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Planview Customer Success Center

Field Formatting

Note: Please avoid embedding HTML into fields. Over time, the product and technology will continue to change and we cannot guarantee custom HTML will continue to work. We do understand the need and desire for this sort of formatting and will continue to add product features to support it (like the background color mentioned below).

What is the character limit of text fields?

Standard (OOTB) String fields - these are defined by PPM Pro and are typically 80 bytes. You can run the Field Descriptions report (Target: All, Category: Admin) to get information about all standard fields, including field length.

Custom (UDF) string fields have a limit of 4000 bytes for English-language content. Double-byte languages will have a lower limit, possibly as low as 1,000 bytes (for 4-byte languages, for example).

Standard (OOTB)  string fields - these are defined by PPM Pro, and are typically 80 bytes. You can run the Field Descriptions report (Target: All, Category: Admin) to get information about all standard fields, including field length.

Custom (UDF) string fields have a limit of 4000 bytes for English-language content. Double-byte languages will have a lower limit, possibly as low as 1,000 bytes (for 4-byte languages, for example).

How do I add hover help to fields on a screen?

See Display Hover Help Text.

How do I set the background color in a field in a report?

Please see the updated lookup list facility on Admin/Setup/Lookup Lists. Once you configure your lists with colors/icons, use the Display Data As field to configure how you want the fields to in your report to render.

How do I get my money/numbers to display with no decimal places?

Use the FormatNumber function in your calculated field; omit the '.00 from your format pattern. See FormatNumber.

How do I get rid of the dollar sign on the money fields?

Use the FormatNumber function and omit the '&' from your format pattern. See FormatNumber.

How do I set a limit on the amount of text that displays in a field that is in a report?

If it's one or two fields you could use a calculated field to check Length and display Left(field, 400), for example, to display say 400 chars. For example:

If (Length([Project].[Objective] < 400, [Project].[Objective], Concatenate(Left([Project].[Objective]," ....")

The " ..." would imply the text was truncated.

If there are many fields, creating calculated fields for each is cumbersome - perhaps use an entity drilldown configured on Project Title or ID?

See Length.