This report gives you the Pairwise ranking, idea stats, and review scores. It is used to compare the ideas and where they were ranked by the crowd and your review team. It can be run at any time, but it is recommended to wait until the Pairwise phase has ended. By using all three of these worksheets, you’ll get a holistic picture of the activity around your top ideas.
Rapid Report example - Pairwise Idea Activity Worksheet
Business Outcomes
Coming soon
Supporting Capabilities
Coming soon
Report Details
Pairwise Idea Activity worksheet
This gives the Pairwise ranking and statistics for ideas.
Fields included
Idea ID
Times Not Selected
Full Name
Times Skipped
Total Times Offered
Pairwise Ranking
Times Selected
Rapid Short List worksheet
This lists the ideas and how many star votes the ideas received, along with the number of comments and replies. Use this to see the ideas’ voting breakdown if you used star voting.
Fields included
1 Star Votes
5 Star Votes
2 Star Votes
Star Rating
3 Star Votes
Submitted By
4 Star Votes
Rapid Winners worksheet
This lists the review score of each idea, sorted in score order.