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Planview Customer Success Center

Locking request scores

Users with Request > Edit > Lock Scoring permissions can lock scores.

When finished scoring a request, you can lock the score to prevent changes to existing scores, or the addition of new scores.

While a score is locked you can continue to update the current profile and even apply the revised profile to different requests. Any new criteria, categories, or adjustments to weights in the profile will not apply to a request that has locked scoring. After scoring is unlocked, the behavior of any modifications to the profile is as follows:

  • If you removed or modified any criteria while the score was locked, the profile and score will be updated automatically. Any existing user scores will see the new/revised profile (criteria, categories, weights, values). Depending on what changed, scores may change.

  • If you added criteria while the score was locked, the criteria will not appear in the profile (and the score will remain unchanged) until you unlock the scores. 

To lock/unlock request scoring

To lock the score, navigate to the request's Scoring tab and select Menu > Lock Scoring. 

To unlock the score, choose Menu > Unlock Scoring in the Scoring tab.