About Roles
Note: Users with administrative privileges can create roles and role groups.
Organization Roles describe the different functions your resources perform in your organization. Roles have associated internal and billable rates that are used when setting up Task Estimates. Examples of roles are: Project Manager, Architect, Engineer, Business Analyst, Art Director.
Avg Billing Rate - You assign an average billable rate when you create a role. This is the base hourly rate you normally charge a client for that role's time against a Project. These rates serve as the default values when you assign roles to Projects. You can edit these role rates on a project-by-project basis. The Billable rate can be customized on a project-by-project basis.
Internal Rate - You assign a internal rate (cost) for each role. This rate is the average hourly rate a role costs your organization (average salary + overhead cost per Role Resource). This is sometimes called a Burdened or Fully Loaded Rate. The role's Internal Rate drives estimated costs for a Task or Project. For example, the Role "Consultant" may have a default Billable Rate of $100.00, but a default Internal Rate (cost) of $50.00 (average salary + overhead cost per Role Resource).
Note: To estimate revenue, the Billing feature must be turned on.
Role Groups
A Role Group is a category that you use to organize roles. You typically create roles groups, and then create roles to add to the groups.
Using Rates When Staffing a Project
When you allocate resources to a project they are associated with a role. You must assign a billable rate for each allocation (their role rate is the default); you also estimate the number of hours the allocated resource will work on the tasks in that project. The combined tasks and role estimates become your total labor hours and dollar estimates for your project. When resources log time to the project, their logged hours and the rates from their allocated roles on the project become actuals and can be compared against the initial estimate.