer, the star icon and gear icon do not appear (Internet Explorer only)
- After upgrading to 2014 SP2 and applying the pre-upgrade patch When trying to launch Changepoint, the following message is generated:
- Ajax error when opening user setup in system manager (V2012)
- API error message: Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.Web.Services2 Version 2
- Are Microsoft security updates certified?
- ASP Reports are printing dates in US format (mm/dd/yyyy) (V2012)
- Automatic email notifications stopped
- "Cannot connect to the notification server." error when launching PPW
- "Cannot create file" error during upgrade when running SQLImport
- Cannot download and install Silverlight
- Cannot login to Report Designer after the upgrade
- Can Changepoint be used on other ports than 80?
- Can data script XXX be applied to Changepoint Version YYY ?
- Can the jQuery library for Changepoint XXX be upgraded ?
- Can the re-index job be executed on a weekly basis rather than daily?
- Click on "Time to approve" in My Reminders portal gets an http 500 error
- Conection string "AlwaysOn Routing"
- CPTEMPDB error during patch installation
- CP Installation Error - InstallScript Setup Launcher Unicode Has Stopped Working
- Database error regarding isolation levels when upgrading
- Do RMW and PW in Changepoint V2017 require separate configuration to work with SSL?
- Do we need to install and enable the Changepoint Email Notification service?
- Duplicate Task Assignment records exist in the database.
- Email notifications, like scheduled reports sent from Cognos, are received twice.
- Email notifications are sent multiple times for the same notification
- Errors when accessing Changepoint after installing a new certificate
- Error "Could not detect a valid Changepoint Web.Config user" when running the SQL import utility to install a patch
- Error "Importing Changepoint SQL Code failed" when installing a patch
- Error "Incorrect syntax near '-'" when upgrading a database to CP 2017 SP2
- Error "Invalid Object Name: Changepoint_CPTempDB" when accessing an entity for editing
- Error 0x80004005 received when installing patches
- Error during upgrade from version 2010 to 2012
- Execute permission error when trying to enable the Billable option on an engagement
- Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 40.
- How does the application use PowerShell and what happens if Powershell is disabled?
- How to change the title bar in System Manager to indicate Prod or Dev?
- How to grant Tempdb access to multiple SQL accounts (V2012)
- How to reset userid and password for the Login Settings Utility??
- How to set up the scheduled jobs in a SQL Always-on Availability Group
- HTTPS error not loading Report Designer
- HTTP Error 503 The Service is Unavailable
- Importing Changepoint SQL code failed: ERROR: 'sa' is not mapped with dbo schema for Changepoint database!
- Importing CSP file fails: ... because one or more objects access this column.
- Importing CSP file fails with error on table ResourceProjects while upgrading to V2014
- Installing job exe files on the webserver
- Is it necessary for users to clear the browser cache/history after every upgrade?
- Is it possible to have different Windows OS version for Web / DB servers
- Is it possible to have multiple instances of Exchange Synchronization Service ?
- Is it possible to install Changepoint using an SQL account different than 'sa' ?
- Is server update X compatible with our version of Changepoint Y ?
- Is there any issue with PHP living on the same IIS/AppFabric front-end server as the CP application?
- Is there an external link to the eLearning courses that does not require signing into Changepoint?
- Login failed error when installing Changepoint
- LogWriter error when Export Publisher runs
- Log file for CPTransport database is missing
- Message for users when doing maintenance on Changepoint
- "MODIFY FILE failed." error when creating a CPtempDB
- "MSDTC on server" or transaction manager error while installing a patch or upgrading a database
- .NET Error when running SQLImport.exe for an upgrade or a patch
- No installation log file can be found after executing the installation
- No Registration Key found error logged by CPEffectiveDates.exe
- "Parameter cannot be null" error in Windows Event Log from CPMail
- Path access error when exporting Survey information
- Problem migrating production (V2012)
- Project Worksheet Session Logging
- Question "Changepoint has not been installed on this machine. Do you still want to continue?" when installing
- Report Designer not opening when accessed from Changepoint Enterprise
- Server Error Application "this type of page is not served" when running reports
- Server error when accessing Changepoint after upgrade: "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: first"
- Server Integration settings cannot be saved with IE10 (V2012)
- Required security measures for Changepoint servers
- SQL error when installing patch
- "String or binary data would be truncated" error when importing CP_Resource_Location.csv file
- The Changepoint Mail Service starts for a split second then stops
- Unable to launch Changepoint after updating to Chrome 83.0.4103.61
- Unrecognized attribute error when users tries to sign into Changepoint
- Update the number of records returned in a multi select UDF
- Upgrade to 2012 SP2 fails - DTSX fails! Importing Changepoint SQL code failed - Incorrect syntax near '/'
- Upgrading from CP 2012 SP2 to 2014 - SQL17.csp fails
- What is required to set up multiple language support in Changepoint
- What should the default document be for the enterprise web site?
- What upgrade paths are supported and what are the software and hardware requirements?
- Where can we see the language of the database?
- Which database roles are required for the Changepoint user (configuration via Login Settings.exe)?
- Will Changepoint work without full text indexing on the SQL server?
- Will Changepoint work without Microsoft Office Web Components (OWC)?
- Wrong terminology is used (ITD vs PSO)
- Archive DB
- Intelligent Forms
- "Login Failed .... at InfinitiChangepointConnector.Common.Login()" error when launching Intelligent Forms
- After creating a project via Intelligent Forms, an empty page is displayed
- Avoiding common causes of performance issues in Intelligent Forms
- Can a section in a generated document be displayed only under certain conditions?
- Changepoint Intelligent Forms - Solution brief
- Creating an opportunity using Intelligent Forms fails due to currency format
- Creating an opportunity using Intelligent Forms fails due to incorrect question reference
- Creating a "Send email" action in Intelligent Forms without sending the output document
- Custom fields in an intelligent form do not populate into Changepoint
- Data source that calls a stored procedure does not work
- Displaying a large number of fields in a repeating section in Intelligent Forms
- Error "Could not find stored procedure AddRequestEntity" when creating requests using Intelligent Forms
- Error "URL must contain rid and sno attributes" when clicking on a link to Saved Projects in Infiniti Produce
- Error when converting rid, sno or id attribute to GUID when trying to access Intelligent Forms
- Fields in Intelligent Forms form are not aligned properly horizontally
- How to customize the text on the finish page (submit page) of an intelligent form?
- How to find the Changepoint Enterprise URL to redirect to in an Intelligent Form
- How to make an Intelligent Forms form compatible with different browser language settings
- How to obtain nonworking and working days for Intelligent Forms
- How to query for additional data in an Intelligent Forms drop down list
- How to redirect an iForm to an entity profile page?
- How to redirect an Intelligent Forms to a Cognos Dashboard?
- How to remove "Please go back to the previous window" in a final Intelligent Forms form page ?
- How to repeat a section in a generated document
- How to right-align, add a currency symbol, or control the number of decimal points used for currency fields
- How to test/debug while creating an Intelligent Forms form
- How to use a CSV file as a data source in an Intelligent Form
- Increasing the number of versions in version history for Intelligent Forms
- Intelligent Forms: Field is not visible based on a condition that is set
- Intelligent Forms - How to edit the URL link in a form ?
- Intelligent Forms - Installation Troubleshooting checklist
- Intelligent Forms - Known Issues
- Intelligent Forms : Invalid Formula when using Todays() in a function (CP 2020)
- Intelligent Forms Best Practices
- Intelligent Forms does errors out or does not launch (blank page appears)
- Intelligent Forms experiencing performance issues on Changepoint 2021
- Intelligent Forms form fails with error "The request channel timed out"
- Intelligent Forms generation by Request Type
- Intelligent Forms invalid GUID error after export/import from Dev into Production
- Intelligent form fails when creating an entity with no errors in API log
- Intelligent form fails when creating an opportunity
- License error when trying to publish a new Intelligent Forms Project
- Making add/remove rows in a repeating section more intuitive
- Mandatory question results in API error for empty field
- Red asterisk does not appear for mandatory fields in a repeating section in Intelligent Forms
- Request is not created from intelligent form
- Save icon is not available in custom Intelligent Form
- Save in progress/my answers in Intelligent Forms
- Setting the SQL connection string on a Finish action in Intelligent Forms
- Some UDF Code drop downs show the same value twice
- Tabbing in Intelligent Forms goes from top to bottom instead of left to right
- Intelligent Forms "Create Contract" form does not work after upgrading to SmartIQ
- User cannot access Intelligent Forms after their email address is changed in Changepoint
- Workflow error when creating an entity
- Internal
- Invoicing
- Batch Invoicing
- Batch invoicing job failed - can it be rerun?
- Can the process for batch committing invoices be run twice?
- How to modify the items selected for batch invoice generation?
- Invoices are not being generated by the batch invoicing process
- Is it possible to batch-reject multiple invoices in one go?
- Is it possible to run all batch invoice processes at once?
- Some invoices cannot be selected for batch emailing
- Submitted Invoices show updated contract number
- What happens to invoices generated through batch invoicing when the selected status does not apply?
- Which items are processed when only the billing office (cost structure) is selected for the Batch Invoicing Processes report?
- Are project/engagement split billing changes trackable?
- Billing price for products billed through requests (effort and product)
- Cannot display invoices tab on customer profile
- Can the check box "Submit for approval" be set by default when creating new invoice?
- Headers and footers appear on invoices during invoice batch printing
- How to add a logo to an invoice for versions prior to CP 2014
- How to invoice Overtime hours at a different rate than regular hours?
- How to reconfigure invoice numbering?
- How to repopulate the Preinvoiced Time table if invoicing process is interrupted
- Invoiced and credited fixed fee cannot be deleted
- Invoices sent by email do not display correctly in Chrome browser
- Invoice details are not appearing in Invoice details view
- Invoice total does not equal to the sum of Product items
- In an invoice with a Chinese address, the country shows up before the state
- Issue with fixed fee time not showing for invoice selection
- Is it possible to add multiple users as the recipient of second level invoice approval notification?
- Is it possible to create invoices\credit notes via the API?
- Is it possible to discard a committed credit note?
- Is it possible to make modifications when the invoice has been archived or discarded?
- Is the history of invoices sent via email is stored in a Changepoint database table?
- It has been noticed that one invoice number has been skipped. How can this be corrected?
- On the invoice is there any way to select whatever payment terms regardless of what is on the engagement?
- Request time calculation for invoicing
- Some time records cannot be invoiced
- What are the conditions to be able to change the split billing rules?
- What date is used to determine the exchange rate on invoices?
- What do invoice status values mean in the time table?
- When a fixed fee is invoiced, is the billing date of the fixed fee updated to the actual invoice date?
- When we change a task to fixed fee, do the hours that are already charged also get changed?
- Why are expenses available for selection in invoicing when engagement setup is not to invoice expenses?
- Why does invoiced time not match the time entered for a request in the time sheet?
- Why does the actual time has a different billing rate in the invoice after a certain date?
- Why is the invoice status "Partially Paid" when the payment total is zero ?
- Batch Invoicing
- Knowledge Management
- Miscellaneous
- "...funding categories are not selected" error while saving funding source association
- Access Problem after restoring PROD environment to TEST/DEV
- Ajax Error after restarting the server
- Cannot export project worksheet or report into Excel
- Cannot get the request# and description on surveys sent through workflow
- Cannot log into Changepoint / SQL Server connection issue (v2014)
- Cannot sign into Changepoint using Internet Explorer
- Cannot upload knowledge item to an opportunity
- Cannot View Expense Reports in Archive database
- Changepoint Export to excel is producing an HTML file not compatible to Microsoft Viewer
- Clearing a field using the "x" and saving does not delete the value
- Clicking "Apply" and then "Save" does not save changes
- Custom trigger events for automated survey
- Data from the previously displayed record is displayed in the user interface
- Does Changepoint comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
- Do offline expenses work with Macs and tablets or mobile devices? (2012)
- Do users have to change their passwords as soon as the password rules are changed?
- Edge/Chrome version 90: Clicking Back/Previous or Next in entity profiles ends the Changepoint session
- Edit Calendar Entry - How to restrict the list of projects to link to
- Effort doesn't apepar in funding source
- Emails sent to clients about closed requests
- Employee Issue with patched IE 11 environment (2012)
- Enable Surveys
- Error "'asp 0104: 80004005" when adding project to portfolio
- Error message encountered when logging into System Manager (2012 SP1)
- Error message when uploading an attachment within a workflow step
- Error when accessing preferred resources
- File or folder access rights error to tempImages
- Full text search does not return any results despite jobs being active (v2012)
- Full text search in PDF documents does not work (v2014 SP2)
- Having issues after an upgrade or patch instalation
- How can resources get access to the Changepoint Community?
- How is Session time out handled?
- How long is the reset password link valid for?
- How to change the column title for 'effort' in Scenario Comparison? v2014
- How to delete an entire hierarchy of product categories? (v2012)
- How to delete support items?
- How to edit assigned metrics?
- How to edit multiple description fields at the same time?
- How to track changes on fields for which there is no history tracking option
- HTTP error when opening project worksheet, resource management worksheet, scenario comparisons worksheet
- In project worksheet, Ctrl+U no longer copies values into multiple rows
- IPI Metrics are no longer being generated (v2014)
- Is it possible to add a contact in Activity created from Project?
- Is it possible to change the font in emails sent by Changepoint?
- Is it possible to search for accented characters without entering the accents?
- Is it possible to search the team folders in the client portal?
- Is there any export functionality for the Activities list?
- Is there a recommended password locker such as ‘LastPass’ add-on that is compatible with Changepoint?
- Knowledge documents are not visible and not found via search
- Knowledge search with dash does not return expected results
- Leading Zeros on a report while exporting to excel (2012)
- Not able to find newly created Knowledge Base Items
- Open tasks not visible in dropdown list in personal calendar
- Opportunity amounts are multiplied by the probability in Scenario Comparisons (v2014)
- Page cannot be displayed under Reminders
- Performance impact of sending 10000 surveys (2010, 2010 SP1,SP2,SP3)
- Pinned items and recently viewed items do not appear in the Recents list
- PPM_PerformanceMetricCalc_Ref v2014
- Problem to upload an attachment/document
- PSA_PerformanceMetricCalc_Ref v2014
- Question about temp folder for export of surveys v2017
- Receive error creating email notification
- Removing the “Knowledge Item” in the General menu
- Searching the Changepoint documentation
- Security (SSL) Certificate Error
- Some questions are missing in a survey
- Spaces are inserted into field values, for example after an angle bracket (<)
- Survey Expiration Date (2012)
- Survey responses cannot be shown only for a particular project v2014
- Team folder access configuration v2012
- Technical Alert - Chrome Users: Entities remain locked after edit window has been closed
- Temporary password for "Forgot your password?" is invalid
- The header text from a survey displays <BR> instead of a line break
- Time conformance e-mail notifications are not sent to users
- Transport Tool and Billing Office Workgroup access (2010 SP2)
- Unable to select a Category when creating Knowledge Items
- Usage tracking and assessing the performance
- User-defined IDs are not copied when copying engagements and projects
- User is prompted to install Silverlight when it is already installed
- What are the criteria for an activity to be displayed in the activities portlet?
- What are the wild card that can be used for search
- What can cause menu items disappear from an archived environment?
- What database table contains the survey theme?
- What feature gives a user access to the "What If Analysis" under portfolios?
- What is the default column width in Scenarion Comparison?
- What is the limit of the document title in the Knowledge attachment table?
- What is the list of objects that a database user for a survey website needs to access?
- When Email HTML is enable, is it possible to include HTML table(TR, TD) options to customize height, width, border?
- Where is the history for "Hours per day" and "Daily capacity" fields?
- Why is Preferences/Change password enabled when we use SSO
- You cannot navigate anywhere in Changepoint after accessing a custom section
- Mobility
- 2012 SP1: When trying to connect to the mobile app, the following message is generated
- 2014 SP1 - Changepoint Mobile site - can't enter time on timesheet
- 2014 SP2: Expense category list using Mobile device shows only 27 items in the dropdown
- 2014 SP2: When trying to login to the mobile app using redirect, the following message is generated.
- Changepoint Mobile App Release Notes (3.1.94)
- Change to PCID message text does not appear in the mobile app
- Company Search is available in Mobile App for some users, but not others
- Error "request template required" when using a mobile device
- FAQ: Changepoint Mobile App and Amazon AWS
- Hiding Expense Report Categories on mobile site(CP 2014)
- How can users be restricted not to use ipad, smart phone etc. to access Changepoint ? They can only access Changepoint using laptop/desktop (2010)
- How do users access the Mobile app?
- Instructions for Step #3 in the Changepoint mobile app installation instructions are vague
- Missing "Tasks I have booked time against" on Mobile
- Mobile app - Must sticky sessions be enabled within the web load balancer for notifications?
- Mobile app crashes on Android devices after submitting time
- Upload Expense Receipts using mobile CP (CP 2012 SP1)
- V2014 Can custom sections be added into the mobile application or website?
- V2014 Can log into Enterprise but not into mobile
- V2014 Prevent redirection to mobile website
- V2014 SP2 With the new mobile application, is it possible to enter request time?
- v2017 Changepoint Mobile App can enter only 4 characters in Description Field.
- When is the cached data in the mobile app refreshed?
- Performance Management
- Portfolio Management
- Adding a new Portfolio Metric to a Rollup Portfolio
- For the portfolio, why the Project Budgeted Cost vs. EAC (with Request) and Project Budgeted Effort vs. EAC (with Request) metric targets are 0?
- How to remove a project from portfolio
- Option to add item to portfolio not available
- Projects are not rolling up by the overnight job (v2012 SP2)
- What is the difference between portfolio and portfolio items?
- Project Management
- "Conversion failed" error when opening Project treeview
- "Error loading preferred resource data" from Preferences or Task Assignment
- "Include in Resource Demand" check box is removed upon locking tasks
- "Task history will be deleted" message after editing Billable flag
- "Worksheet data is being refreshed with changes made by other users" (CP 2012)
- 'Baseline' Reset Button not being displayed
- Actual values for Fiscal Year breakdown do not match project actuals
- After copying a project, why do task assignments start later than the task?
- After saving a project, "Saving Canceled" message appears and Project Worksheet becomes unresponsive
- After time entry, when are the actual hours updated for tasks and task assignments ?
- Available loading method options are limited
- A product that is in the budget does not appear in the "Create Material" dialog box on the project
- Cannot assign resources to task
- Cannot associate Competitor to Project in PSA/PPM environments
- Cannot change billing role effective/expiry date
- Cannot deselect certain workcodes in a project
- Cannot edit assignment percent complete field for some task assignments
- Cannot modify the project plan editors
- Cannot reduce resource request duration(CP2014)
- Cannot take ownership of a project
- Cannot transfer project to me
- Cannot transfer / reassign a project
- Can I get a list of Ids and types for CPProjectType from the project table?
- Can the "{" key be used at the beginning of a project name?
- Changing a predessor task end date does not move the successor task(CP2014)
- Changing Billable Task to Unbillable does not Update all Time Records
- Copy project - project manager list is not ordered alphabetically
- Copy Project Error: The field [yxy ID:XXXX] already exists in the database
- Does copy project include the open task restrictions?
- Draft tasks are moving after the project is saved
- Error: [Argument_AddingDuplicate] when opening the project worksheet
- Error: There are no working days between the Planned Start and Finish dates when adding a task assignment
- Error "Length: cannot be less than zero" when creating/editing Project Phases
- Error -1072896682 when trying to copy a project (CP 2014)
- Error when linking two predecessor tasks to one successor task
- Error when opening the project worksheet: GetEntities Arithmetic Overflow (CP2014)
- Excel Export Button not functional in Project Worksheet
- How are project team entries used when calculating the allocation for task assignments?
- How are the PlannedDay and PlannedFTE fields in the taskassignment table calculated?
- How are the remaining hours calculated?
- How can we get the date that the project was marked as completed through project status drop down box?
- How can we track changes to tasks and assignments?
- How can we track updates in Project fields?
- How can you prevent users from doing task status at all ?
- How can you update the actual start date on a milestone task, without assigning a resource and having time entered to it?
- How does RollupActualFinish get recorded in Task? (CP2012)
- How does system set the start date on tasks when copying a project?
- How is slack calculated in Changepoint?
- How is the Project Actual Finish Date set?
- How planned hours are calculated for an open task assignment?
- How to allow assigning any resource to a task when resource requests are enabled at Billing Office Level
- How to assign a resource to the same task for different periods before and after a vacation period?
- How to change the default loading method
- How to change the project manager of a project
- How to check in the database who is project plan editor for a billing office? (CP2014)
- How to configure time entry restrictions?
- How to copy a parent task and its subtasks to another project ?
- How to create a request for a completed project?
- How to enable the "Open task" option in the edit task dialog
- How to enable the "soft booked" checkbox in edit project / project team?
- How to find the internal project ID in the user interface?
- How to make the billing role mandatory in task assignments when the task is billable?
- How to restrict Open Task access to project team resources only?
- How To Rollup All Projects
- How to set the Fiscal period field as mandatory for projects?
- How to set the value of custom fields in resource requests added in Project Team
- How to trace when a project was transferred from one project manager to another?
- How to transfer a project budget to someone else with access restrictions?
- How to update the Client/Customer and Initiative/Engagement of a project?
- HTTP 403 error Project Planning Worksheet fails to save Preferred resources cannot be edited
- In "Transfer records" one inactive project does not appear in the list of projects but other inactive projects do
- Issue with preferred resource list.
- Is it possible to change the loading method of a task assignment by using a stored procedure or the API?
- Is it possible to create task dependencies (link tasks) between different projects?
- Is it possible to define access control restrictions on shared project worksheet views?
- Is it possible to define a default value for the project type (status required / not required)?
- Is it possible to export/import a project between two Changepoint environments?
- Is it possible to modify the planned start/finish date of a task assignment in past fiscal periods if there's no time against it?
- Is it possible to reassign task assignments in batches?
- Is it possible to update the status a task that is set to "Status not required" ? (CP 2014, CP 2017)
- Is it possible to use 'Copy Project' with sub projects?
- Is there any condition that prevents users from changing the loading method?
- Is there any way we can associate a project team with other projects?
- Is there a date limitation for projects for planned finish date?
- Is the initial baseline overwritten?
- Late tasks report in 'My Reminders' portlet shows task with future planned finish date
- Manually allocated tasks have been evenly redistributed(CP2014)
- Milestone task Actual Date start /finish behavior
- Mismatch between time entries and project actual start/finish/effort (CP2014)
- Name of a project created from a request cannot contain certain characters, but the characters were allowed on the request
- Page TitleWhat is the Billing Role Expiry Date?
- Planned hours change when switching a project's fiscal period
- Planned remaining hours are not updated after saving changes in Project Worksheet
- Planner / PPW
- "Cannot connect to the notification server " error when opening the PPW
- "Cannot connect to the notification server " error when opening the PPW in a new window
- "Cannot connect to the notification server " error when opening the PPW or RSW
- "Conversion from type 'DBNull'..." Error when opening Project Worksheet
- "Error invoking Hub Method" when starting PPW
- "Resource" label in task assignment view in Project Worksheet (PPW) is in English only
- "The field [Duration] cannot exceed 9125" error in project planning worksheet (PPW)
- After copying a task assignment in PPW, the new created task assignment is not visible in Resource Search
- Argument_AddingDuplicate error in project worksheet
- Cannot select a resource for a resource request or for a task assignment in the project worksheet
- Can a project linked to MSP be edited in Project Planning Worksheet/Project Worksheet?
- Can the default start date in the Project Worksheet Gantt chart be configured?
- Can the resource cost rate field be edited in the project worksheet?
- Caveats when switching from using PPW or RSW to project worksheet or RMW
- Field 'Loading method' not available when creating a view in the PPW(CP2017)
- How to allocate recurring planned hours in Project Planning Worksheet? (CP2017 SP2)
- How to display the project total planned hours and actual hours in PPW?
- In project worksheet, cannot select "Billed to fixed fee" for a task
- In Project Worksheet filters, can one of the existing conditions work like an SQL "not like"?
- Manual allocations are not displayed correctly in PPW
- Not able to assign a resource to a task in project worksheet
- Opening the project planning worksheet fails(CP2014 SP2)
- Overbooking error in project worksheet (CP 2014)
- Planned effort cannot be changed in project planning worksheet (PPW) due to warning about loading methods (CP 2017 SP1)
- Project Planning Worksheet (PPW): Best practices
- Project Planning Worksheet restrictions when using filtering and sorting
- Project Worksheet (PPW) does not open in a third-party portal or standalone window when using ui=p
- Project worksheet errors related to hidden columns(CP2014)
- ResponseContentTypeMismatch error in Project Worksheet
- Some projects do not open in the project planning worksheet(CP2017)
- Tasks appear in project worksheet but not PPW, even after running WBS utility
- UI Layout initialization warning when opening PPW
- Warning message when resources are overbooked does not appear in the project planning worksheet (PPW) and project worksheet
- Week start and Non working days in Gantt chart in project planning worksheet(PPWS)
- When a task shows a billing role in PPW, do all task assignments for the task have the same billing role?
- When should the "Replace past planned effort with actual effort" menu option be used in PPW?
- Where does it show when the project worksheet was last used for a project?(CP2014)
- Why are some icons disabled if sorting is used on Filters and Views in Project Worksheet (CP2020)?
- Why does the project planning worksheet show two lines of column headers?
- Why is it not possible to change the start date of some tasks in Project Planning Worksheet?
- Why is the billing role not included for task assignments for the newly created tasks activated from PPW
- Projects not accessible by project plan editors / co-managers
- Project data is not rolled up
- Project data is not rolled up from assignments to tasks(CP2014)
- Project manager not able to assign a resource who is exempt from resource requests to a project task
- Project planner, scenario comparison worksheet, and resource management worksheet (RMW): Best practices
- Project planning worksheet (PPW) keyboard shortcuts
- Project Task Statusing and Project Percent Complete
- Project tree view search does not work when searching for a portion of the project name
- Project worksheet - Billing Rate Column not showing
- Project worksheet says "dates cannot be changed in past periods" when only changing planned hours/days (CP2012)
- Removing the fiscal period from a project changes the method of planned hours allocation to automatic
- Replace planned with actual and forecast
- Resource Group Assignment on Projects
- Rollup project job fails with arithmetic overflow error(CP2014)
- Searching for projects using both project and alternate name does not work
- Server error occurs when editing projects or tasks
- Spaces in Project/Task name
- Summary section on project profiles – Calculations for billed and available amounts (Changepoint 2021)
- Task Assignments are populated in the Project Budget, even when the Cancel button is selected
- Task baselinehours data is overwritten
- Task comments lose Edit mode formatting like carriage return in Task profile page
- Task dependency overrides resource allocation (CP2010 SP2)
- Task does not appear in a resource calendar between the planned start and planned finish dates
- Task planned effort is not distributed till planned finish date
- Task planned hours is set to 0
- Task status was set to 0% for all tasks
- The "Transfer project to me" option is not available on the project - Actions menu
- Time approvers cannot be unassigned even if all projects are closed
- Unable to assign a resource to a task, even though the Preferred Resource list is populated.
- Unable to copy the projected resources to a project team (2012)
- Unable to delete a project with 0 actual hours
- Unable to delete a task with 0 actual hours
- User is not able to view a project
- Viewing comments of other users for Task status updates comments
- Warning "Some effort is distributed to nonworking days and will be removed"
- Warning about open tasks when copying a project
- Warning in project worksheet: Some effort is distributed to nonworking days
- What are the criteria for a task assignment to be due for statusing in task status compliance report?
- What determines the user id recorded in the UpdatedBy column in the project table
- What determines when a reminder shows up in 'My Reminders' portlet that the task needs statusing?
- What entities are concerned by the feature to edit information in past fiscal periods (MPP)?
- What happens if you change the daily conversion factor for a resource?
- What is a purpose of 'projectavailableto' table?
- What is the best setting to use to prevent projects being created under an engagement?
- What is the difference between Planned Remaining Hours and Remaining Hours?
- What is the maximum effort that can be planned on an assignment? (CP2014 SP2)
- What is the purpose of the "Resource Request Number" field in a task assignment view?
- When a user attempts to export to Excel from the project worksheet, the system terminates the user's Changepoint session.
- When copying a project, options to copy resource assignments and billing roles are disabled.
- When copying a project, some resources are not copied
- When copying projects is there a way to zero out the planned hours for each resource?
- When editing a task there is a field to select a request but the request does not appear in the drop down list
- When is a project rolled up automatically?
- When linking project to MSP, some fields in Project Worksheet are not accessible. Is the resource management worksheet available? (2012)
- When looking at a task, some resources can only see their own task assignment wheras other resources can also see all the other resources that are assigned to the same task
- Where can the manager comments be added to a task assignment?
- Where to find who statused the task and when ?
- Which job takes care of the 'replace past with actuals' functionality for projects? (CP 2014)
- Which table contains project worksheet views information?
- Who is the default Project Manager when creating a project from a request?
- Why are FTE amounts auto-distributed differently when task assignments have the same resource, duration and dates?
- Why are the time approver fields not available in the Edit Project dialog, even though they are enabled in Metadata?
- Why a task assignment does not appear in resource's calendar?
- Why does the billing role change in Project Worksheet when the assignee is changed?
- Why does the end date calculation in Project Worksheet overbooks the resource?
- Why is "Billed to fixed-fee portion of the engagement." option not editable on a task?
- Why is there a billing rate on the time record when there seems to be no billing role on the assignment?
- Why the drop down list is missing when trying to create a task assignment in the Project Worksheet?
- Will adding a Default Project Plan Editor to a Billing Office / Cost Structure rollback to all projects?
- Work Location not editable in the time sheet when copy project is used
- Reporting
- Accelerator report "Task assignment effort summary by project and fiscal period" does not return any values
- Actual time - difference between project/task view and reports
- "Projects by Status and Project Manager" report error when too many projects are returned (CP 2010)
- 2014 SP2 - Printing of Revenue Tentative report
- Action menu options in the Project Status by Resource is not working (2012)
- Batch Time and Expenses Approval Report
- Batch Time and Expense Report (2014 SP2)
- Budget vs. Actual by Item report appears to treat credited time as invoiced
- Bypass Security of ASP report
- Can the default date on the Time Submission Conformance report be changed to SUNDAY instead of MONDAY? (CP 2010)
- Difference between "All requests per assignee" and "Open requests per assignee" reports
- Engagements and Projects aren't displayed from Report "Time and Expenses by Customer"
- Error when clicking on Revenue Tentative Process report (2012)
- How does “Utilization details by resource” report use the planning units? (2014 SP2)
- How to remove people from the "Time Submission Conformance" report?
- Is there a way to know the task completion date on the project level? (CP2010 SP2)
- Progress by Project report (CP2017)
- Reports missing in Changepoint 2012 and later versions
- Time Compliance Report
- V2014 Wrong total in report 'time and expense by resource'
- What does the red percent icon mean in the first column of Time and Expenses reports?
- Why does error appear when Time Submission Conformance Report
- Billable time appearing as nonbillable
- Calendar demand types in the DemandAndCapacity view
- Changepoint activity log
- Changepoint Reports Dictionary by Category – Reference
- Cognos
- "An existing project is being opened" with credentials error when running Cognos Synch utility (CP 2012)
- "CAM_Passport Error:Bad Request" error when running a Cognos report using Internet Explorer
- "Can't retrieve data" errors in the Cognos dashboard
- "CNC-SDS-0408" error when scheduled Cognos reports are not being emailed after upgrade
- "QE-DEF-0030 Expression parsing" error when running Cognos report
- "rsstartupblock" error when opening a Cognos report (CP 2017 SP1)
- "The user capabilities cache cookie cannot be decoded" error when using Cognos in different environments
- #sq($account.parameters.ResourceId)# not available in Cognos
- AAA-AUT-0013 The user is already authenticated in all available namespaces - error when trying to access Cognos from Changepoint (2014 SP2)
- Access to menu: Synchronize Cognos Reports
- Adding an additional Cognos Node
- Adding ChangePoint entity profile links to an Analytics dashboard table
- Appearance of report prompts is changed after importing the report XML from another environment
- Batch change the Cognos User Language for all users
- Blank page when opening Cognos Analytics (CP 2020)
- CAF-WRN-2082 Error when adding SQL query to Cognos Analytics report
- Cannot export Cognos report to Excel (2014 SP1)
- Cannot save Cognos report view in Changepoint 2017 SP2 using Internet Explorer
- Cannot Start IBM Cognos Service (2012 SP2)
- Cannot view package properties in Cognos 11.1.1
- Can a scheduled CP Analytics report be saved into an sFTP folder?
- Can Cognos reports be executed from Excel?
- Can scheduled Cognos reports be saved as a file?
- Can the subject line in emails of burst reports in Cognos be changed dynamically?
- Can we create multiple schedules for the same report with different set of prompt values?
- CFG-ERR-0106 IBM Cognos Configuration did not receive a response... (2014 SP2)
- Changepoint-Cognos Accelerator Additional Reports - document
- Changepoint-Cognos Accelerator Reports - document
- Changepoint Analytics – Best practices for arranging Team content folders
- Changepoint resource missing in Cognos
- Changepoint security is not applied to Cognos data sets
- Chrome 86 causing issues with Cognos – Resolved
- Cognos - Guidelines for memory and other settings
- Cognos - How to include child workgroups in report output
- Cognos - How to make visible again a hidden entry? (2012 SP2)
- Cognos - Report Error when owner of the report has left the company
- Cognos - Why a report schedule and a report export return different results ?
- Cognos 10 error: Cannot connect to gateway
- Cognos 10 not available in Changepoint
- Cognos 10 Report Studio page design view is empty
- Cognos 11 - Changepoint data source connection does not appear in data server connection list
- Cognos 11 - Cheat sheet
- Cognos 11 - Error RQP-DEF-0326 when adding a user defined SQL Query
- Cognos 11 - Report displays December 31 date with the wrong year
- Cognos 11 reprompt button does not reload data from the database
- Cognos Accelerator "Time listing" report does not return second level approval time entries
- Cognos Analytics report shows old data
- Cognos budget reports not working after upgrade to Changeoint V2014
- Cognos Business Author - access to Cognos Workspace Advanced(CP 2012 SP2)
- Cognos Connections error "Object expected cognosisapi.dll" (CP 2012 SP2)
- Cognos CSV files are created with Tab separators rather than commas
- Cognos Data Model - Asset information (CP2012)
- Cognos Data Module - Join between data set and Changepoint package doesn't work
- Cognos Email notifications - Modifying the 'from' email
- Cognos error: The model or package does not exist
- Cognos error AAA-AUT-0013 when launching the Cognos Analytics Portal from Changepoint
- Cognos error RQP-DEF-0403 when executing a custom SQL query
- Cognos export to Excel distributes large reports over several sheets (2014)
- Cognos folder permissions
- Cognos is unavailable (CP 2012)
- Cognos links to profile pages not working in Analytics Portal
- Cognos not exporting images when the report is generated and saved as an excel, pdf, etc.(CP 2012 SP1)
- Cognos Profile Link field empty when exporting to Excel or PDF
- Cognos prompt does not show all values
- Cognos reports: How to find all budget items for a revision
- Cognos reports are always exported as Excel files
- Cognos Reports delivered via Email prompts for Session ID
- Cognos reports getting set to 'view most recent report'
- Cognos Reports goes on Queue Nothing Occurs (2014 SP2)
- Cognos report does not reflect the change in configurable field description
- Cognos Report Dynamic Sorting (2014 SP1)
- Cognos report fails with error RSV-CM-0005 after restoring ContentStore backup
- Cognos report folders do not appear in the Changepoint Reports folder after synchronization
- Cognos Report Id for Custom URL
- Cognos report in unsecured model doesn't return expected results
- Cognos report not displaying images when rendered as a PDF
- Cognos report to the Actions menu of Invoice V2020
- Cognos Scheduled report emails are not going out
- Cognos scheduled report is not sent out via e-mail
- Cognos search functionality not returning records
- Cognos sends out reports for inactive or deleted schedules
- Cognos singleton objects (v2012)
- Cognos sub category
- Cognos synch did not take into account the change of a configurable field type
- Cognos Sync Utility: not able to publish a revised model
- Cognos Sync Utility Error: BMT-MD-0006 Another object of type 'Query Subject' already exists with the name 'XXX' in Namespace 'YYY'
- Cognos Sync Utility tech note item (2017)
- Cognos Views not populating
- Custom field not formatting correctly
- Custom task assignment fields are missing from the task assignment query subject in Cognos
- Deleted cognos reports not being removed
- Discrepancy between CognosDemandAndCapacity and DS_ResourceDemand views when comparing effort values
- Does the report "Engagement contract vs billed and unbilled and planned" provide information about planned fixed fees?
- DPR-ERR-2056 error when running a Cognos report that is based on a saved report view
- DS_Engagement.ConversionHours field is missing from Cognos Data Model
- Duplicated entries in "Time Listing with Costs and Billing Information" report for a resource
- Emails not being received
- Email Functionality in Cognos Not Working(CP2012 SP2)
- Error "An existing project is being opened" when running Cognos Synch utility (CP2012 SP2)
- Error "Cannot find the report" when running a newly created Cognos report
- Error "Unable to insert this data item here" when dragging a query item in Cognos
- Error CM-REQ-4248 when exporting the entire Cognos content store
- Error in Cognos report - Conversion failed when converting from a character string to uniqueidentifier
- Error in Cognos Report Studio when selecting "Recently Used Packages - Changepoint"
- Error QE-DEF-0314 when running Cognos Sync Utility
- Error RQP-DEF-0177 while running a Cognos report
- Error when accessing Cognos in two environments
- Error when attempting to run Dashboards
- Error when clicking on Cognos Report icon
- Error when importing the metadata package (Cognos 10.2)
- Error when setting up an testing JDBC data source connection after upgrade to Cognos 11.2.1
- Error when using the sync tools in Cognos environment
- Exporting a Cognos report to MS Excel 2007 format – Rows per page settings
- Exporting the HTML output of a Cognos report to Excel causes the report to be run again
- Field "Unbillable Request Time Cost associated with a fixed fee" missing from Cognos Data Model(CP 2012)
- Filter for restricting data in a Cognos report to the current user or direct reports of the current user?
- Fixed Fee actuals missing from "Budget vs Actual by Item" Cognos accelerator report
- For Cognos reports, email sender is GUID instead of default email sender
- For some users, reports rendering as PDF open as blank (2012)
- GUID Error when trying to open an engagement from a Cognos report
- HierarchyRequestError when clicking on a child report link in Cognos report using Internet Explorer
- How can we add hyperlinks to Cognos reports?(2012 SP1)
- How can we create cognos portlet reports?
- How can we get in a Cognos report the termination date of a resource? (CP 2017)
- How can we report on the time field 'adjusted by' and 'adjusted on'?
- How can we see how often and by who Cognos reports are executed?
- How does the access permission work in Cognos?(CP2014 SP2)
- How do I make an export and import of Cognos report package ? (CP 2012 SP1)
- How to Access Funding Sources in Cognos Data Model(CP2012 SP2)
- How to access Report Studio, it is not available from the Cognos menu? (2017)
- How to address RC4 Cypher Cognos Vulnerability CVE-2015-2808
- How to add custom field labels to the Cognos data model?
- How to add date/time stamps to scheduled Cognos reports sent by email (Cognos 10.2.2)
- How to add filters for a query in a Cognos report?
- How to change the time zone for scheduled reports in Cognos
- How to check certificates expiry dates in Cognos Analytics
- How to check if Cognos is up and running?
- How to create a custom data model in Changepoint Analytics 2020?
- How to create data modules in Cognos Analytics
- How to define auto refresh in a Cognos dashboard?
- How to develop a custom Cognos package?
- How to export reports from one environment to another in Cognos Analytics 11?
- How to filter a Cognos report on the user executing the report?
- How to find the corresponding fields in Cognos Data Model for the provider "Billable Amounts – Forecast Planned Hours"?
- How to find the OpportunityID GUID value?
- How to format Cognos date in cross tabulated reports? (CP 2012)
- How to get a list of default Project Worksheet views and filters for each user
- How to get a list of the fiscal periods selected by each user in Project Worksheet?
- How to get Time entries adjustment details using Changepoint Cognos Data Model?
- How to improve performance of Cognos reports?
- How to include the Expense Report GL Account in a Cognos report?
- How to integrate a Cognos report into a profile page or an action menu? (2014)
- How to launch a Cognos report, or a Cognos folder, using a custom section item in Changepoint?
- How to prevent list cells in Cognos reports from splitting across pages
- How to prevent users from saving report output views in Cognos
- How to reconfigure the Cognos Sync Utility
- How to remove Cognos reference within Changepoint ?
- How to report on the customer's billing office in Cognos?
- How to restart Cognos services without restarting the server?
- How to save Cognos report outputs to a file location?
- How to schedule a Cognos report? (Cognos Analytics)
- How to set up the Cognos dataset cache to clear automatically
- How to set up WebDAV for Cognos 11
- How to specify a default format for a Cognos report that is integrated into Changepoint (Cognos 10.2.2)
- How to specify the Default Prompt Values for a Cognos report
- How to track modification date when a request status is moved to "On hold" ?
- IBM Cognos Mobile 'APN' Apple Push Notification Certificate expired (2017 SP1)
- Images in Cognos not printing or showing up (CP2012 SP1)
- Insertable Objects pane does not appear in Cognos 11.1 when you are editing an existing report (CP 2017 SP2)
- Invoice Aging report (2017)
- In a Cognos line chart, the tooltip displays some incorrect values for some data points
- In the Cognos data model, Opportunity Category Expense name returns the Category Expense description
- Issue installing the "Import Revision" Cognos (Changepoint BI)
- Issue in cognos filters
- Is it normal that Cognos reports embedded in profile pages open in a new window? (v2014)
- Is it possible to access Custom Data Provider of Report Designer from Cognos?
- Is it possible to add profile page links into a Cognos dashboard?
- Is it Possible to have Fixed Width on Cognos Report Excel Export? (2014 SP1)
- Is it possible to import a Cognos report from CP 2017 SP1 into a CP 2017 environment?
- Is it possible to mail a Cognos report as URL and not as attachment?
- Is it possible to modify the subject of scheduled report emails?
- Is it possible to name a Cognos Report automatically while saving? (Cognos 10)
- Is it possible to specify the order of the reports integrated into a profile page?
- Is it possible to use sample reports mentioned in Cognos documentation?(CP2012 SP2)
- Is there a maximum length for the mail service password in Cognos configuration?
- Is there a report that includes resource demand by contract type?
- I changed the column names in the report design but the report shows the standard column names
- JavaScript error when editing prompts in Cognos Report View Schedule (CP 2017 SP1)
- Javascript Error when trying to render a Cognos workspace report with IE11
- Logged in user name in Cognos is not the user currently signed into Changepoint
- Mailing Cognos reports from prompt page (CP 2012)
- Management of the visibility of Header / Toolbar in Cognos reports
- Missing time entries in reports
- Missing time records in reports after deleting a workgroup
- Monitoring Cognos performance indicators effectively
- Not able to download Excel output from Cognos or Report Designer
- Not able to group by Description field
- Not able to use Cognos after modifying the IP address of the Cognos server
- Options "in Data" and "In Format" to export data to Excel in Cognos reports
- Portlet not working for fixed fee projects
- Report based on custom SQL view is slow
- Report fails after moving to CognosUnsecure model
- Report scheduler email in CVS format does not work for all reports
- RQP-DEF-0103 error in Cognos
- RQP-DEF-0177 Error in Cognos report, an error occurred while performing operation ‘sqlPrepareWithOptions’
- RQP-DEF-0177 error when running a Cognos report
- RQP-DEF-0191 Error when running a Cognos report
- S-Curve Reports not Displaying all Lines-Data (v2014)
- Security error QE-DEF-0157 when running Cognos report
- Setting up a Cognos report schedule
- Some reports are not returning data
- Some Resources are not available in CP2017 Cognos Resource model, but is available in old version of Changepoint.
- Some users saving a Cognos workspace get an error "Unable to get property '_showing'"
- Sorting of report columns not available by default in Cognos 11 reports
- The Changepoint-Cognos Sync utility is currently in use by "username". Please try again later.
- The currency conversion exchange rate is not properly applied in Cognos reports
- Time listing report - project does not appear in search results in the report filter
- Tuning Changepoint Analytics reporting
- Unable to disable schedules for Cognos reports Error 403 Forbidden
- Unable to run Cognos Report with "Run As" selected
- Users with the same workgroup access rights get different results in Cognos report that lists time entries
- Using a Cognos Data Module with custom SQL query
- Using the SQL Server Reporting Tool (SSRS), are there any associated issues that could be problematic down the road with data schema changes?
- V2012 Cognos Report Studio is slow
- V2012 Error in Cognos when mailing reports
- V2012 In system management report setup, the option to synchronize Cognos reports is missing
- V2014 Cognos - change file extension of CSV report output to CSV
- V2014 Cognos Chart Creation
- V2014 Cognos filter screen missing values
- V2014 Cognos reports appear twice in the Changepoint report tree view
- V2014 Cognos unavailable for some users
- V2014 Engagement data missing in reports
- V2014 How to build a cumulative chart in Cognos?
- V2014 New Changepoint role missing in Cognos
- V2014 No Cognos menu and no warning about Cognos unavailability
- V2014 When a ContentStore is exported/imported, what happens to the Changepoint report folders?
- V2014 Where to find the accelerator reports?
- V2017 Cognos reports includes data up to end-date plus 1
- Warning messages appear when accessing an external link in an iframe in a Cognos report
- What access is required to see task assignments in a Cognos report?
- What features are required to access the Report Studio under Cognos menu ?
- What is IBM RAVE Visualization Customizer and is it supported?
- When attempting to launch any Cognos module, getting prompted to save a file (CP 2012)
- When logged into Changepoint, users are getting "Cognos is currently unavailable. Contact your system administrator for assistance" error message
- When running an active Cognos report, why are included images not displayed?
- When running a report, a "404 page not found" or empty dashboard appears instead of the report
- When scheduling a Cognos report, the new user is not available for selection in the recipient list, why?
- Where are the default Cognos Analytics themes and templates?
- Where are the engagement revenue fields in Cognos?
- Where to copy the accelerator images 'Gantt Images.zip'? (2014)
- Which workgroup is displayed in resource demand and financial analysis query subjects?
- Why "Workgroup type" field is not available in Cognos? (V2012 SP1)
- Why does demand for a resource against a completed task display in Changepoint view "DS_Fin_TaskAssignmentDaily" and "DS_Fin_TaskAssignmentMonthly" but not in "DS_ResourceDemand"? (CP 2014 sp1)
- Why is Active Report not Showing in Report List after the sync? (CP 2017)
- Why is data missing from some reports one day but is there the next day?
- Why is the "Last submission period" field empty in Cogos Data models ?
- Why is the configurable field not available in Cognos?
- Why is the CPI amount different in project profile and in project earned value report?
- Why is the Framework Manager option not available in Cognos?
- Why there is a RSU-SPC-0096 warning when editing the Cognos report?
- CV-0005 Report specification could not be loaded. Please contact your administrator.
- Demand and Capacity - Static does not display current data
- Does changing workgroup names have any impact on previous time entries and reporting?
- Grouping Tasks in Reports(CP 2012 SP2)
- Hard deleting terminated user information from Time or StandardTasktime tables
- How can line count or row number be calculated in report?
- How does the exchange rate impacts the Budget Vs Actual by item report?
- How to move reports between different folders in the report tree view
- Is it possible to check how many times a report has ran?
- Reports to which a user has been granted access do not appear immediately in Reports tree view
- Report Designer
- "Define format" button is not available for a date field in Report Designer
- "Invalid object name" error for a data provider in report preview
- "Tbl DataBind Timeout expired" error in Report Designer report preview (CP 2012 SP2)
- 'Unrecognized GUID' server error when adding a data source for a Report Designer report
- Blank page when trying to export a report designer report to Excel
- Cannot expand the group when a custom field contains decimal figures (2012 SP1)
- Cannot import report from development to production (CP 2010)
- Can terminated resources be included in run-time filters in Report Designer reports?
- Character limit to Custom field in Report Designer
- Client Portal data collection fields
- Color printing is not working for report designer reports and it prints black and white from Internet Explorer.
- Coloured icons are not transferred to Excel
- Configurable field name change
- Currency conversion is not working on UDF named "Net COS Budget"
- Custom field is not available when defining conditional formatting (2012)
- Custom Report designer loading issue (CP 2010)
- Data provider configuration - Entity of configurable field (CP 2010)
- Data provider used to report on the start and end times resources would input in an activity against a project?
- Description field in Report Designer report does not respect line-ends in the source field content
- DS_TaskAssignmentBaseline lists assignments which cannot be seen in task profile page
- Editing report designer reports in the treeview
- Emailed report from Changepoint does not have a header row
- Engagement configurable field in Report Designer (2010)
- Error (LoadLocaleList) when creating a Report Designer schedule(CP 2012)
- Error in left navigation pane of Report Designer
- Error in reports / timeout
- Error Loading Report Designer
- Error message : "Unable to get property 'rows' of undefined or null on the reference” received on the scheduled Report Designer reports.
- Error on a portal chart report
- Error when launching a report after adding a new filter field
- Exporting large Report Designer Reports to Excel fails
- Financial Analysis Data Provider Not Populated Correctly
- Getting null in the Fiscal Period drop down in the Report Designer (2014 SP2)
- How does DS_ResourceDemand handle completed projects and is it real time?
- How does the workgroup access work for a report displaying task assignments by project, with resource name? (2010)
- How to address the time out issue on "Export to Excel" functionality on Report Designer reports?
- How to copy the formula of a custom field in Report Designer?
- How to display primary application at task and project level properly (Report Designer)
- How to eliminate syntax errors when adding a custom field to a data collection in Report Designer? (2010)
- How to filter on a Report Designer provider that is linked with a left outer join to the main provider?
- How to filter out records from reports using "Not Like" or "Not Equal To"
- How to find the PCID for a Report Column from a Data Provider (v2012 SP2)
- How to link resource request data from ProjectedResourcesRequest table, to project data, in a custom data provider?
- How to make the first grouped level distinguishable in a Report Designer report?
- How to set up Report Designer in an SSO environment
- HTTP Error 404 when creating a custom field that contains a variable
- Importing data provider copies the data source but not the database view
- Inconsistency/missing data when using the Financial Analysis by Project data provider
- Incorrect Baselinedays returned by the datasource DS_TaskAssignment (2012)
- In a custom report, how to add lookup list for features in runtime filters, if the Features do not have a FeatureID in the database, only a FeatureCode (2010)
- In Report Designer reports, can I have headings appear vertically opposed to horizontally?
- Is it possible to calculate the percentage calculation using summed up values from grouping in Report Designer?
- Is it possible to have more than 8 group headers in a Report Designer report?
- Is it possible to populate a table with the union of two data collections in Report Designer?
- Is there anyway possible to get the statistics from the usage of Reports?
- Is there a way to include a filter parameter automatically for reports run outside of CP?(CP 2012 SP2)
- Is the cost centre field on the resource profile a reportable field? (2010)
- Linked reports are lost when exporting/importing reports.
- Links to resource profile in Reports open 404 page error(CP2012 SP2)
- LoadDataTableForReport error when running a report
- Multiple lines in Report Designer (v2010)
- Object reference error in report for some users (2009)
- Portlet reports, when using Chrome generate error (2014 SP2)
- Problem with reporting Task Planned Hours using Fiscal Periods (CP 2010)
- Project ID is not showing up in the Project data provider
- Removing the default header and footer from printed reports (CP 2010)
- Report Designer-Specifying Fields to Determine Colors for Bubble and Gantt Chart Items
- Report Designer - My Workload report comes up blank for all users running it (CP 2010)
- Report Designer Compilation Error
- Report Designer Data Provider multiple Relationship
- Report Designer pie chart shows in percentage instead of number
- Report Designer reports "cut off" the right-hand edge of the report when printed (CP 2010)
- Report Designer Reports -Missing Actions buttons of‘OK’ and ‘Cancel’ on the Fiscal periods in any Report Designer Reports (v2014)
- Report Designer Reports do not print the grey scale conditional formatting
- Report Designer report does not render in Enterprise (CP 2012)
- Report Designer report Export to Excel fails
- Report Designer report with design filter returns several duplicated project information (2012)
- Report Designer runtime filters may display deleted items
- Report displays deleted task assignments
- Report fails with javascript error
- Report filter parameters are not passed on correctly to the linked report (Report Designer)
- Report Performance Issue when filtering on dates (2014 SP2)
- Report returns no data for a resource
- Report Scheduler is giving an error Pre-rendering report time-out
- Report Scheduler notification not sent for some users
- Report Scheduler Service - High memory consumption (Report Designer 2010)
- Report Scheduler Service Memory Issue
- Report Scheduling Not Sending out Reports
- Resource Calendar Report Not Displaying All Information
- Revenue Recognised Amount is 0 in DS_Project (CP 2012)
- Scheduled Reports sending as Zip file
- Scheduled reports with advanced option enabled remain on pre-rendering status (CP 2010)
- Section grouping object (2010)
- Server error:LoadDataTableForReport for some Report Designer reports
- Several Accelerator Reports throw Data Binding Errors
- Should demand reports created in Report Designer be ran in real time or scheduled?
- Some grouped configurable fields in Report Designer report are not expanded(CP2012 SP2)
- Syntax error when defining a filter collection for a Report Designer report
- System exception error when scheduling a Report Designer report
- Task actual hours in reports do not match the sum of actual hours in the task assignments
- Tbl Databind converting data error when generating reports
- Time data provider not capturing overtime hours for All Time report
- Unable to update the filter further once saved (CP 2010)
- V2010 Report aborts with string to integer conversion error
- V2012 How to create empty boxes in a report designer report?
- V2012 Report shows wrong fiscal period names
- V2014 How to filter on latest revision in a report designer budget report
- V2014 Memory issues with report schedule and prerender service
- V2014 Report Designer - complex filter criteria
- V2014 Report designer report does not show requested data
- V2014 Report fails with timeout message from the web server
- Weekly Timesheet Summary report not returning any data unless the 'Bypass security check option' is enabled (2012)
- What database table holds information about where to mail scheduled reports?
- What data providers are needed to report on the baselines and previous versions of baselines?
- What table contains the time stamps for request creation/closure?
- Where are the history comments kept in the Data Providers?
- Where can I find the SQL running behind a report?
- Why are email notifications not being sent out for scheduled reports even after they have been completed successfully? (2012)
- Why are project planned hours in certain reports different from project worksheet?(CP2012)
- Report Profile Page Integration for Scenarios Don't Appear
- Some resource requests are not available in Resource Requests standard report.
- Using the Financial Analysis data provider to create a report on Fixed Fees
- What would be the impact if dropdown values are deleted?
- When running financial reports that contain information on the cost rates for users the report returns no data
- Which tables show the resources who have access to a particular report?
- Request Management
- 2012 SP1 - Workflow Attach a Survey to Request
- 2014 SP1- User is not prompted to use a request template
- After creating a shared request template, the Access Tab is not available in "Edit Request Template" dialog box
- All statuses for requests are configured as 'included in resource demand' in system manager. How to get planning requests to show on the calendars of the assignees? (2012)
- A removed default value in UDF code field still displays in new created requests
- Can I modify a request and attach a file at the same time?
- Can requests automatically be closed when the engagement is closed?
- Can requests be accessed from the company name or any other option on the tree view?
- Can request auto-numbering be configured per request type?
- Client Portal users not available in Access tab of Edit Request Template Settings dialog box
- Code type default value not taken into account with templates
- CP2012 - Allow non admin users to unlock requests
- Create Request is missing from Project Actions menu for one project manager
- Display the date "DateRequired" on the request profile
- Error message when deleting processing rules
- Error using advanced search for a closed request(2010)
- Fields are not prepopulated when creating a request using a template
- How can I reopen a closed request when this is not available in the status drop down list?
- How do we make it so an engagement is not selectable for creation of new requests?
- How to delete items from a drop down list for Product / Application when creating requests
- How to hide the Assignment field from the request form?
- How to remove "Resource Demand" tab in Requests ?
- How to specify a default support desk for all requests under an engagement?
- Is it possible to hide the request subcategory field? (2010 SP2)
- Is it possible to reference applications from a quicklink, similar to requests?
- Is there an email notification for a new request assign to a resource? (CP 2009)
- Limiting the dropdown list of clients per user when creating requests
- MultiCOLSDD error occurs when trying to save a request using the Apply button (CP 2010)
- One user does not have the options for associated Engagement (Initiative) when entering service tickets
- Prevent request workflow from cancelling sporadically, and how to detect the source of the problem?
- Quantity field for Work Request is not editable anymore
- Requests showing as closed when in fact they are not
- Request - Tab Estimates, can we display field "Est. service cost" in Client Portal
- Request application field does not populate with value (2012)
- Request assignment field becomes empty when a request is closed
- Request attachment available even if the resource has no edit access for workflow state (2010)
- Request can't be modified in closed status "The quantity cannot be changed"
- Request not appearing on the timesheet
- Resource Demand Information tab not displayed for some requests
- String Error on Requests
- Support Search Not Returning Results
- Unable to raise requests from the Actions menu in project profile
- V2012 Cannot delete request due to time or invoice
- V2012 Default values for request fields (assignee, custom fields)
- V2012 How is request.created on determined (which time zone)?
- V2012 Is it possible to change the subject field default value when sending an email from a request profile?
- V2012 Resource demand tab is missing in some requests
- V2014 Cannot delete request due to time entries
- V2014 How can the request creator automatically be set as request initiator when creating a request using a template?
- V2014 How to hide a request that cannot be deleted?
- V2014 Is it possible to change the request template of a request after it has been created?
- What are the conditions to display products in Requests Product drop down?
- What are the criteria for projects to be listed in the project drop down list, when creating a request using the Created/Edit Request dialog?
- What defines the request "reported on" timestamp? (2010)
- What is the maximum of elements displayed in the request assignment field ?
- When copying a request, what is the effect of access restrictions on its configurable fields?
- When editing a request, a project that I have access to is not available.
- Where can I access request workflow comments ?
- Where does the CreatedTimeZone value in Request table come from?
- Which table contains the selected values for a configurable field for request types?
- Why are some fields cleared when you change the request type on a request?
- Why do I see Edit request option in Actions menu, without having the Edit Request feature
- Why is list of Assignees shorter on certain project requests?
- Why is the request status description different in various pages for the same request?
- Workflow error after saving the request with a UDF change (2012)
- Resource Management
- "Demand item changed by resource manager" email
- "Error saving preferred resources and personal groups" when adding resource to Preferred Resources list
- "Managing Workgroup" field in RMW (2012 SP2)
- "Resource Reassignment History" and "Projected Resource History"
- "Too many items" error in Resource Scheduling Worksheet (RSW)
- 500 - Internal server error when clicking GO in Resource Scheduling
- Active and Terminated Users at application level (2012 SP1)
- After reassigning demand by dragging in RMW, the discard changes does not work
- Assigning a specific corporate calendar to a set of resources not in the same workgroup
- A resource assigned to a workgroup has a termination date, how to remove it? (2014)
- A resource was not activated and now cannot be activated manually (2014 )
- A role cannot be removed from a user
- Base currency is disabled for a resource
- Batch / mass termination of resources (2014)
- Cannot clear workgroup field for resources (2014)
- Cannot edit assignee field in Resource