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Planview Customer Success Center

"Could not drop constraint" error when applying a patch on an archive database


The following error occurs when applying GP on an archive database:

FK_DailyDistribution_DemandItems is not a constraint. Could not drop constraint.


Foreign keys that are being dropped and recreated by the patch do not exist in the archive database.


This is a known issue, which has been addressed in Changepoint 2020.

To bypass the error, execute the following query on the archive database:

IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.DailyDistribution') IS NOT NULL AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT TOP 1 1 FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE name ='FK_DailyDistribution_DemandItems')

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[DailyDistribution]  WITH CHECK ADD  CONSTRAINT [FK_DailyDistribution_DemandItems] FOREIGN KEY([ID])

REFERENCES [dbo].[DemandItems] ([ID])