IdeaPlace Evaluation Form Templates and Tasks
To help manage the quality of the ideas, an Expert Review Form, Evaluation Form/File, and/or Approval can be created as a task to weigh in on the validity of the ideas. These tasks can be injected into a challenge process and easily viewed and completed in a pop up window. This is a great way to enable the crowd or subject experts to measure the validity, probably success, and feasibility of top ideas. To learn more about using tasks as graduation criteria, see the Task Assignment article.
- Review Forms are quantitative (score driven) and qualitative.
- Evaluation files allow you to upload your own word or excel document.
- Evaluation forms are only qualitative in nature.
- Approvals act as a yes or no decision point.
Review Forms:
Evaluation Forms and Files:
The Review Form, when flagged as general review, acts as all other types of Tasks – they can be completed from the Task tab and from the inbox. Also see Administration > Idea Management > Evaluation Templates > Evaluation review.
What are some common evaluation criteria used in crowd-sourced innovation challenges? See the attached document Criteria for Reviewing Ideas in IdeaPlace.