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Planview Customer Success Center

SFDC inbound integration sets Initial Close Date to today's date when creating an Opportunity

SFDC inbound integration is configured and used for opportunity creation. If the day part of the initial close date is greater than 12 then today's date is used in Changepoint when creating the new opportunity. If the day part is less than or equal to 12 then the day and month values are swapped.

API is running under en-US but the culture under the section in "sfdc2cp_opportunity.xml" is set to en-GB.

In the sfdc2cp_opportunity.xml, modify the culture under the section to en-US while keeping the culture under the as en-GB. After that, input dates 14-05-2012 or 2012-05-14 will be passed on to Changepoint COM API as 05/14/2012, and will be saved correctly.