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Planview Customer Success Center

Keyboard Shortcuts

This table lists keyboard equivalents for common actions in the Task view. See Toolbar Shortcuts for descriptions of the graphical toolbar icons.


Keyboard Shortcut and Description

Inline Edit



Display Context Menu

Shift + F10

Expand All

Shift + '+'

Collapse All

Shift + '-'

Insert new task above selected task

Insert key

Ctrl + Alt + A

Append to end of plan

Ctrl + Alt + R

Alt + A


Insert new task below selected task

Alt + I

Delete a task

Delete key (Windows)

fn + Delete (Mac)

Indent selected task

Shift + Right Arrow

Outdent selected task

Shift + Left Arrow

Expand All

Shift + '+'

Collapse All

Shift + '-'

Hide/Show Gantt

Alt + G


Hides Gantt if currently shown, shows Gantt if currently not shown

Zoom Out within a Gantt Chart

Zoom Out* -,  Alt + '-' Zoom out within a Gantt chart


Zoom In within a Gantt Chart

Alt + '+'

Zoom to Fit within a Gantt Chart


Previous Timespan

Alt + <

Next Timespan

Alt + >

Toolbar Shortcuts

The toolbar provides buttons as shortcuts for completing common tasks. Buttons are only active when the particular operation is valid (for example, the Indent button is inactive when you have selected a task at the lowest level in the task hierarchy).





Expand All/Expand Subtasks


Allows you to quickly expand trees (or phases) in the Task Hierarchy. You can Expand All or just Subtasks under a particular tree. You can also expand individual trees by clicking the arrow icon next to the Task name.

Collapse All/Collapse Subtasks


Allows you to quickly collapse trees (or phases) in the Task Hierarchy. You can Collapse All or just Subtasks under a particular tree. You can also collapse individual trees by clicking the arrow icon next to the Task name.




Allows you to build parent and child relationships as you build out the hierarchy.

When you indent a task, the new parent becomes a summary task unless it already had children. When a task becomes a summary task, the Start Date and Target Date on the summary task are read-only and reflect the earliest Start Date and latest Target Date of all child tasks.

If you then outdent the children to "change" the summary task back to a leaf task, the Start Date and Target Date do not change, but you can adjust them manually.

Insert Before


You can create a new task in three ways. Each technique creates a new task with the default name, Task n, and with a Start Date and Target Date matching the Start Date and Target Dates of the project:

  • Click Insert Task Before Selected Task to create a new task directly above the task you have currently selected. The indent level of the new task will match the deeper of the selected task or the task above the selected task.

  • Click Insert Task After Selected Task to create a new task directly below the task you have currently selected. The indent level of the new task will match the deeper of the selected task or the task above the selected task.

  • Click Insert Child Task After Selected Task to create a new task as a child of the selected task.

  • Click Append Task to end of plan to create a new task at the bottom of the task hierarchy. The new task will be indented to the same level as the last task

To make creating tasks simple and fast, most data is defaulted and you can then update the record inline.

Insert After


Insert Child


Append to End


Manage Dependencies


To define dependencies between tasks, click the Manage Dependencies button.

Previous/Next Interval



Zoom In/ Zoom Out / Zoom to Fit

zoom.png  unzoom.png  zoomtofit.png

Use the Zoom In, Zoom Ou, and Zoom to Fit buttons to change the time horizon on the Gantt chart.

Show/Hide Gantt Chart



Common User Interface Actions



Deleting a Dependency

Highlight the Dependency line in the Gantt chart and press the Delete key on your keyboard. You will know you have selected the Dependency correctly when two small boxes appear on each end of the line in the Gantt view.

Open the Task Details tab

Select the task and click the Details tab in the right-hand side.

Editing Data in Task Grid

You can inline edit most fields in a task record. Double-click in a field to edit it.

Tab between each editable field, save by pressing Enter or clicking Save.

You can select multiple tasks with Ctrl-click for single tasks, or Shift-click for a range of tasks. Once selected, use the right-click or Actions menu to edit multiple tasks.

Sorting Columns in the Task Grid

Select a column header on the right side of the header to display the sort icon. Click the icon to toggle the sort direction.

Changing Width of Panels

Resize the left side Grid, Gantt Chart, and Info panels by grabbing the horizontal line between the panels and dragging left or right.

Scrolling within the Gantt Chart

Scroll the timeframe shown in the Gantt Chart forward or backwards by clicking on any white space in the Gantt Chart area and dragging left or right.

Changing the Columns in the Grid

You can change the order of the columns in the left side of the grid by dragging and dropping the columns in a new location. The order of the columns is stored locally on your computer’s browser. If you log into another computer you will see the default order. If you clear your browser cache, then you will have to reorder the columns again also.