Tasks: Out of the Box Fields
PPM Pro provides a set of fields for every entity - these fields are referred to as "standard" or "out-of-the-box" fields. You build your entities using a combination of standard and user-defined fields (UDFs). A subset of fields appear on your entity's Detail panel by default to help get you up and running quickly; a subset of those default fields are labeled "mandatory". You can remove any of the default fields except the mandatory ones - those must remain on the Details. See Designing the Details Page for more information. The complete list of standard and UDFs can be found on Admin/Setup/All Entities/Tasks/Available Fields, and definitions for all the standard fields are in the table below.
Note: The task work breakdown structure grid includes an Info column that is required; it appears by default and cannot be removed. This column is used to display informational system messages/icons, such as when there are scheduling conflicts or a unique calendar is being used. You can drag the column to the right to move it out of the way/make less conspicuous.
Default Task Fields
Basic Details |
Progress |
Scheduling |
Other Details |
Title (mandatory) |
Status (mandatory) |
Constraint Type (mandatory) |
Description |
Task ID | Duration (mandatory) | Constraint Date (mandatory) | Objective |
Outline |
Start Date (mandatory) |
Predecessors (mandatory) | |
Number | Target Date (mandatory) | Successors (mandatory) | |
Project | Complete Date (mandatory) | Active? (mandatory) | |
Priority | Scheduled Hours | Manually Scheduled? (mandatory) | |
Category | Actual Hours | Milestone | |
Type | Hours to Complete | Critical? | |
Is Capitalized? | % Complete | Has Scheduling Conflicts | |
Last Modified By |
Last Modified Date |
Complete List of Out of the Box (Standard) Fields
Title | Description |
% Complete | Value is derived according to the selected % Complete method. See the documentation for more information. |
Act Billable Amt | Every resource allocated to a project is listed on the project's Billing Rates page. By default the billing rate assigned is the rate set in the resource's record, however that rate can be changed on a per project basis by modifying the rate in the Billing Rates section. For all tasks with Billing Type of Time & Materials, the Act Billable Amt is the sum of all resources' Actual Hours on the task X the resource's rate on the project's Billing Rates page. |
Active? | Active tasks affect projects schedules, impact other tasks, and are available to log time against. Inactive tasks remain in the project, along with historical information, but are not available to log time against. |
Actual Cost | Actual cost = Actual Hours Cost + Actual Expense Cost |
Actual Expense Cost | Sum of all materials expenses for the task |
Actual Hours | The sum of all hours logged on timesheets for this task |
Actual Hours Cost | Total actual hours x internal resource rate |
Approved By | ID Representation of Task Approver |
Associated Actuals | Comma-delimited list of all actuals entries (in the Financials section of the project) that are associated with the task. |
Associated Forecasts | Comma-delimited list of all forecast entries (in the Financials section of the project) that are associated with the task. |
Associated Requests | Comma-delimited list of all requests that are associated with the task. |
Base Calendar | The calendar used by the task. By default, tasks use their project calendar. |
Billing Type | 0=NonBillable, 1=Time&Material, 2=NotToExceed, 3=FixedBid |
Category | The category of the task. Categories determine the fields that are available on a task. |
Complete Date | The actual date work on the task ended |
Complete Date (variant of 502) | The actual date work on the task ended |
Constraint Date | If you choose As Soon As Possible (ASAP) or As Late As Possible (ALAP), a Constraint Date is not required. These constraints are flexible. The tasks will be scheduled using dependencies and the Schedule From date. Use Constraint Date for semi-flexible or inflexible constraints, or perhaps consider manually scheduling the task. |
Constraint Type | Constraints control the task Start Date or Target Date. Constraints can be flexible, semi-flexible or inflexible depending on the type of constraint you choose. Flexible constraints work with dependencies to schedule the task to occur as soon or as late as possible. Some constraints give you the ability to specify that the task needs to start or finish before a chosen date. These dependencies still can affect the task schedule. Inflexible constraints take priority over dependencies restricting the task to start or finish on a specified date. |
Cost Budget | |
Cost Budget Health % | Value of Actual Cost divided by Budget Cost to Date |
Cost Budget Health Color | |
Cost Budget Health Hint | |
Cost Budget Health Icon | |
Cost Estimated Health % | Actual Cost/Estimate Cost to Date |
Cost Estimated Health Color | |
Cost Estimated Health Hint | |
Cost Estimated Health Icon | |
Create Date | Date the task was created |
Created By | The user who created the task. |
Critical? | Indicates if this is a critical task. Critical tasks are active, incomplete tasks with zero or less slack. |
Department | |
Description | Brief description of the task. |
Division | Optional |
Duration |
The total span of working time required to finish a task. If you enter a Start Date and a Target Date, Duration is derived. If you enter a Duration and and Start Date, Target Date is derived. You can enter "week(s)", "day(s)", "hour(s)", or "minute(s)". Default is days. Duration can't exceed 7,300 days. Projects can span across a maximum of 20 years from today() - today's date. This means that a project could span more than 20 years as long as it does not go into 20 years from today() - today's date. A message showing that it can't span more than 20 years will display if this scenario happens. |
Duration (Months) | The total span of working time required to finish a task, expressed in months |
Duration (Quarters) | The total span of working time required to finish a task, expressed in quarters |
Duration (Weeks) | The total span of working time required to finish a task, expressed in weeks |
Elapsed (Days) | The time period between a task's start date and complete date, expressed in days |
Elapsed (Months) | The time period between a task's start date and complete date, expressed in months |
Elapsed (Quarters) | The time period between a task's start date and complete date, expressed in quarters |
Elapsed (Weeks) | The time period between a task's start date and complete date, expressed in weeks |
Elapsed (Work Days) | The time period between a task's start date and complete date, expressed in work days (M-F) |
Enterprise | |
Estimated Cost | Task estimate cost multiplied by the product of role rate and hours |
Estimated Expense Cost | Estimated Expense Cost |
Estimated Hours | Sum of projected hours across all scheduled roles necessary for completing the task. |
Estimated Hours Cost | Estimated Hours Cost |
Estimated Revenue | |
Finish Slack | Finish Slack |
Free Slack | Free Slack |
Has Scheduling Conflicts? | |
Health | |
Hours Budget | |
Hours Budget Health % | Actual Hours/Budget Hours to Date |
Hours Budget Health Color | Indicates the health of the task budget utilizing colors |
Hours Budget Health Hint | |
Hours Budget Health Icon | |
Hours Estimated Health % | Actual Hours/Estimate Hours to Date |
Hours Estimated Health Color | |
Hours Estimated Health Hint | |
Hours Estimated Health Icon | |
Hours To Complete (variant of 524) | |
Implied Status | Implied Task Status |
Implied Status (variant of 509) | Implied Task Status |
Is Capitalized? | Set at the summary task level, indicates that the summary task and all its sub-tasks are capital costs. Capitalized tasks inform various fields on the rollups tab. |
Is Leaf? | Level 1 task with no sub-tasks associated |
Is Summary Task? | Task has sub-tasks associated to it and data rolling up |
Last Modified By | Resource who last modified this task |
Last Modified Date | The date of the most recent change to any editable field on the Details panel. Does not include note additions/edits. |
Latest Note Date | The most recent date a note was added to this item |
Legacy Request | ID of the source request if this task was created as a result of a request |
Manually Scheduled? | Indicates if this task is manually scheduled. Manually scheduled tasks must always have their dates changed manually - they will never be updated automatically |
Milestone | A milestone task is represented by a black diamond on the Gantt chart (if Task is Open, If Closed, Display as grey diamond in Gantt chartIf Checked Display as black diamond in Gantt chart (if Task is Open, If Closed, Display as grey diamond in Gantt chart |
My Hours To Comp | |
Number | Indicates the task's position in the hierarchy |
Objective | |
Outline | A derived value that displays both the phase or summary task number and position of the task in the hierarchy. Task outline ... level.number |
Outline Level | Task outline level |
Outline Number | Task outline number (within the level) |
Overdue HTC | Any HTC > 0 for tasks past their target date that are not closed. |
Owner | Can be any user on the team of the project. |
Parent | ID of task or project that is the parent of this task |
Parent Entity | Entity type ID of task or project that is the parent of this task (4=Project or 5=Task) |
PP Activity ID | |
PP Activity Status | |
PP Closed Cards | |
PP Open Cards | |
PP Percent Closed | |
Predecessors | Task(s) that must be completed before this task can be started |
Priority | The priority or importance of the task |
Project | The project this task belongs to. |
Relative Weight | |
Rev Budget Health Color | |
Rev Estimated Health Color | |
Revenue Actual | |
Revenue Budget | |
Revenue Budget Health % | |
Revenue Budget Health Hint | |
Revenue Budget Health Icon | |
Revenue Estimated Health % | |
Revenue Estimated Health Hint | |
Revenue Estimated Health Icon | |
Schedule Health % | (Target Date days late + days duration) / days duration for Active tasks |
Schedule Health Color | |
Schedule Health Hint | |
Schedule Health Icons | |
Scheduled Cost | Scheduled Cost |
Scheduled Hours | Total number of hours of all resources scheduled to a task |
Scheduled Resources | List of resources scheduled to this task |
Show on Timeline | Adds options to show task on the Task Timeline |
Seq | |
Start Date | The date work on the task begins. Start date can't be more than 20 years from today's date.
Project may span more than 20 years as long as it does not go into 20 years from today() - today's date. |
Start Date (variant of 518) | The date work on the task begins. |
Start Slack | Start Slack |
Status | Value describing the state of the task (open or closed) |
Successors | Task(s) that will start after this task completes |
Summary Task | The Summary Task |
Target Date | The date the task is expected to be finished. Target date can't be more than 20 years from today's date.
Project may span more than 20 years as long as it does not go into 20 years from today() - today's date. |
Target Date (variant of 520) | The date the task is expected to be finished. |
Task Hours To Comp | |
Task ID | Unique system generated identification number for task |
Title | Title or name of the task |
Total Slack | Total Slack |
Type | The kind of task. The values are defined by your PPM Pro Administrator. |
Work Effort | Work effort lookup field - exact values are defined by your PPM Pro Administrator |