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Planview Customer Success Center

How to get a list of the fiscal periods selected by each user in Project Worksheet?

You can get a list of users and the fiscal periods (billing offices) they have currently selected for each project in Project Worksheet. This can be done using the following SQL query, which you can run interactively or add to a Cognos report.

select Resource, project, botask.description TaskViewBO, boassignment.Description AssignmentViewBO, c.xmlstr
from resources r
join Cookies c on c.rid=r.resourceid and objid='PPWProjectSettings' and isnull(objid2,'') !=''
join project p on p.projectid=c.objid2
inner join billingoffice botask on botask.BillingOfficeId=SUBSTRING(c.xmlstr,32,36)
inner join billingoffice boassignment on boassignment.BillingOfficeId=SUBSTRING(c.xmlstr,125,36)
order by,

Note: This query is for Changepoint 2017 SP2. The format for how this information is stored might change in future versions of Changepoint.