Financial Entries: Out of the Box Fields
PPM Pro provides a set of fields for every entity - these fields are referred to as "standard" or "out-of-the-box" fields. You build your entities using a combination of standard and user-defined fields (UDFs). A subset of fields appear on your entity's Detail panel by default to help get you up and running quickly; a subset of those default fields are labeled "mandatory". You can remove any of the default fields except the mandatory ones - those must remain on the Details. See Required vs Mandatory Fields for more information. The complete list of standard and UDFs can be found on Admin/Setup/All Entities/Issues/Available Fields, and definitions for all the standard fields are in the table below.
Default Fields
Field Name |
ID |
Title (mandatory) |
Description |
Forecast Amount (mandatory) |
Entry From Date (mandatory) |
Entry To Date |
Complete List of Out of the Box (Standard) Fields
Note: The Capitalized and Labor standard fields can be added to forecast Details only. The actuals will inherit their values from the associated forecast. If neither of these fields are used, the inflow/outflow are considered non-capitalized and non-labor.
Title |
Description |
Actuals Amount |
The monetary amount for this actual or the sum of actuals for this forecast. |
Actuals Amount (No Rollup) |
The monetary amount for this actual. Use this field for charting, grouping and subtotaling. |
Actuals Amount (Signed) |
The signed (based on cash flow direction) actual monetary amount for this Financial Entry |
Associated Actuals |
Sums all of the actuals (timesheet entries) charged to the task plus all of its associated inflow and outflow actuals finance entries (signed value). |
Associated Forecasts |
Sums all of the material estimates for a task and all of its associated inflow and outflow forecast financial Entries (signed value). |
Capitalized |
Set at the forecast level, indicates that the forecast and all its actuals are capital entries |
Cash |
Reflects whether the finance entry is cash inflow (revenue) or cash outflow (expense) |
Category |
The category of the financial entry. Categories determine the fields that are available for a financial entry, and are defined by your PPM Pro administrator |
Create Date |
Date the financial entry was created |
Created By |
Resource ID of user that created the financial entry |
Department ID |
Description |
Supplemental information describing the financial entry |
Division ID |
Entry From Date |
The date that determines when a financial entry applies. If there is no Entry To Date provided, then the financial entry is a lump sum amount on this date. When an Entry To Date is provided, then the financial entry is contoured beginning with this date and ending on the Entry To Date |
Entry To Date |
The date that determines when a contoured financial entry ends. If there is no Entry To Date provided, then the financial entry is a lump sum amount on the Entry From Date. When an Entry To Date is provided, then the financial entry is contoured beginning with the Entry From Date and ending on the Entry To Date |
Financial Entry Type ID |
Forecast Amount |
The monetary amount for this forecast |
Forecast Amount (Signed) |
The signed (based on cash flow direction) forecast monetary amount for this Financial Entry |
Forecast ID |
ID |
Unique system-generated identification number for the financial entry |
Invoice Date |
The date the invoice was issued |
Invoice Number |
The invoice number for this actual |
Labor |
Set at the forecast level, indicates that the forecast and all its actuals are labor entries |
Last Modified By |
Resource ID who last modified this financial entry |
Last Modified Date |
The date of the most recent change to any editable field on the financial entry. Does not include note additions/edits |
Latest Note |
The most recent note added to this item |
Latest Note Date |
The most recent date a note was added to this item |
Not for display |
Fake FD for binding contour bucket field constraints; Not for display |
Parent ID |
ID of forecast entry (if this item is an Actuals) or project (if this item is a forecast entry) that is the parent of this item |
Parent Title (variant of 30046) |
ID of forecast entry (if this item is an Actuals) or project (if this item is a forecast entry) that is the parent of this item |
Parent Type ID |
Entity type ID of forecast or project that is the parent of this item (300=FinanceEntry or 4=Project) |
PO Date |
The date the purchase order was issued |
PO Number |
The purchase order for this item |
Project |
Title |
The title of the financial entry |
Variance |
The forecast entry amount minus the sum of its actual amounts |