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Planview Customer Success Center

Challenge Activity


Overview of each challenge and community that is present within a IdeaPlace instance. The Challenge Activity tab shows a group of high-level activity metrics.


Challenge Activity Annotated_USE.png

Challenge Activity Report example



Business Outcomes

  • Coming soon



Supporting Capabilities

  • Coming soon



Report Details

The Challenge Activity Overview offers a quick and easy insight into the current activity within your chosen filter parameter (all are linked to those filters). The report contains the following visualizations:

  • Active User Percentage – This is the percentage of active users based upon the challenge audience size.
  • Active Users – This counts the number of unique users that have submitted an idea, commented, voted (likes or stars are included), or pairwise voted in the challenge.
  • Audience Size – This displays the audience size that has been entered into the Challenge wizard.
  • Challenge Activity Tracker – The visual tracks the five key activities of idea, comment, vote, review, and pairwise vote submission over a temporal axis. This uses cumulative totals rather than displaying only unique users that are active.
  • Challenge Sponsor – This new field displays the name of the challenge sponsor as entered in the challenge wizard.
  • Challenge Title – This displays the challenge title as entered in the challenge wizard.
  • Commenter %  – This is the percentage of participants that have submitted a comment.
  • Comments – The count of all comments.
  • Ideas – The count of all ideas.
  • Ideation %  – This is the percentage of participants that have submitted an idea.
  • Idea Votes - This is the total of idea votes (likes or star ratings cast) during the given time filtered period.
  • Number of Commenters – This counts the number of unique users that have submitted a comment to the challenge.
  • Number of Ideators – This counts the number of unique users that have submitted an idea to the challenge.
  • Pairwise Participation – This is the percentage of participants that have submitted a pairwise vote.
  • Pairwise Votes – The count of all Pairwise votes.
  • # Pairwise Voters – This counts the number of unique users that have submitted a pairwise vote to the challenge.
  • Visitors - This counts the unique visits to a challenge during the selected time dimension filter. The default is by year but others can be added in custom reports to provide more granularity.



Please note that if you are looking for Community Visitors, that field is located in the CommunitiesSlicerForCategories folder under the CountOfCommunityVisitorsOverTime. This has a count symbol CountSymbol.png  next to it.