You have to use a custom SQL query similar to the following:

select e.ExpenseReportID
,isnull(case when e.billable = 1 then gl.GLACode else gl2.GLACode end ,'None') as GLCode
FROM [PSO].[dbo].[ExpenseReportCategoryTotals] e with (nolock)
left outer join ExpenseGLAs g with (nolock) on e.workgroupid = g.workgroupid
left outer join GLACodes gl with (nolock) on g.BillableGLAId = gl.ID
left outer join glacodes gl2 with (nolock) on g.NonBillableGLAId = gl2.ID

Note: There is an existing accelerator report called "Expense report listing that has the additional expense report information, if anything else is required.