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Planview Customer Success Center

Sharing Filters

Users are granted access to filters by way of permission profiles.

  • By default, owners automatically have full edit permissions to filters they create; owners may or may not have delete permissions, depending on how the Owner permission profile is configured.
  • By default, the Admin standard group is put on the team of any filters created in Admin/Setup/Filters with a profile granting full edit permissions. You can remove this group, or adjust the profile, or select a different profile.

See About Profile-Based Permissions for more information.

To share a filter

  1. If you are editing a filter, click on the Visibility tab. If you are looking at a list of filters, right-click the filter and choose Bulk Add Team Member - it will display the dialog you see in step 3 (note you can select multiple filters with Bulk Add Team Member). 
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Select the user, groups, or units you want to share the filter with, along with the appropriate permissions profile.


  1. Click Select.
  2. The filter is now shared with the users/groups/units with the associated permission profile. If you wish to change the permissions, select a new profile from the droplist in the Profile field.
