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Planview Customer Success Center

Get Available Fields for a Complex Entity

There is a set of entities called "complex" entities. Complex entities have nested attributes and are accessed with entity-specific web service operations, such as getPortfolioFields and getRequestFields.

The following is an example using getPortfolioFields to retrieve all available fields for a portfolio type (in the UI this is the Category). This operation requires the ID of the portfolio type/Category, which you can find on Admin/Setup/Portfolio Categories.

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="http://services">





         <!--The Portfolio Type ID -->






Response (partial)

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">


      <ns:getPortfolioFieldsResponse xmlns:ns="http://services" xmlns:ax21="">

         <ns:return xsi:type="ax21:ObjectMethod" xmlns:xsi="">

            <ax21:defaultValue xsi:nil="true"/>













         <ns:return xsi:type="ax21:ObjectMethod" xmlns:xsi="">

            <ax21:defaultValue xsi:nil="true"/>





            <ax21:label>Portfolio: Actual Cost - Direct</ax21:label>








         <ns:return xsi:type="ax21:ObjectMethod" xmlns:xsi="">

            <ax21:defaultValue xsi:nil="true"/>





            <ax21:label>Portfolio: Actual Hours - Direct</ax21:label>






