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Planview Customer Success Center

Analytics and Reporting - Power BI

Power BI Access and Licensing

The Power BI tool is accessed in one of three ways: Power BI Embedded, the Service, and Power BI Desktop: 

  • Power BI Embedded is included in IdeaPlace.
  • Power BI Service is available as an internet hosted service, which users can access with a standard web browser. Any user with a Microsoft Office365 account has access to the free license and they can even start today by logging into the website, using their Office365 credentials.  Further information on Microsoft's Power BI licensing can be found at In addition to using a browser to access the Power BI service, Microsoft provides the Power BI Mobile App, for iOS, Android and Windows mobile devices. Refer to the Power BI Service Security Considerations topic to understand the security and authentication mechanisms employed.
  • Power BI Desktop is a download from Microsoft and, following installation on a user's computer, allows the creation of personal visualizations locally on the user's computer. 

All of these Power BI options can be utilized with the Planview IdeaPlace data source.