PPM Pro November 2020 Release: Q&A Transcript
Question | Answer |
Can the Hierarchy list report create something like an org chart from the organizational hierarchy? | Yes! Units are hierarchical, and as such you can build a hierarchical list report using Show Hierarchy on the unit title. See the Unit Hierarchy recipe in the Reports (Beta) Cookbook. |
Could the Hierarchy Reporting feature be used on Resources to generate an outline of an org chart? re: Org chart question, it would be based on the Immediate supervisor relationship | The hierarchy reporting feature works with "hierarchical" data, which does not include resources. |
Maybe you will get to this further into the meeting, but I would like to know when we can expect to be able to publish the new dashboards. | No target date, hoping for Q1 2021. |
Can you now create graphs presenting data over time. Example presenting project budget follow up, estimated vs actual cost for each month. Wanted for both finance and resources | These are what we refer to as Time Series or Planning reports, which are not yet supported. We hope to include them in the GA release, if not shortly after. |
Please go back and show how to hide columns on the Gantt report | You can hide columns individually by toggling the Show/Hide columns setting in the column header, or hide the column section completely by setting the Gantt chart width to 100%. |
Will the "Cook book" be updated with the new report functionalities? | Yes! Please see Reports (Beta) Cookbook. |
Will the multi-column format be added back to list reports? | We are planning to include, it is on our list of remaining features to do. |
Can you apply colors to a line report yet? Like a stoplight chart? | No, not at this point. |
Any news on field dependency logic? | Still on the roadmap! |
Can the dashboards be pulled into Power Bi? | Not the new beta dashboards, OData extraction to PowerBI still requires the Legacy dashboards. On our 2021 Roadmap is a replacement UI for identifying OData fields that will not rely on any reports or dashboards. |
Will there be an "Overview" on the Home tab by default or will we have to enable it? |
During Beta, if you want to use Home Overview dashboards in production you will need to enter a Customer Care case requesting to enable this feature (you also need the Dashboards feature itself enabled, if not already). Both features are enabled by default in sandboxes. Once the feature is enabled, you'll need to first specify at least one dashboard for use in the Home Overview (edit the dashboard and within the Scope tab, select Home Overview). Then, you'll need to set a default Home Dashboard for each user (can use bulk edit users, for User Types of Full, Stakeholder, and Time). If no default Home dashboard is configured for a user, then the Home Overview section will not appear for that user. |
Can we import projects with the new portfolio and %? | Not currently. |
Will the cookbook contain directions to create the sample reports/dashboards that were shown within the Home Overview and/or the Project Overview? | The cookbook is focused on reports, as these are necessary as the building blocks for dashboards. We have already added recipes for the 3 permissions reports, 2 score reports, and a Unit Hiearchy report from our webinar demo, please go see them in the Reports (Beta) Cookbook! |
if we need additional information on how to migrate to the new financial summary enhancments, how would we get that? We are not clear on how the financial summary works with the existing financial entries. |
You can start by taking a look at a few help topics: Setting up the Project Financial Summary (Beta) Using the Financial Summary (Beta) Please feel free to watch any of the prior customer release webinar recordings where we went over Financial Summary features. And feel free to enter a Customer Care case. |
I am curious if there was a way to include for the "in this year" could incorporate fiscal years? |
Fiscal year was used for a special legacy report that is no longer supported, they don't really do anything currently. We have an enhancement in queue to be able to specify the month Q1 begins in to help with defining fiscal years in PPM Pro. |
Will users receive a message if they access PPM in IE after 3/31/2021? |
No, you can continue to use IE11 (please don't!), but you'll run across some features that are not available on IE11 such as some of the new dashboard capabilities, plus we will no longer be fixing bugs for that browser. |
Just to confirm that these gantt changes are only in beta reports? | Yes. |
For that Portfolio Gantt, can you sort it by Project Score? | You can sort by any field selected for the report. |
Re: making task start and target dates optional-- will there be a way to make them required fields based on our needs? | Yes. You will see no change to tasks unless you decide to make certain aspects no longer required, such as Start Date or Duration. If you leave the dates as required, then business as usual. |
What's the ETA on the sandbox to Production ? | We do not have a target date as of now. We are still planning and working out staffing decisions and other factors. We should have more information by the Q1 2021 Roadmap webinar in February. |
Remind us again when you are potentially going to GA the dashboards/reports? | No target date yet, hoping for Q1 2021. |
Did you say that all users will see all dashboards that are enabled as overview dashboards? or can we limit the dashboards a single user can see? | You can limit dashboards on a user-by-user basis. |
I may have missed it, when is the forecasted date for publishing dashboards? | No target date yet, hoping for Q1 2021. |
Also, when can we print the whole dashboard to PDF or to PowerPoint? Instead of one report at a time. | It is on our list of remaining features to do - no target date at this point |