Effective Dates for Currency Exchange Rates
Effective dates for currency exchange rates define the range of time during which an exchange rate is applied to a currency. Effective dating allows you to plan for and configure multiple exchange rates that are to be applied to a currency at pre-defined dates.
You configure currencies in "tables", which allow you to enter multiple rates with corresponding date ranges. For example, the rate table below would read as follows: The 1.25 exchange rate is in effect until 10/31/2018; the 1.3 rate is in effect from 11/1/2018 onward (no end date):
You are not required to have multiple date ranges, but can simply have one exchange rate and one generic date range of Past - Future:
Currency Tables
Each table must have an open-ended rate for the past and/or future time frame.
A rate table can have a single rate that is effective from "past" to "future".
A rate table with multiple rates could have one rate that applies to the past up to a certain date, another rate that applies from one date to another date, and a third rate that applies from one date to the future. All rates in a table must have a continuous timeline of effective dates. For example, if one rate ends on September 24, 2018, then the next rate must begin on September 25, 2018.
You can have as many rates as are needed in a table.
Individual rates can be deleted, but each table must have at least one rate and any remaining rates must have continuous effective dates per the above requirements
Because monetary user-defined fields are not associated with a date, the effective currency exchange rate will be based on the project Start Date. If there is not Start Date for a project, then the project's Schedule From Date will be used.
After you create currency tables, you can assign a currency to an internal rate table or custom rate, which in turn is assigned to roles/resources, or assign a currency to a project.