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Planview Customer Success Center

What's New - February 2020

Release Schedule

Click here for an overview of the PPM Pro release process. 

The table below lists this month's product release dates. 

What When
Release Notes published February  7
System released to sandbox environments February 14
System released to production environments

February 21

Releases are deployed during the standard maintenance windows.


  • Features that are ready will enter GA status in the first month's release of each calendar quarter: January, April, July, October. There will be an occasional variance from this schedule. You can enter a support request to move a beta feature into your production environment.
  • You can request that beta features be enabled in your production environment by entering a support ticket. Please note that any issues you find will be handled during the normal development cycle. 
  • Planview sends out status emails in advance of planned releases/updates. These alerts include the date and time window of the update, as well as a link to the release notes that include a list of the issues addressed in the update/release. To subscribe to these alerts, please go to and click the Subscribe button.
  • We hold a live product release webinar - typically on the Wednesday before the production release. This webinar will be hosted by PPM Pro product management and consulting personnel, and will include time for Q&A. Click here to register for the February 19th release webinar. 
  • Inner circles are offered as a way for our interested customers to collaborate with PPM Pro Product Management and each other, provide feedback on PPM Pro product capabilities, and guide new feature development. Click here for more information or to register.


Release planned for Friday February 28, 2020, pending QA approval.

Function Area ID Release Note Description
Access, Users 996279460 Fixed. Password not required when creating a new user with SSO.
Associations, Requests, Projects 999306989

Fixed. Request associations can be reported on successfully in reports based on the All Projects with Financials report source. Previously, even when the report was configured correctly, no results for request associations were returned.

Projects, Attachments  997903151 Fixed. Attachments are successfully copied into a new project when creating a project from a template and selecting the Attachments element to copy. Previously an issue was preventing certain attachments from being included when creating a project from a template.
Reports 997915562 Fixed. Running an All Timesheet Entries report using the filter  "Resource: Groups contains any [group name]" produces expected results. Previously, an issue caused no data to be returned when using the Resource: Groups filter.
Reports 993864361 Fixed. Running a report based on the Field Descriptions report source returns all fields (standard, UDF, calculated). Previously an issue caused reports based on the Field Definitions report source to return standard fields only.
Tasks 997778916 Fixed. Creating tasks using Actions > Bulk New works as expected . Previously, an issue caused a blank page to appear after selecting Actions > Bulk New in the task list.

New Feature Matrix 




For more information…

Reports Revamp

Enter a support case if you wish to enable in your production environment

Current functionality (Rolling beta)

  • Ability to use in production environments (enter support case to ask to enable)
  • Usability enhancements: double-click to add fields, progress indicator, multi-column sort indicator
  • Several bug fixes (see Known Issues)
  • Basic report topics and types, including new line, area, heat map, and spider charts
  • New reports List page with ad hoc filter and group by
  • WYSIWYG report designer with field search
  • Real-time preview of sample report output 
  • and more!



Known Issues

FAQs Reports Beta

Reporting - Then and Now

Reports Overview (Beta)

Using the Report Designer


Multiple assignees for project logs (issues/risks)

The project log Assigned To field now allows selection of multiple resources. All assignees are granted implicit owner permissions (including Time users), meaning they can view and edit on Home/Issues. The multi-select field also lays the groundwork for phase 2 integrations with LeanKit and Projectplace.

The Assignee dropdown initially provides the members of the project team. A "Show All" link returns All Resources - any selected assignee will be added to the project team. Please note the following changes to the Assigned To field:

  • Display format for names will go from "Last, First" to "First Last" (this will impact data import)
  • Can no longer use 'assigned to' in calc fields that require 1-1 relationship (for example, GetRelatedChildEntity)
  • In legacy reports:
    • Cannot display related information of the assignees, such as immediate supervisor or email address
    • Cannot drill down to related resource information for the assignees
Changes to filter operands for multi-select lists

Prior to the February 2020 release, filter operands on multi-select lists behaved inconsistently and sometimes in an unexpected manner. This release delivers some improvements to existing operands (is, is not, contains), plus a set of new operands. As a result of these changes, all existing filters that used "is" or "contains" on multi-select fields will be converted to use "contains any". This will make your filter work exactly the way it does today and will be consistent the other field types.

The following is the complete list of operands:

  • is - Exact match of all values chosen from a list
  • is not - Exact match of all values
  • is empty - blank, unselected
  • is not empty - contains any value
  • contains - if any part of the text is found it is considered a match
  • contains any - ORs together clauses
  • contains all - ANDs together clauses
  • does not contain - does not contain any of the selected clauses
  • contains current user - contains current user's name
Calculated Fields: Do the Right Thing!

Currently, PPM Pro loosely enforces the data type setting used to configure a calculated field, resulting in inconsistent behavior between fields in the UI and fields in reports.

Starting with the February release, the application will strictly adhere to the data type setting on the calculated field. 

Click here for more information.

NA Calculated Fields: Do the Right Thing!
Coming Soon



Release Notes

Function Area Leankit Card Release Note Description
Alerts, SSA 792862240 Improved. When the Alerts section is not included in an entity category, the alerts are disabled. Previously, if the alerts were enabled although not included in the category, alerts still fired, which was confusing to the user.
Dashboards 949846451 Fixed. Exporting a dashboard works as expected, even if some of the dashboard components return no data. Previously, if a dashboard contained a component that returned no data, the export generated an error and the file could not be opened.
Dashboards 964053852 Fixed. When creating dashboard, preview images are displayed for each report output type as expected. Previously, an issue caused the "broken image" graphic to display, instead of the preview image.
Filters 964019925 Fixed. Filters that use the logic "Resource: Groups Contains [group name]" present the correct logic in the hover text when non-admin users hover over the filter. Previously, non-Admin users were seeing "No Access" in the hover text.
Filters 960274220 Fixed. Using filters based on "Linked to Portfolio" now produces correct results based on the user's permissions. Previously, users were seeing more results than the filter was supposed to return.
Health Profile 894467115 Improved. Task or project schedule health profiles that are not tracking all statuses will now present the hover text "Not started yet" if the current status is a non-tracked status. Previously in this situation there was no hover text, even though the project health was green.
Permissions 957794592 Fixed. Users who are members of the Organization group (global), or who are on the team of a Department with "Can Create Parent Relationship with Projects" permission (department-specific) can edit the Department field on their projects. Previously, an issue required the user to have the project > Create permission in order to edit the Department field.
Reports 948751049 Fixed. Users with appropriate project permissions can report on the project's Unit field. Previously, non-Admin users were getting Access Denied.
Reports 952914531 Fixed. When exporting multi-column reports to Excel, if a cell exceeds the MS limit (32,767 bytes), the cell's value is truncated. Previously, if an Excel cell exceeded the MS limit, the export would fail.
Reports 963820497 Fixed. The report Description field can contain ordered and/or unordered lists, as expected. Previously, an issue caused only the text prior to the list to render in the report.
Reports, KPI 939780940
Fixed. User-defined Date fields on KPI Reports display correctly when User Preferences are set to DD/MM/YYYY. Previously, dates were displayed in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Request, Data Import 956649989 Fixed. The error message for an errant UDF (such as a missing required value) when importing requests now references the field name. Previously, an issue was causing the error message to reference the UDF ID, which was not very useful.
Requests 958999576 Improved. We have updated the text at the top of the Reject Request confirmation dialog to make it more clear. The new message is: You are about to reject the request <request title>. Rejecting a request will take it out of the workflow, effectively canceling the request. The request will no longer be editable but can be viewed, printed, and copied.
Requests 897455690 Improved. When filtering on associated entities, you can now pick from a multi-select list. If the entity title is not unique, the entity ID can be included in the filter. Previously you needed to search for the associated entity ID and could only associate a single entity.
Requests 960188381 New. (For organizations using Accounts/Engagements) You can now build a multi-select request field that points to the Accounts picklist field. Note that Accounts are sometimes referred to as Engagements.
Requests 958991562 Improved. The "Reject" menu item has been repositioned to the bottom of the Actions and right-click context menus. This was in response to customers who wanted to discourage users from accidentally choosing "Reject", which, once confirmed, takes the request permanently out of the workflow.
Requests 936772594 Improved. Performance has been improved when working with requests that include the Activity Log. Previously, requests from categories that included the Activity Log were slow to open.
Requests 949858851 Fixed. Users with view and create permission on a request category can copy a request of that category. Previously, an issue prevented a correctly permissioned user to copy a request.
Requests 972596150 Fixed. Max length of Request Guidelines has been increased to 1M plain text characters. Previously the UI was limiting this length to 4K.
Resources 949864653 Fixed. When bulk editing resources, you can use the Change Layout feature to add or remove the Disable Alerts field as expected. Previously, in some scenarios, the Disable Alerts field was unavailable in the bulk editor.
SSA 958241828 Fixed. The Reference dialogs shows a tab for Reports (Beta) only in environments that have the feature turned on. Prior to February, this tab should not have appeared in production environments. Going forward, if you enable the new reports in your production environment, the References dialog will show tabs for Reports and Reports (Beta).
SSA 962423130 Fixed. Required UDFs on gated requests are displayed with two red asterisks, and the user can save the request without entering values for these fields. Previously, in certain configurations, required UDFs were being displayed with a single asterisk and the user was prevented from saving the request without valid values in those fields.
SSA 945932773 Fixed. Project category fields on Details can be set to Show on Edit = Yes - Editable. Previously, if you configured the field to Show on Edit - View Only, you were unable to set it back to Yes - Editable.
SSA, Portfolio 919108885 Fixed. You can use SSA to configure the portfolio Sequence field to be restricted, as expected. Previously, an issue caused the system to throw an error when saving the restriction.
Tasks, MSP 956485550 Improved. When importing tasks from MSP that include a task with a constraint such as "Start No Earlier Than" but does not include a Constraint Date, the user is informed with the following error message "Import Tasks: Unable to Import Task [Title of Task] Constraint Date Must Be Defined". Previously, the unhelpful error message was "Cannot commit as transaction was marked for rollback only".
Text editor 917189485 Fixed. When using the rich text editor, you can toggle the Bold function on and subsequent text will be bold. Upon toggling the Bold function off, the subsequent text will not be bold - you are not required to select the text before toggling either direction. Previously the text had to be selected in order to turn off the bold function.
Timesheets 937608681 Fixed. For timesheet entries that include the Company field (as configured in Timesheet Settings), when searching for Company field values in the Select Value dialog works as respected - values that match the Search field criteria are returned. Previously, no value was returned, even if a match existed.
Timesheets 957290653 Improved. An informative message now appears if a user has Max Timesheet Hours enabled/configured and then enters a timesheet value that exceed the limit. The message includes the timesheet limit so the user can adjust according.
Timesheets 872922532 Fixed. Once the PM approver uses the Approve All feature, the final timesheet approver receives a notification as expected.
Timesheets 846922911

Fixed. Timesheets are now considered overdue at midnight after the last day of the timesheet period according to the customer timezone, plus the number of hours specified in Admin/Organization/Timesheet Settings -> "Mark unsubmitted timesheet overdue", (Admin/Organization/Default Timezone). Any timesheets that are overdue by this definition will be included in overdue timesheet alerts.

UI 959001363 New. A minimize/maximize button has been added to most modal windows. For example, open a request form and notice the toggle in the top-right corner.
Users, Resources 911641585 Fixed. The Email menu option has been removed from the Admin > User record as it did not work correctly and provided no benefit to users. Instead, if you wish to send email to users via PPM Pro, use Actions > Email on the resource grid for selected resources.
WS API 936126553 New. The current javadoc for PPM Pro's WS API can now be accessed from within PPM Pro. Navigate to Admin/WS API. At the top of the page are 2 new buttons: View API Documentation, Download API Documentation. Now you can view and/or download the up-to-date javadoc any time you want, rather than relying on Jennifer to occasionally update the zip file included in the online help :)
WS API 923370570 Fixed. The Admin/WS API fields now properly reflect the actions that can be performed on fields Project: Currency (Method ID 400043 - select), Project: Currency Code Title (Method ID 400074 - select), and Project: Currency Code ID (Method ID 400073 - insert). Previously these 3 fields were displaying incorrectly.