Using PPM Pro and ProjectPlace
Before you can use the PPM Pro - ProjectPlace integration, your PPM Pro administrator and Planview Customer Care need to set up the integration. Please check with your administrator to be sure that everything is in place.
For general information about the integration and how it works, see Before You Begin - PPM Pro and ProjectPlace.
Syncing a PPM Pro Project to a ProjectPlace Workspace
Your PPM Pro administrator has configured at least one project category in PPM Pro to include the ProjectPlace Integration field. Any workspace in ProjectPlace can be integrated to PPM Pro as well via the option to Select which system controls the plan. All you need to do to sync a project/workspace is set one of those fields to one of the provided values (PPM Pro controls WBS / PP controls WBS) and Save.
To sync a PPM Pro project to a new ProjectPlace workspace:
- Navigate to the PPM Pro project you wish to sync.
- Locate the ProjectPlace Integration field and enable it with either PP controlling the WBS or PPM Pro.
- If you don't see the field in your Details or Settings sections, contact your PPM Pro administrator. See screenshot below, which shows the project Details setting, and the existing task place (WBS).
- Click Save.
- All tasks in the PPM Pro WBS will appear as activities in the ProjectPlace plan; one activity per task. This will continue to behave this way as you add tasks to your project in PPM Pro.
- Regardless of which systems controls the WBS/plan, any cards created on ProjectPlace will display as read-only iterative work management tasks under their separate category (ProjectPlace Card)
To sync a ProjectPlace workspace to a new PPM Pro project:
- Navigate to the ProjectPlace workspace you wish to sync.
- Go to Administration -> PPM Pro integration and select which template you wish to use to start the sync with PPM Pro
- Once the sync is initiated, you will see new fields under this section the ProjectPlace Integration. Set if either ProjectPlace or PPM Pro will control the plan/WBS under Select which system controls the plan.
- Click Save.
- If ProjectPlace is controlling the plan/WBS: All activities in the ProjectPlace plan will appear as tasks in the PPM Pro project; one task per activity. This will continue to behave this way as you add tasks to your project in PPM Pro.
- Regardless of which systems controls the plan/WBS, any cards created on ProjectPlace will display as read-only iterative work management tasks under their separate category (ProjectPlace Card)
Project Staffing and Workspace Members
Any PPM Pro Time or Full users staffed to a synchronized project (project Staffing screen) who have a ProjectPlace account with an email address that matches the email address in their PPM Pro record will be added to the Members tab of the ProjectPlace workspace. Invitations are not being sent to members who are not found.
If you remove a user from the PPM Pro Staffing screen, the corresponding member will be removed from the associated ProjectPlace workspace. If additional users are staffed after the initial sync, they will continue to be added (in real time) to the Members tab of the associated workspace and viceversa.
Unsynchronizing a Project
You can stop the synchronization between a PPM Pro project and a ProjectPlace workspace by going to the PPM Pro project details section and setting the ProjectPlace Integration field to 'No'. When this setting is disabled, updates in either system will not affect the other. Note that the ProjectPlace link in the project quick view card will still be usable. A project/workspace sync may not be disabled from ProjectPlace.
Re-synchronizing a Project or Workspace
You can re-start the synchronization between a PPM Pro project and a ProjectPlace workspace from either PPM Pro or ProjectPlace.
- In PPM Pro: under the project details, simply set the ProjectPlace Integration field to either of the synchronization options.
- In ProjectPlace: under Administration and PPM Pro Integration, choose one of the options under Select which system controls the plan.
Remember that any plan updates you made to the associated workspace or project will be lost once the synchronization re-starts with the other system controlling the WBS. Any updates to cards to will update the card fields in PPM Pro. Existing activities will maintain their linkages to boards/cards, and activities/tasks that are no longer part of the plan on the controlling system will be deleted (boards/cards associated with deleted activities will be orphaned).
PPM Pro Tasks and ProjectPlace Activities
When PPM Pro controls WBS
When PPM Pro is the system of record for the WBS (tasks), new tasks and updates to existing tasks are synced from the PPM Pro project to the synced ProjectPlace workspace. If a task is added/deleted/modified on the project Tasks page, then a corresponding activity is created/deleted/modified in ProjectPlace workspace. The plan/activities will be locked for editing in ProjectPlace as it will be controlled from PPM Pro. You can create cards for any activities created from the sync from PPM Pro tasks or cards without an activity association; any cards you create will display as read-only in the PPM Pro plan and include card information updates sent back to PPM Pro.
When PP controls WBS
When ProjectPlace is the system of record for the WBS (plan), new activities and updates to existing activities are synced from the ProjectPlace workspace to the synced PPM Pro project. If an activity is added/deleted/modified on the workspace Plan page, then a corresponding task is created/deleted/modified in the PPM Pro project. The task section will be locked for editing in PPM Pro wherever it might affect the scheduling as the WBS will be controlled from ProjectPlace. You can create standalone cards or cards for any activities; any cards you create will display as read-only in the PPM Pro plan and include card information updates sent back to PPM Pro.
Working with Milestones
Milestones are defined differently in PPM Pro and ProjectPlace. Milestones in ProjectPlace must have a one day duration (Start Date = Target Date).
When PPM Pro controls WBS
- A milestone task in PPM Pro with one day duration will sync as an activity in ProjectPlace.
- If a milestone task in PPM Pro has child tasks, it will be synced as an activity in ProjectPlace.
- If a PPM Pro milestone has a date range that is greater than one day, it will be synced as an activity.
When PP controls WBS
- A milestone in PP will create/sync with a (non-milestone) task in PPMP with the read-only field “Activity is Milestone” field checked/enabled.
- A ProjectPlace milestone cannot have cards/boards associated with it. If a previously synced PPM Pro task that has cards/boards associated with it is converted to a milestone in PPM Pro, the corresponding activity in ProjectPlace will become a milestone, but the cards/boards will be disassociated.
Complete Dates
When PPM Pro controls WBS
- When a task in PPM Pro is set to an Implied Status = Closed or a Complete Date is entered, the activity in ProjectPlace is set to Done.
- When a task in PPM Pro has ProjectPlace cards as children, whenever a card is moved to the Done column, the timestamp of the move will be mapped as the complete date field in the PPM Pro task (ProjectPlace Card category). Once all cards are Done, the parent task in PPM Pro will inherit the most recent complete date of the cards below it.
- The Complete Date will not be editable in PPM Pro when a task in PPM Pro has ProjectPlace cards as children,
When PP controls WBS
- If you mark an Activity as 'Done' in ProjectPlace, the associated task in PPM Pro will set the 'Complete Date' to the timestamp of the ProjectPlace activity closure, and the field 'PP Activity Complete' will be checked.
- When Cards are moved to 'Done' status in ProjectPlace, the associated task in PPM Pro will set the 'Complete Date' to the timestamp of the ProjectPlace Card closure, and the field 'PP Activity Complete' will be checked.
Creating Sub-tasks in PPM Pro
When PPM Pro controls WBS
- ProjectPlace does not allow parent activities to have cards or boards. If you create a child/sub task in PPM Pro, ProjectPlace will create an activity and disconnect any associated cards/boards. If the dissociated cards are on a board, they will remain there and be moved to the No Activity lane; if the dissociated cards are not on a board (associated at the Plan level), they will be moved to the Orphaned cards board.
Deleting Tasks/Activities
When PPM Pro controls WBS
- Deleting a task from PPM Pro will delete the corresponding activity in ProjectPlace. If that activity has any associated cards, those cards will be removed from the activity and either moved to the No Activity lane (if connected to a board), or sent to the Orphaned cards board (if not connected to a board).
- If a tasks (or card) has time logged against it, it will not be deleted and will show as inactive instead.
When PP controls WBS
- Deleting an activity or card from ProjectPlace will delete the corresponding task in PPM Pro. If that activity has any associated cards, those cards will be sent to the Recycle Bin.
Deleting Projects/Workspaces
If a synced project/template is deleted in PPM Pro, the corresponding ProjectPlace workspace/template will not be deleted automatically, but the icons and links indicating that it was integrated will no longer appear in ProjectPlace and any references to PPM Pro will be removed. The (previously) associated workspace plan is now editable from ProjectPlace, and the workspace can be deleted, archived, or a new PPM Pro project can be started from ProjectPlace PPM Pro Integration options.
Similarly, if you wish to delete a synced ProjectPlace workspace, first set the ProjectPlace Integration field to "No" on the associated PPM Pro project. The (previously) associated workspace plan is now editable from ProjectPlace, and the workspace can be deleted as any other workspace from the Administration tab.
Archiving Synced Workspaces
A synced workspace in ProjectPlace can be archived. If a synced workspace is archived, the ProjectPlace Integration field on the corresponding PPM Pro project will NOT be disabled. Rather, the workspace will be archived but continue to sync with the associated project in PPM Pro. If a previously archived workspace is unarchived, the value on ProjectPlace Integration will be preserved and no manual re-enabling needs to happen.
Any plan changes that occurred in the synced PPM Pro project while the workspace was archived will appear in the re-synced workspace.