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Planview Customer Success Center

Pre-loading Timesheet Entries (Pinning)

If you have a timesheet entry that you know you will be using across many timesheet periods, you can configure that entry to automatically appear on future timesheets.

"Pinning" a timesheet entry keeps the entry on all timesheets subsequent to the one where the pinning occurred. The entry will remain pinned until you unpin it, or until the entry no longer satisfies the timesheet rules.

To pin a timesheet entry

1.      Open a timesheet and create an entry (or load an existing entry and tap to edit).

2.      Slide the Pin This Entry control to the right to enable it.


3.      Display a future timesheet; the entry will already be loaded.


Pinned entries like this will appear in all future timesheets until you explicitly unpin them or until the timesheet filter removes them because you would no longer be allowed to charge time to them. Pinning entries that you know you’ll be working on in the future will save you from having to re-add them with each timesheet period.